Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1110 Mouth Explosion Galaxy, Grand Cross

Chapter 1111

However, when the previous observers were beaten by Ultron, Bai Chen took the time to start the live broadcast.

Everyone in the group filed in, and basically all the group members entered the live broadcast room.

For Bai Chen's live broadcast, everyone basically has only one idea.

The fighting is cool, the special effects are full, the scale is grand, and you can easily step on various villains.

It's just that even if they have the experience of watching the live broadcast before, after clicking on this live broadcast, the picture presented still shocked them.

The battlefield is no longer limited to a planet, but in the vast sea of ​​stars.

With every move, the stars that are bigger than the sun are smashed, and with every move, even the galaxy that holds the infinite stars is destroyed.

Except for Bai Ye, they had never seen this scene before.

Little Spider: "It's so strong! It's too strong! And who is that guy in armor? He can fight back and forth with the boss!"

Blue Slime: "Can anyone explain what's going on? 21"

Chaos evil: "Strong and powerful! Strong and powerful!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "@外组组织, is the opponent strong this time, do you want to go over and fight him?"

Non-staff individual: "Huh! Although I like to challenge the strong, I am not a fool. Why should I go to such a death-defying battle?"

Non-staff individual: "It's you, the defeated opponent who is not even as good as a Jill!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "The aggressive method is useless to me, wait for me to kill Accelerator, and then come to the battle!"

Non-staff individual: "Wait!"

The Spirit of Time: "If I'm not mistaken, this should be the reason why Uncle Purple Potato asked for help."

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "Yes, he took the Infinity Gem from me, and now he is going to destroy the entire universe.

Originally, newcomers such as Yugi Muto, or Erina Nakiri, who had just joined the group, as well as students of modern education such as Kirishima Touka and Busushima Saeko, still had doubts about the explanation of the Infinity Stones, thinking that Thanos was a bit exaggerated.

But now it seems that not only is it not exaggerating, but it is actually even worse.

At this time, Infinite Ultron crashed into the core of a star, and faced Bai Chen with a trace of anxiety.

The Infinity Stones all light up.

Endless power fills the whole body, expanding Ultron's figure to a degree larger than the galaxy it is in.

Then, he opened his mouth and aimed at the position where Bai Chen was, and bit down with one bite.

The inestimable mass distorts time and space, swirling everything in it. The mouth of Ultron is like a huge black hole, directly swallowing the entire galaxy into its belly.

The chat group broadcast this scene very well.

Tongue of God: "?"

God's Tongue: "What just... happened?"

This is a special effect, it must be a special effect!

No one would really swallow the galaxy directly, this must be a special effect!

Nakiri Erina, who has received modern higher education, forcibly persuaded herself and tried her best not to let her worldview collapse.

Even if she joins the chat group, she is forced into the setting of God in her cognition, but it doesn't mean she can accept everything.

One mouthful one galaxy or something, she has never seen it even in movies!

Little spider: "Crooked sun! What kind of monster is this?!"

I don't want to go to hell: "Who can tell me how many planets are in a galaxy?"

Electromagnetic gun: "There should be hundreds of billions of them. Of course, this is just an estimate by astronomers. No one knows how many there are."

God Draw King: "The group leader is actually fighting such a powerful enemy."

The change in cognition made Muto Yuki feel like a bug.

No, it's dust that's even tinier than bugs.

And it's card-addicted dust!

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "It has become so strong. Is this because of the phenomenon that appeared in a different world last time?"

Blue Slime: "Boss: I'm only a little bit stronger than you, so I'm from the Ganges, right?"

Little Spider: "This is in the Ganges."

The Spirit of Time: "This is in the Joan of Arc River."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "I didn't expect that the gap between me and him is getting bigger and bigger."

Estes was deeply moved.

Once upon a time, she was able to fight Bai Chen twice, and even had the chance to overtake him.

But before she knew it, she had been left far behind.

In the complaints in the live broadcast room, the battle between Bai Chen and Ultron changed again.

Bai Chen easily blocked the trick of mouthing the Galaxy before.

That move looked like a bluff, but its power was so scattered that it didn't even hurt his fur.

Of course, when gods fight, mortals suffer.

The several galaxies that have been destroyed do not know how many creatures there are, but all of them were destroyed in the aftermath of the confrontation.

But it doesn't matter.

Wait until Bai Chen gets the Infinity Stone, and he can easily restore the universe to its original state.

In the live broadcast room, all the complaints were made of complaints, it's your fault.

At this moment, Mo Qi and Kuang San were worried to death.

After all, the expression on Bai Chen's face at this moment is not as casual as usual, but rather serious and serious.

This alone is enough to conclude that Ultron is a difficult opponent, an enemy far different from the past.

Bai Ye was also worried.

But more is trembling by this powerful force.

From the beginning to the end, she felt that there was not much difference between Bai Chen and Bai Chen, and at the beginning, she was even more stable. Even before that, she felt that she had a chance to catch up.

But looking at it now, the gap is obvious, and I have already cultivated to the end.

897 Thanos is also very worried.

He is a celestial being, and he knows the history of infinite gems best.

And Ultron is too strong, he is the only existence he has encountered that can easily use infinite gems.

It is really hard to imagine that such a monster would be cultivated on a backward planet.

Of course, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Bai Chen, who was only on the central battlefield, showed a long-lost smile.

After finally having the opportunity to show his fists, he naturally enjoyed it.

Bai Chen condensed his strength, and the golden chaos formed waves visible to the naked eye, tumbling among the sea of ​​stars.

In just an instant, the entire world was almost covered by the wave of gold.

Subsequently, under the influence of this force, the arrangement of celestial bodies in this universe was forcibly changed.

Like billiard balls on a billiard table, no matter any stars are connected in a row under this majestic gravitational force.

If one has the ability to overlook the entire universe at this moment, one will be shocked to find that all the celestial bodies in this world are arranged in the shape of a cross.

And just after the celestial body returned to its position at the last moment, an infinite tidal force erupted in the entire universe.

"Those who know God worship God, this is the golden mean."

——The Grand Cross.

next second.

The powerful stance formed by the arrangement of celestial bodies suddenly exploded towards Ultron. .

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