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Chapter 109 You have her perfume on you

Chapter 109

After pressing the switch, Butterfly Chanel couldn't help but admire the brightness of the flashlight.

"With this, no matter how dark the place is, you can't see anything. 35

Ghosts all hide in dark abandoned houses or ~woods to survive.

So far, there have been many cases of being attacked and killed by ghosts because they could not see clearly at night.

"Xiao Ren, where did you get this kind of baby?"

Butterfly Chanel was surprised.

"Yes... a friend of mine gave it to me.""

Butterfly said.

"A friend? A boyfriend?"

"That's not it!

Butterfly Ren, whose cheeks were flushed, shook his head.

"You just keep this gift, elder sister. After all, don't you often go to very dangerous places? It will be more useful to elder sister than to me.

Hearing Butterfly Ninja saying this, Butterfly Chanahui no longer insisted, and after putting it in the belt, she gently stroked Butterfly Ninja's hair.

"If I have a boyfriend, I will be very happy, sister.

"No! 35

Butterfly Ninja is really going to be angry.

After chatting with friends.

Soon it was time for lunch.

It was a different dish, and the taste was very satisfactory. Bai Chen's eyes on Athena became more and more gratifying.


Although Bai Chen gave the girls a few days off, they were obviously not the type to play with things.

After losing to Athena for the first time, they were full of energy the next day and asked Athena to help them exercise.

In this regard, the silver-haired goddess did not refuse.

Cultivating talented human beings is also a hobby of some gods, especially goddesses.

What's more, it can also pass the time.

As an outsider, Bai Chen also received a private tea entrustment from Esdes.

Slash the red world.

As soon as Bai Chen appeared in the bedroom, Esdes flew up, like a koala, completely hanging on Bai Chen's body.

"I really miss the smell on you.

She stared into Bai Chen's eyes and greedily sniffed the scent on his body.

"Don't make trouble, don't I come over for tea every few days?

Bai Chen hugged Esdes' waist and squeezed.

"Huh? Why do you feel like you've gotten a little fatter?"


The woman who heard this sentence straightened her waist and couldn't believe it.

Afterwards, she said with a slightly annoyed voice: "Maybe it's because she's been sitting all day, she's obviously the strongest queen, but she's so busy every day.

After speaking, she held Bai Chen's face.

"Tell me! Did you lie to me in the first place!

Esdes was referring to the fact that Bai Chen told her that when she became the queen, she could do whatever she wanted.

"Of course not now. Now is the time for you to establish your prestige. If you don't set a good example for the queen, I'm afraid it will become a second empire again."

Bai Chen said.

Then, he walked slowly towards the bed.

"I'm here to give our esteemed Her Majesty a massage to relieve fatigue.

Looking at the young and beautiful Esdes, Bai Chen's expression suddenly became playful.

two hours later.

It has to be said that Esdes' qualities as the Queen of Ice are not covered.

She was usually dignified, but at the moment she was lying on Bai Chen's body like a kitten, with a helpful expression on her face.

"Actually, there has been a lot of unrest in the capital recently. A criminal who likes to beheaded suddenly appeared, and even the soldiers of the capital were killed."

Estes said.

"Beheading criminals?

Bai Chen thought about it.

"Got it, that guy's name is Zanke, and he is the beheading executive of the Imperial Capital. Because he has been killing people, his mind is distorted. Just let Chi Tong kill him."


After the establishment of the empire, Esdes did not stingy with his friendly side, so he left the night raid, washed away their crimes, and arranged to work in the imperial capital.

Officer Brand was reinstated, and his current and former generals led the extermination of the remnants of the revolutionary army.

Chi Tong and Leonai got rid of their identities as killers and became the sheriff of the imperial capital.

Of course, the reason why she still reuses them is because of Bai Chen.

Estes noticed that Bai Chen took good care of the night raid, especially the girls inside.

"Speaking of which, when will you attack Leona and the others?

Esdes asked suddenly.

"How bad it sounds to start, they have to be willing to do it."

Speaking of which, in the world of Zhanchi, besides Esdes, what he admires most is Leone.

Generous and generous.

0...·For flowers....

Of course, the most important thing is that it is still big enough.

And after using the emperor to transform, he became a beast ear girl.

"Will you? I think it's okay now.""

Estes smiled.

"They are asking me where you have been every three days. 99

"Then I will be more diligent in the future. 99

Bai Chen shrugged.

But since there are good feelings, then there is no need to worry.

After that, Bai Chen stayed in the room with Esdes until the next morning, when the entrustment of drinking tea was over, and he returned to the world of godslayers.

Just a few seconds after returning, Athena turned the handle and walked in without a sound.

When he saw Bai Chen who had already woken up, he was suddenly stunned.


"Did you come in like this every day? You didn't come in directly.

Athena just stared straight at Bai Chen, and then moved her nose slightly.

"To take a bath."

She smelled a scent of heather from Bai Chen.

After bathing, Bai Chen, who was just about to sit down in the restaurant, received Aite from the chat group.



Butterfly Ninja: "Mr. Bai Chen, are you there?!

Bai Chen: "It's a good time to pick, tell me, what's the matter?"

Butterfly Ninja: "I want to ask for your help, if what you say is true, please come over quickly! My sister... was attacked by the winding ghost! 35

[Group commission: The group member "Butterfly Ninja" released a commissioned task: save the butterfly Chana Hui, kill the two children of the string. 】

[Task reward: 3,000 points. 】

[If multiple people participate, the rewards will be divided according to the degree of participation and contribution. 】

[If the task is not completed, the commission will fail, and the points will be returned to the person who issued the commissioner in full. 】

Bai Chen: "I'm idle, who else is coming?

Luo Bao: "As a Gundam pilot, I can't go anywhere."

The big bones boiled into soup: "The cosmic man has appeared again and needs to be on standby 24 hours a day."

Spirit of Time: "Can I? 35

Railgun: "I'm in class, the cat is crying. jpg. 35

Bai Chen: "ok, just the two of us.

Bai Chen, who didn't think too much, took over the order.

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