Chapter 1109

No questions are all brought by Infinity Stones.

But it doesn't matter.

Unlimited Ultron released a deep purple shell from the gun, and he also realized that Bai Chen was a difficult enemy.

However, after collecting all the infinite gems, Ultron was promoted to omniscience and omnipotence.

The power was beginning to overwhelm him.

The purple bombardment erupted with enough power to destroy the solar system, but it quietly annihilated after touching a golden holy gun.

Otherwise, even the aftermath caused by the defense can easily destroy the earth.

It doesn't matter if other people die, if Thanos also dies, Bai Chen can't guarantee that he will~won't be resurrected.

After resurrection, will it be - still a member of the group.

Bai Chen didn't gamble, and he didn't need to gamble either.

He can easily control this power, the power to destroy the solar system, even if it hits his body, it won't cause any scars.

Unlimited Ultron saw the relaxed look on Bai Chen's face.

The mask covered his face, revealing two pairs of blood-red eyes.

The power of the mind stone could not be activated on the figure in front of him, and the plan to disturb the opponent's will and then beheaded failed.

But it doesn't matter.

Now he is no longer a robot relying only on the mind gem, but an omniscient and omnipotent god!

The double-sided knight spear burst out with stronger power, and the six infinity gems lit up together to provide energy for Ultron.

The real strength is not defense, but attack!

And the gun is the king of attack!

The six-colored brilliance spread, and Ultron's aura completely changed. There was always a force entwined around him, which was the arrogance that reached the limit in the field.

The red cloak fluttered, and Ultron approached at a speed exceeding starlight.

The power of the power gems converges into one strand, concentrating on the momentum of the attack.

The city and the road are separated from the middle by this momentum, and they are wiped clean with a rag like a layer of milk.

Man-made things are easily blown up, revealing only the bare rock and sand of the earth.

In the sandstorm caused by the hurricane, Ultron swept over with the knight's spear tightly in his hand.

Wherever the tip of the spear passed, there were fragments of things cracked.

That's fragments of space.

If you want to resist this kind of power, unless your strength reaches a certain level, it is absolutely impossible to stop it.

Hulk, Thor and his like, can be easily pierced by this gun.



One shot! Two shots! Three shots!

Infinite Ultron's attack is fierce and fierce, and all the information that puts any life to death is recorded in his mind.

In particular, Infinite Ultron will not be troubled by emotions.

There is no emotion in the heart, because the knife is natural!

What is strong?

This is.

With just a few gestures, there is enough power to destroy the world, and what is even more shocking is that whether it is Ultron or Bai Chen, their control over power has reached the pinnacle level.

Both attack and defense can be perfectly concentrated on one point.

This will make the attack stronger and the defense harder!

The body made of vibrating gold is further strengthened by the infinite gem, because the energy of Ultron itself is provided by the soul gem, so it has also integrated with the other five gems at this moment.

The battlefield between the two has already shifted from the earth to space, which is the result of Bai Chen's deliberate bias.

In order to avoid mistakes and mission failures, he must ensure that Thanos is not killed by the aftermath.

But the universe alone is not enough.

No matter who the two of them are, they can easily destroy a galaxy the size of the Milky Way with only one skill. 【

He needs to find another battlefield.

At least away from the Milky Way.

Bai Chen approached close to him, and the knight's spear rubbed against his waist and pierced him. At the same time, Bai Chen also stuck the holy spear in Ultron's right hand to prevent him from urging the power to sweep.

Taking advantage of this moment, Bai Chen pressed Ultron's head with his other hand, and the power to shake the galaxy in his hand began to erupt, and the space of the universe was shattered, and the two flew into the depths of the starry sky far away from the Milky Way

Bai Chen was finally able to let go a little bit.

Facing Infinity Ultron's ultimate attack method, anyone would not even be able to pass his first round.

That's it for the original.

The "Observer" of the Marvel Universe was discovered by Ultron because of his whispers, but the bald head created before could not even survive Ultron's first round of offensive.

However, the physical body is quite hard, and it can hold a lot of skills, and it can hold six gems for a few seconds.

This moment.

The observer stood behind the dimensional wall to observe the battle between Bai Chen and Infinite Ultron.

...asking for flowers......

"An unbelievable thing happened, this world was supposed to open the Age of Ultron, but it changed under the influence of an outsider.

While the bald black man with white eyes showed a surprised expression on his face, he explained like a TV narration.

"The outsider seems to be acquainted with Thanos, but it seems to be meeting for the first time, but all this is very coincidental. "The outsider came to this world after Ultron got the wooden infinite gem."

"Does the outsider come from a parallel universe? Even the observers don't know this kind of thing for the time being."

While explaining, the observers were amazed at the level of strength of both sides.

Easy to attack and difficult to defend.

No matter which world it is, everyone has a lot of attack methods, but there are too few full-time defense experts.

Especially those who are good at attacking have limitations in defense, so in many worlds meteors use offense instead of defense.

As for the integration of offense and defense, command the overall situation in any battle.

This is something even God can't handle.

No creature is perfect, not even the Creator God.

However, the outsider in the eyes of the observer gave the answer.

In the face of Infinity Ultron's fierce and ferocious attack, Bai Chen remained firm as a rock and remained motionless.

And attacking while attacking, defending while attacking, even if the six infinity stones release energy together, they can't break through his defense.

From the beginning to the end, except for the collision between the weapons, Bai Chen was not even hit.

On the other hand, Ultron was punched a few times.

Although it is not a serious problem, it is enough to see the level of skill.

It's just that Infinite Ultron will not be affected by disadvantages.

Instead of slowing down, his attack became more rapid.

A one-shot attack is enough to easily tear the universe into pieces. Tens of thousands of shots poured out like a tsunami in an instant. The guns carry the power of power gems. Facing this kind of power, even observers...

No, the observer thinks he can block Ultron's attack, and he can do it more perfectly than Bai Chen.

Like this kind of strong man who appeared in a single universe, if he showed his full strength, he could easily kill him.

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