Just broke up with the empress, stepped on the ant to upgrade

Chapter 43 The ancient corpse nailed to the moon

The entire human civilization has fallen into its final joys and sorrows,

They thought that the only way to greet them was great destruction...

And until a year later...

The ancient starry sky corpse that was heading towards the earth was actually intercepted by the moon, and she finally landed on the moon!

Technically speaking, she was nailed to the moon!

An ancient sword was inserted into her body! The ancient sword pierced through her body, and the sword body, which was an unknown number of miles long, pierced half of the moon.

When the Starry Ancient Corpse was nailed to the moon, nothing seemed to happen except for a horrific tsunami that was triggered around the world.

Experts originally predicted that the moon might deviate from its original orbit and head towards the earth after being hit by the ancient corpse of the starry sky, causing the earth and moon to collide!

Or it could penetrate the moon directly and then hit the earth!

After all, in previous observations, Xingkong Ancient Corpse had no idea how many asteroid belts it had crashed into.

But at this time, no one expected that the moon would take over the ancient corpse of the starry sky so lightly!

Humanity, survive!

And it wasn’t until two years later that global spiritual energy revived!

Endless spiritual energy began to appear from the moon and flowed towards the earth.

Maybe it was brought by the ancient corpse, or maybe it was brought by the ancient sword.

But there is no doubt that since that ancient corpse in the sky - the entire human civilization has entered a new era!

Since the resurgence of global aura, human beings are no longer the rulers of the earth.

The huge base of animals and the oceans that occupy 70% of the earth’s surface area,

This makes them the biggest beneficiaries after the spiritual energy is revived.

The speed of human evolution in spiritual energy is far inferior to the mutation and evolution of beasts in nature.

Especially when countless nuclear weapons and the entire human world were used to bombard ancient corpses in the stars,

Humanity has even lost its deterrent weapons and is no longer qualified to compete with alien beasts!

Countless alien beasts around the world began to rise one after another,

Human beings began to be driven away and became food for alien beasts.

This period is the era of great catastrophe!

Since the beginning of the Catastrophic Era, the global population has dropped sharply, from the original seven billion to the current three billion.

Humanity has fallen into an unprecedented low period!

Driven by the alien beasts, countless cities and land had to be abandoned.

In the end, human beings curled up on the Eurasian continent and erected high walls! The city walls are filled with particle beam weapons, also known as laser weapons. This is the strongest weapon currently available to humans to resist alien beasts!

The remaining humans, led by the Chinese civilization, established the Earth Federation.

A new order was established, and all human beings were concentrated,

There are eight main cities: Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun and Dui.

And each main city has one hundred base cities.

At this time, one of the eight major cities, Li City, 023 Base City.

Since tomorrow is the global unified college entrance examination,

On Lingwu Avenue, it can be said to be very lively.

There is an endless stream of maglev vehicles and students coming and going, all discussing matters related to tomorrow's exam.

Lingwu Avenue is a main road leading to Lingwu High School.

At this time, a maglev car, the latest model of the Rolls-Royce series, was parked on a low-altitude track, looking at the people passing by. Inside the car, a figure murmured in a low voice:

"Uncle Li, tell me, is it possible for a person to suddenly disappear in just 0.3 seconds, and then reappear with an extremely powerful aura?"

In a car with a modern and technological atmosphere,

A woman with noble temperament and delicate face said softly.

"Your Highness, even the five ceilings of today's human beings and the Yuheng realm are still unable to tear apart space and disappear suddenly."

In the car, a man who looked like a butler said respectfully.

"Maybe I saw it wrong..."

Zhao Lingjie said to herself that she noticed that figure accidentally.

I simply think he is handsome...and he stands out in the crowd.

But just a few tenths of a second later, the aura suddenly became incredibly powerful. It went from a mere Yin Yuan realm to a realm that she couldn't understand now, and her temperament also changed drastically!

"Who attracted His Highness's attention? Do you need to call him for questioning?"

A man with a strong aura who seemed to be a bodyguard asked in the car.

"Okay, remember to be polite later... wait!"


Zhao Lingjie was just about to nod in agreement when a frightening feeling instantly surged into his heart.

On the street, the man with handsome appearance and outstanding temperament casually raised his head and glanced at her.

Zhao Lingjie was certain. The man's gaze, as deep as the starry sky, seemed to see the scene inside the car through the special reflective glass!

Looking at her!

Is this... a warning?

Zhao Lingjie's hair stood on end. Ever since he was promoted to the Yaoguang realm and became a core student of Starry Sky Academy, how many years had he not felt like this?

I remember the last time, I was facing a human ceiling...

"Your Highness?"

The bodyguard in black asked doubtfully.

As His Highness, it is naturally easy to meet people from a small county town.

And given their highness’s consistent style, rewards are indispensable.

And a random reward is a great opportunity for ordinary people.

"Don't bother... disturb others..."

Zhao Lingjie suppressed the throbbing in her heart and said.


The black-clad bodyguard was stunned for a moment, and although he was a little confused, he still nodded.

"Who is this person...?"

When the feeling of being watched disappeared, Zhao Lingjie mustered up her courage and looked at the street again.

But at this time, where was the figure of the handsome guy?

"He looks younger than me... and he is wearing the uniform of Lingwu High School... How... How is this possible?"

Zhao Lingjie muttered in a low voice, and the more she thought about it, the more she doubted her life.

But the feeling just now did not seem fake, it was the early warning and intuition of a warrior that she had gained from countless life and death experiences.

"Uncle Li, immediately retrieve the archives of Lingwu High School students."

Zhao Lingjie said.

"Your Highness, have you also started to pay attention to this year's college entrance examination? There is only one student named Luo Xi in the entire 023 base city who has the hope of being admitted to the Starry Sky Academy..."

"It's not her, it's a male student. Go on, remember to pick a handsome one..."


"Starry Sky Academy..."

Su Mo murmured, looking at the suspended maglev car that was suspended in the low sky, his eyes flickered slightly,

He had already recognized the clothes that the girl was wearing.

Starry Sky Academy was the school he once admired the most, but now...

Shaking his head, Su Mo no longer thought about it. After a casual glance, he turned into a residual shadow and left.

Su Mo did not realize that his unconscious aura had just leaked out, which had caused a great disturbance in the other party's heart.

"Luo Xi, Su Xuan... I'm back..."

Su Mo was flying in the sky of the main world, rushing towards home, while looking at everything familiar in front of him. Even with his state of mind, deep ripples could not help but appear in his eyes as bright as the starry sky.

After all, who would have thought that in just 0.3 seconds, he had already stayed in another world for 23 years!

When he was born again, he was already invincible!


ps: The main world plot has a slower pace, and the global martial arts exam plot is an important node. It is longer and has more dog food. Readers who don’t like the slow pace can directly skip to the chapters before and after chapter 82, which is the beginning of the next reincarnation world. It will not affect the reading!

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