Chapter 1067

Because I don't know what period it is now, so Bai Chen is straightforward.

From the current point of view, Thanos is more vigilant than Yakumo Zi.

No matter how you say it, he is also a genius who makes good use of his mind, but in movies and comics, this point is deliberately downplayed, and it simply reflects the level of force of Thanos.

Of course, the force of Thanos is not covered.

Even if you don't use infinite gems, just relying on Thanos' performance in the ring, it's not the superheroes of the Avengers.

Of course, the premise is that infinite gems are not used.

After Thanos joined the chat group, the Marvel universe was brought in.

Saying you're not interested would be a lie.

There are various treasures and abilities inside, and if you get any one, you can ascend to heaven.

Especially Earth.

However, due to Thanos' intentions, Bai Chen also had to show his own attitude.

If you want to intervene in Marvel, you still have to go straight.

As for the method, it is naturally to take what Thanos most desires now, and this is also Bai Chen's consistent method.

By telling 21 important information, owe a favor.

And Bai Chen himself has nothing to lose.

Furthermore, even he doesn't know the specific plot of Thanos's universe for the time being, but it is conceivable that after expressing his ambition to save the universe, it should be pretty much the same.

They all want to collect all the infinite gems and destroy half of the life in the universe.

Half of the six Infinity Stones are on Earth.

The space gem was placed in the Norwegian seal in the form of Odin in the form of a cosmic cube, and was later found by the red skull of Hydra.

The Time Stone is on the Ancient One or Doctor Strange.

The mind gem has become the power source of Ultron.

Although the Marvel universe is very chaotic, since Thanos has such a purpose, no matter how chaotic the plot is, at least there will be an infinite gem on the earth.

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: ...... I have never heard of it.

Thanos replied quickly.

In other words, the existence of pure Bai Chen gave him a lot of mental pressure.

After all, the ability to see through the future across dimensions really made him a little wary.

Perhaps even his purpose of destroying half of the life in the universe was known by this different-dimensional god.

Although... now he has obtained three infinite gems.

But even under the influence of infinite power, his future is still seen through.

Bai Chen: "If you want infinite stones, the earth in the Milky Way will have what you want on it.

It took some time for Thanos to recover.

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "I know."

The word thank you is unlikely to come out of Thanos' mouth.

But Bai Chen's goal has been achieved.

Compared with Thanos' own strength, his most eye-catching is signaling and super execution.

After knowing the whereabouts of the infinite gems, they will definitely march in non-stop.

After that, Bai Chen didn't speak any more.

After all, it is enough to say this, and then he just has to wait until the next time Thanos takes the initiative to speak, so that he can enter the Marvel world.

You know, the reason why he spreads his total army in the outer universe is because he wants to incorporate different universes into himself to increase his capacity and strength.

The larger the scale of the universe and the higher the lower limit, the stronger the feedback he will get.

Marvel has countless universes.

If he can set foot in one universe first and use it as a springboard to spread to other universes, Bai Chen's power will be further evolved.

As for the threats in Marvel, Bai Chen naturally thought that his army might be stopped.

But rewards come with risks.

I can't bear the child not being able to catch the wolf.

Besides, with Bai Chen's current strength, even if he encounters the existence of the multiverse, he can still touch it.

After finishing the private chat with Thanos, Bai Chen continued to focus on Saeko Busujima's live broadcast.

Without Wisteria Koichi's interruption, the school bus continued to move forward under the girl's lust.

During the period, some students saw the house where they lived and wanted to get out of the car, but Saeko Busujima did not stop it.

As for whether any of them left because they were afraid of the girl's force, Saeko Busujima didn't know.

But even if she knew, she didn't care at all.

Until the end, there were very few passengers on the school bus.

The time has also moved from noon to dusk.

Because the school bus was out of gas, the vehicle drove into a gas station.

Saeko Busujima took the lead in cleaning up the nearby zombies and asked the driver to refuel.

She, who was on guard nearby, watched Ju Chuan Shizuka and the girl with pink hair and ponytail come down.

"It's so hot, I have to go home and take a shower quickly, my body is sticky, it's too uncomfortable."

Ju Chuan Shizuka still looks cute and stupid. Perhaps in her opinion, having no place to take a bath is more terrifying than the zombie crisis.

As for Takashi Saya, she has a mentality of worship.

And she subconsciously felt that it would be safer to stay with Saeko Busujima.

Of course, as a tsundere, she gave the same reasons as Ju Chuan Shizuka.

It takes a while to fill up the oil.

Saeko Busujima found a remote and uninhabited place, and was going to issue a commission in the group.

From the young girl's point of view, her psychological problems have almost been solved.

But this feeling is not so good.

She needs help.

For this reason, she chatted with Bai Chen privately.

Saeko Busujima: "Mr. Bai Chen, do you have time?"

Bai Chen: "I have time recently, have you encountered a bottleneck?"

Saeko Busujima: "Yes, so I'll come over with Chito."

Bai Chen: "Then issue the commission."

Considering that Saeko Busujima had no points, Bai Chen specially transferred 5,000 points.

If there is a chance to squeeze the wool, it is not in vain.

Soon, Bai Chen received a notification from the chat group.

[Group reminder (private): Group member "Saeko Busujima" issued a private entrustment to assist Saeko Busujima in solving the zombie crisis and overcoming her inner demons. 】

【Designated group member "Bai Chen"】

[Entrustment reward: 5,000 points]

【Group Reminder (Private): Group member "Saeko Busujima" issued a request that only you can receive. Do you respond to the group member's request?】



Then, a deep and blue door of time and space opened beside Bai Chen. .

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