Because he already knew the plot, Taichi was not surprised, but other people didn't know!

  One after another, there were screams from the other children who were startled by their Digimon.

  The bocce beast looked at its master curiously.

  Everyone else was taken aback, why didn't their master respond?

  Could it be that his response was slow?Or was he just frightened?

  "Taichi, did you see me Taichi!"

  The Boom Beast jumped on Taiyi, trying to get Taiyi's attention, and then startled him.

  Everyone else was frightened, but his own master was not frightened, which made it a little shameless!

  "Don't jump on the ball beast! If you jump down again, I will be crushed to death by you!"

  Taichi sat up, grabbed the bocce beast in front of him, and said speechlessly.

  Although it is small in size, it is still a bit heavy.

  Jumping on him, he will feel a little pain!He's just a kid now!

  Taichi said it very casually, but Goblin was already a little silly at this time.

  How is this going?It seems that it hasn't introduced itself to Taiyi yet, so why Taiyi called out its name all of a sudden!

  Seeing the stunned expression on the face of the ball beast, Taichi also reacted, and he seemed to know too much.

  However, he did not continue on this issue, but looked around and asked.

  "Where is this? Wasn't I supposed to be at summer camp just now?"

  Tony: "Taiyi's acting is a bit poor, isn't it obvious that it will be seen through? Or I was good at acting when I fooled Obadiah before."

  Whitebeard: "Good guy, you actually compare your acting skills to a child, you are really thick-skinned."

  Hattori Heiji: "Uncle Tony, I also think you're a bit thick-skinned. Taichi is still young, so it's pretty good to be able to act like this, okay?"

  Tony: "I'm not worried, what should I do if Taichi's acting is seen through by Boommon."

  Zhou Xin: "No, the IQ of the Roller Beast is relatively low, so it won't see through."

  Sure enough, as Zhou Xin said, seeing Taiyi's very poor acting skills, the Roller Beast did not see it, but showed a hint of joy.

  Finally!Finally, there is something the owner doesn't know about!

  If Tai knew everything, then it felt that the value of its existence had dropped a lot.

  It's like playing a game, players don't need novice guidance, if novice guidance NPCs have their own consciousness, then they must feel that they are worthless.

  Goblin gave a rough overview of the Digimon situation, because it only knew that.

  It can be said that what the Roller Beast knows is not as much as one-tenth of what Taiyi knows.

  Taiyi also listened to its description in cooperation, and nodded from time to time, very cooperative.

  Others have an almost rough understanding of the world.

  Although it was difficult for them to accept, they actually came to another world, and it was still a world with strange monsters.

  But after they pinched themselves and felt a burst of pain, they knew that they were not dreaming, but really came to another world!

  "Tai, Taiyi, what do you mean by looking at me like that?"

  At this moment, the Roller Beast looked at its master Taichi, and a feeling called fear suddenly appeared in his heart.

  Because it saw that Taiyi was looking at it, touching his chin and thinking, and his eyes were very wrong!

  Looking at the others, the Roller Beast nodded, and they all behaved and reacted normally.

  Looking at its owner again, it always feels that its owner is so strange! .

Chapter 136

  At this time, Taichi was thinking about a question while looking at the bouncy beast.

  That is, if he defeats the Roller Beast, will he be able to get points.

  Although the Rollerbeast was very weak before it evolved, he was just a child with little power.

  There shouldn't be a huge difference in strength between them.

  That's why, seeing Taiyi, the Rollerbeast thinks he's weird and scared.

  In order to get points, Taichi has paid attention to it. Will this make the Bumbo beast not afraid!

  After thinking about it, Taichi decided to ask other people's opinions.

  Yagami Taichi: "Dads, uncles, and brothers, you said, if my dad beats the Roller Beast, will he get points?"

  Tony: "You can give it a try, I think it should be possible, but the Roller Beast is so weak, and the points you get by defeating it are probably not as many as the points you sign in every day."

  Whitebeard: "I don't think it's more than that, whether the Beast's points can exceed ten - it's all a question."

  Yagami Taichi: "That is to say, even if you can get points, it's meaningless."

  Although Taiyi doesn't have a lot of points now, he still doesn't pay attention to dozens or even single-digit points.

  There's no point in beating the Rollerbeast if it has so few points, and you might get hurt yourself.

  But also, although the Roller Beast can eventually evolve into a powerful Fighting Tyrannosaurus Beast, it was too weak in its infancy and should indeed not provide many points.

  Taichi looked at the Rolling Ball Beast with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

  Rolling Ball Beast saw Taiyi's eyes and the disappointment in his eyes.

  It is full of question marks, what does it mean?The owner is actually disappointed with it?It doesn't seem to do anything!

  Sure enough, the owner of his own is very abnormal, he is so pitiful!There is such a strange owner on the stall!

  Taichi looked around, and he remembered that a bug Digimon would appear to attack them later.

  That Digimon seems to be still mature, if it can be defeated, it should get a lot of points.

  Taichi was thinking about the points here, and the other children had already gathered.

  Coming to this strange world, there are only a few friends around, they must get to know each other.

  "Taiyi! Come here too, let's discuss what to do next!"

  Ah He called Tai Yi, awakening Tai Yi who was immersed in his own thinking.

  Tai nodded and walked over.

  Now his strength is not enough, there is no way to act alone, so it is best to act with others in the early stage.

  But in fact, he didn't need to act alone. He remembered that they would separate several times after that.

  The seven children sat together and introduced themselves first and then their Digimon.

  Then, start discussing what to do next.

  Except for Tai Yi, everyone else wanted to go back, but they didn't know how to go back.

  Therefore, they can only survive in this world while looking for a way to go back.

  And if you want to survive better, you must go hand in hand.

  They are all children, and it is definitely safer to stay together when they are not familiar with this world.

  However, just as they were discussing what to do next, suddenly, they heard a buzzing sound.

  It sounded like some insects were flying around.

  The difference is that the voice they hear now is very loud, and it is getting closer!

  Soon, a Digimon with horns that looked like a bug suddenly flew out from the depths of the jungle.

  These children don't have any Digimon picture books, so they don't know this Digimon.

  But Taichi recognized it, and this Digimon was called Gugamon.

  Although its strength is very weak, it is a matter of the later stage. At this time, the Gujia beast is still very strong for them.

  Seeing the Gugamon flying towards them, all the children started to run away.

  Taiyi was a little helpless while running.

  Thinking of his presence in the chat group, he would be chased by a weak Digimon now!

  Knowing the plot, he knows that in fact, this time they will not be in any danger, but this feeling is very aggrieved!

  He's going to get stronger quickly, he's going to be the one who runs after the Digimon!

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  Soon, Taiyi and the others were chased to the side of a cliff, and there was no way to run.

  Tony: "Hey, Taiyi is too miserable now. If I knew I would borrow a set of armor for him, at least it's no problem to deal with these weak Digimon."

  Whitebeard: "Taiyi's situation is not particularly critical. He has not encountered any particularly dangerous situations in the entire dungeon."

  Whitebeard: "It's just that if we can give him a little help in advance, it can indeed make it easier for him to earn points."

  Hattori Heiji: "I remember, they are about to evolve into Agumon soon."

  As soon as Hattori Heiji sent this news, everyone saw that the divine plan in Taichi and the others began to shine.

  Then, the ball beasts also began to glow and began to evolve.


  In times of crisis, in order to protect their masters, Digimon began to evolve with the help of a divine plan.

  Even the Rollerball is the same.

  Although it feels that Taiyi is abnormal, the protection still needs to be protected.

  If it is in the copy, it will be accompanied by familiar evolution music and pictures at this time.

  But in reality, after the ball beasts glowed, they soon completed their evolution.

  But also, some scenes and music can be added to the copy, who does this in reality.

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