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The First Thousand And Eighty-One Chapters Suck Suck Suck Suck

Chapter 1081

As the azure halo slowly blooms, the cutscene begins to play.

The attention of the group members is all on it, for fear of missing a detail.

Soon, the lottery results appeared one after another.

[Group reminder (private): Congratulations on getting Buddha Jumping Wall*2 (R), CR-UNIT (Tactical Display Unit)*3 (SR), Teigu-Five Visions Universal (SR), RX-78-2 (SR), God Extinguisher-Lion King’s Battle Ax (SSR), Spirit Crystal-Beautiful (SSR), Cosmic Rubik’s Cube-Sealed State (SSR)

Seeing the props he drew out, Bai Chen fell into a brief thought.

Unexpectedly lucky today.

Not even an N card.

And besides the "five nine zeros" that have been drawn before, there are many new things.

The RX782 is undoubtedly Amuro's car.

Of course, although the evaluation is SR, it is useless, but it is enough to be handsome. When I have the idea of ​​​​shipping next time, maybe I can bring out the Unicorn Gundam.

Although it is also a man-made body, because of the telepathic frame, it can resonate with new humans to realize the integration of man and machine, and evolve to the power of the universe scale in one fell swoop.

Of course, the most important thing is to be handsome enough.

The god-killing tool-the battle ax of the Lion King, originated from the god-killing tool used by Sairaorg in the world of the devil high school. It seals the soul of the Nemonian lion in ancient Greek mythology. Its potential and power are not weaker than that of Red Dragon Emperor or White Dragon Emperor.

Of course, he can't use it either.

But maybe you can use it for your own harem later.

As for the spiritual crystal - beautiful.

This is the last spiritual crystal that Bai Chen lacks.

In this way, the life tree diagram deduced by him in reverse will be completely illuminated, even if the God of the Bible in Hakoniwa comes, he will never be able to find the slightest difference.

Of course, none of this matters.

The most important thing for Bai Chen is the "Universal Rubik's Cube".

Treasures from the Marvel Universe.

It itself is the product of space ability, containing almost endless energy.

In Marvel, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was first obtained by the Hydra organization, and the Red Skull used it to develop powerful weapons for the Nazis. After the Red Skull was defeated, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was preserved and researched by SHIELD, and the light speed engine was developed with the energy in it.

After being stolen by Loki, he used the energy of the Rubik's Cube to open the door of space, attracting the Chitauri army to attack the earth.

After Loki was stopped by the Avengers, this thing was brought back to Asgard by Thor Thor to seal it.

But after Asgard experienced the twilight of the gods, Asgard's fleet was captured by Thanos' fleet and fell into the hands of Thanos.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a container for space gems. Without space gems, there would be no unlimited energy to research weapons for S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra."

After taking the Cosmic Rubik's Cube out of the vault, Bai Chen held the blue cube crystal in his hand.

The dreamlike blue light illuminates the surroundings, covering even the bright sunlight.

Only by naked eyes, the Rubik's Cube is a solid blue polyhedron.

But Bai Chen can clearly perceive that there is a singularity with infinite energy stored in the center of the cube.

There is no doubt that the singularity is the Infinity Stone kept in it—the Space Stone.

Although the ability overlaps with the power of the Queen of Halloween, it is still an infinite gem with infinite energy.

Even if you only master one of them, it is equivalent to having the ability of a single universe level.

This power is already equivalent to the double digits in Little Garden.

In the movie Marvel Universe, the reason why the Infinity Stones are so stretched is that although some screenwriters deliberately weaken them for the sake of balance, the main reason is that no one can fully grasp the power of the Infinity Stones.

After all, if Loki was able to use the space gems in the Rubik's Cube at the beginning of the Avengers III, how could Thanos lead a team to catch him.

Even if he can't compare to Thanos who has multiple infinite gems in terms of strength, Thanos can't find him as long as he hides.

I have to say that getting the space gem was indeed a pleasant surprise.

After all, if there is no Thanos to join and attract the Marvel Universe, with Bai Chen's power beyond the ordinary two-digit existence, basically there are not many props that can match his strength..

Taking the results of this lottery as an example, apart from the space gems, they also looked a little better on the surface.

And speaking of Infinity Stones.

The introduction of the Marvel Universe has also greatly enriched the capacity of the lottery pool.

If you can collect all six infinite gems in the future, you will be able to ascend to the sky in one step and become the strongest in the multiverse.

In addition to infinite gems, there are many stronger props in Marvel than infinite gems.

Such as the heart of the universe.

In the setting, the heart of the universe is an incomplete part of the OAA in Marvel's ceiling, and the energy contained in it completely surpasses the infinite gems.

"If I can directly draw the power of OAA, then I probably won't have to work hard in the future."

Bai Chen complained in his heart, and then casually threw the screenshot into the group.

Of course, even if he doesn't throw it away, his live broadcast room is still open.

Bai Chen: "I don't think it's a pool problem, but a personal problem."

Indecent white-haired loli: "No!!!"

Indecent white-haired loli: "I can't accept it!"

The Spirit of Time: "As expected of you, Mr. Bai Chen, as expected of you!"

Even if it was a dimension away, Bai Chen could smell a strong sour smell.

Little Spider: "The boss is awesome!"

Little White Cat: "Teacher, it's too much." 5.3 Blue Slime: "Everyone sit down! It's just a daily operation! I shed tears of envy.jpg."

Railgun: "Fuck! Suck, suck, suck, suck!!!"

I don't want to go to hell: "Shhhhhhh!!"

Fubuki of Hell: "Shhhhhhhhhh!!"

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Suck, suck, suck!!"

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "It's actually a cosmic Rubik's Cube!!! Can this kind of thing really be drawn directly!"

After seeing the name of the last prop, Thanos was shocked and received a ton of critical blows.

He worked hard across the star sea, and after decades of busy work to form an interstellar fleet, he collected half of the infinite gems.

You told me that you can get it with 10,000 points?

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