Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

The First Thousand And Eighty-Nine Chapters Misaka's Iq Is A Big Problem

Chapter 1089

After the words fell, the nurse beside the diamond-shaped bronze crossed the desk and walked slowly towards the few people.

The head nurse with a slightly cold face looked bloodless, and at the same time, the human arms exposed from the cuffs gradually turned black, forming a knife-like object.

Shadows have no real substance.

The main body is a black shadow that can move on a two-dimensional plane, while the three-dimensional human body is a camouflage and a weapon.

Therefore, it can flexibly change every inch of the body like a slime.

"Just treat it as the opening match, and I'll leave this thing to you."

Bai Chen smiled and stepped out of the way.

"Even if it was you in the past, you can beat her.

"What do you mean I can beat the old me?"

Misaka Mikoto muttered with displeasure.

"It sounds like I'm weak."

"Yes, yes, after all, Misaka-san is the No.3 in Academy City.

Tokisaki Kurumi covered his mouth and laughed.

"Remember the two of you!"

Sister Pao, who had been bombarded with emoticons in the chat group, immediately reacted.

It's enough to tease her in the group, but it's enough to keep teasing her in reality!

Today I will show you my real 293 strength, Misaka Mikoto!

"Give it up, don't do useless work!"

The ticket-issuing girl stepped forward, a blue electric light wrapped around her body.

The lights in the office were unstable for a while, and the light flickered on and off.

"You... what are you?"

Seeing this surreal scene, the gloomy expression on Rhombus Bronze's face suddenly became extremely exciting.

Where did this girl covered in electricity come from?

"You're the thing! Your whole family is the thing!"

Misaka Mikoto replied in a bad mood.

"Listen! My name is Misaka Mikoto, and I'm a superpower in Academy City, a railgun! No, Thor!"


A look of confusion appeared on the diamond-shaped bronze face.

But he tried to stay calm.

Knowing the existence of shadows, he also understands that the world is not as peaceful as it appears on the surface.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would be able to meet real superpowers in his lifetime as a human being.

"Whether you are a superpower or something else, don't try to stop me!"

In the next second, a dazzling electric light shone from the (cbci) girl, and Misaka Mikoto inspired the power of lightning from her hand, and instantly hit the head nurse's body.

Accompanied by the sound of the electric shock, the head nurse's body fell limply to the ground.

His hair was straightened by the electric shock, and blue smoke came out of his mouth, which seemed impossible to rise again.

Misaka Mikoto felt a little bored.

She has done this kind of thing many times in Academy City.

Although it can be turned into a weapon like the Terminator, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

At most it is special.

And just when Misaka Mikoto was complacent because of her first actual victory, the guard who fell on the ground H moved with lightning speed.

A cold light flashed, and the hand that turned into a sharp knife pierced the air and stabbed the girl's throat.

The shadow moves extremely fast, far exceeding the reaction speed of ordinary people, making it impossible for ordinary people to avoid it.

Although Misaka Mikoto is said to be a superpower, her body doesn't quite match her superpower, not to mention that her level in SAO is not high, and her attributes are naturally not much better.

What's more deadly is that the girl is a little flattered and disdainful.

By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

Every shadow is the most perfect killer, and they are merciless in their attacks.

But at this moment, a few platinum prisms, like pinnae, pierced the shadow on the ground.

The head nurse who flew towards Misaka Mikoto froze, and the shadow blade with deformed arm stopped about five centimeters away from Misaka Mikoto, and then fell powerlessly.

"You almost died again just now."

Bai Chen looked at Misaka Mikoto and rubbed between his brows with some confusion.

"Your original self-confidence made me a little impressed, but looking at it now, no matter your growth or your brain, it makes me extremely worried."

Many people in the chat group have grown significantly compared to before.

Dako has a shining form, and if converted to Hakoniwa, it is at least a four-digit start.

Tokisaki Kurumi is currently in five figures, Jibril is in five figures, and even Rin Tohsaka has become a beloved magical girl from the humblest magician.

Esdeath has the god-killing tool given by Bai Chen, and has been developed by her to the extent that she can use it.

Needless to say, Spider and Limuru have unlimited potential.

But Misaka Mikoto.

Needless to say, the super power is in Iv5, and the power of the extracted Thor is not weak.

But that's the brain...it doesn't seem to be growing.

And this is what Bai Chen is most worried about.

I feel more or less hating iron for being weak.

But this is also impossible.

Although he has experienced the Absolute Abilities Project and the Index incident, other than that, his living environment is still stable.

Moreover, he had to settle the matter twice, and he had never had a real battle.


It used to be when the group arena first opened.

But as soon as he played, he was instantly killed by Jibril.

"I'm sorry.…"

It was rare for Misaka Mikoto not to talk back to Bai Chen, and said with a stiff body.

In fact, she could have reacted.

But in fact, at that moment, her body couldn't keep up with the reaction of her thoughts, causing her to freeze in place.

"The body of the shadow is the shadow, and the three-dimensional body is the weapon. I said it in the group before, and I have no objection if you keep your hand, but that is based on the fact that you can control the whole field. If you are not sure, it is what you should do to eliminate all the enemies without mercy."

Many cases of being counter-killed happened under the premise of talking too much and not having the habit of making up.

"And it's not just monsters, I'm talking about humans as well."

After all, there has never been a death in the chat group until now.

Once completely dead, because of joining the chat group, the group members who have uniqueness in time may not be able to be resurrected in a normal way.

And Bai Chen would not want to experiment once.

Misaka Mikoto nodded seriously, she also knew that her life was too stable.

Afterwards, Bai Chen used the Angel of Extinction to tear open the shadow on the ground, and the three-dimensional body projected by the shadow was also completely cut open, bleeding profusely, but when the blood was about to splash on Sister Xiaozhou, it turned into bubbles and disappeared.

On the ground, only a black silhouette of a humanoid remains. .

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