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Chapter 1073: The King Of Kings

Chapter 1073

But there is no benefit in erasing original sin entirely.

A real utopia requires qualified people to manage it all the time, and it will have a great impact on the existing society.

What Bai Chen wants to do is to accommodate this world, not to build a real paradise.

Driven by the youth, the radiance of the cross beam became more and more dazzling and bright.

However, in just a few seconds, the field of vision was completely occupied, and all creatures saw only a piece of pure gold.

Only the voice in the dark can be heard.

Then, in this golden world, the memories and concepts of disasters that existed in this world were gradually erased.

And those walking corpses, or mutilated corpses that were killed by others because they became dead bodies, were also forced to stand up under this mighty force.

Moreover, in the process of standing up, the broken limbs healed silently, and the blood returned to the human body like going back in time.

The bullet that penetrated the skull was pushed out backwards.

A body that has been cut apart by a knife or hit by a car will heal like a slime.

The dead person stood up again, and the dull pupils became bright again.

And those walking corpses, the viruses in their bodies also disappeared under the vast divine power.

The cloudy and lifeless pupils returned to clarity.

They looked at their hands in disbelief, and at the people beside them who had experienced the same experience as themselves.

When they turned into walking corpses, they didn't know what happened at all, but they could clearly perceive what happened to them before they were alive, and who saved them now.

What was lost is found again.

Family, friendship, love...

All the rare and precious things in human nature have returned to the human body.

And such a scene is being staged all over the world.

This is... a true miracle of our God!

Beautiful Country, Black Palace.

Located in a nuke-proof shelter in an underground bunker.

The old man with the gutter nose watched this great miracle through the screen, and all the senior officials including the president were shocked beyond their control.

The outbreak of the virus crisis is the result of their cooperation with the island countries.

Of course, the people in the beautiful country originally just wanted to take the opportunity to teach the island country a lesson, use this incident to send troops to protect the flag of the people, completely take over the country, expand their influence in Asia, and make the beautiful country great again.

Unexpectedly, the island nation was even crazier than them.

Viruses are breaking out all over the world.

In just twelve hours, hundreds of millions of people died.

Among them, the beautiful country is particularly serious.

New York had almost fallen, half of the National Guard was infected, and the city government was disabled, temporarily taken over by the federal government.

The original plan to make the country great again suddenly became out of control and developed in an uncontrollable direction.

Of course, with their military strength, as long as they don't care about the cost, they can control the spread of the virus in a very short period of time.

However, all this came to an abrupt end when the gods came from the sky.

"Does God really exist? This joke is not funny at all.`!"

The president who came back to his senses said with a sullen face.

Although all the people in this country have faith, they even wrote the phrase "God bless" into the code.

But in reality, especially those politicians are just rhetoric to increase their support.

On the surface it is all faith, but secretly it is all interests.

It's just what politicians do all the time.

In order to win votes, even outrageous things can be done.

"No... I don't know, but sir, there are actually records of gods appearing in various parts of the world.

Someone spoke.

"Those are just things to deceive the people!"

What kind of god, isn't that all a thing for votes?

"But sir, the current situation is completely inexplicable by science."

Everyone waited with bated breath, waiting for the president's next words.

But at this time, they waited for a further miracle to appear.

"I will punish those who hate me from father to son to the third and fourth generations. To those who love me and keep my commandments I will show mercy to a thousand generations. You shall not take the name of God in vain, for he who takes my name in vain will not hold him innocent."

The voice fell.

That majestic voice still hasn't faded away, but continues to use that thunderous, earthquake-like voice to convey God's will.

"Now, it is the eastern island country and the country in the far west that have long committed this crime. According to destiny, the original sinner should be punished, and his soul will be judged after death."

Hearing these words, the government officials who were named were shocked, their bodies seemed to lose their strength, and they were so frightened that they almost collapsed to the ground.

This is God's punishment.

As mortals, they simply cannot resist.


"It's all nonsense! What kind of gods, I think they're all absurd stuff!"

The president of the underground shelter snatched a black suitcase from the assistant.

"What kind of God! I'd like to see how many divisions he has!"

As soon as the words fell, the already crazy president froze suddenly.

Then, under the horrified eyes of other people, the body, including the clothes, seemed to be coated with a layer of white crystals, turning into a pillar of salt.

Seeing this scene, other officials who were very familiar with the Bible were completely frightened and collapsed to the ground.

The godless were deified as pillars of salt.

This is a recreation of the story depicted in Genesis!


The brilliance and golden chaos that illuminated the whole world (Li Wanghao) quietly dissipated, and the cross-shaped beams of light also disappeared.

The night returns to the earth, and the bright moonlight shines on the graves on earth again.

Everything is as if it never happened.

Only the burning city, the ruined streets, and those resurrected people can prove what happened before.

After a short period of sluggishness, they knelt on the ground one after another and bowed towards the sky.

Excited mood, trembling body, chanting fanatical and pious praise.

People call out to God with triumphant voices, and worship the gods who live on the holy throne.

God the Most High is the King over all the earth.

All peoples and nations fall under your feet.

You are the highest, the greatest, the most holy God, the only master of heaven and earth, the king of kings, the lord of lords, the god of gods!.

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