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Chapter 1117 Summons The Fist Attack Representation

Chapter 1117

In the end it was still Bai Chen's victory.

The girl's hanging heart finally let go.

Of course, seeing the young man who returned safely, Mo Qi still couldn't restrain the joy in his heart.

Bai Chen touched her head.

"Sing me some songs."

Mizuki nodded vigorously.

A stage was set up in the mansion in order for Inori to train with Ingewell.

Bai Chen took them to the stage room and let them play freely, while Ge You collapsed on the sofa and gradually fell asleep listening to the singing of the girls.

After waking up, Bai Chen found that his two arms were restricted, and it was Mo Qi and Ingewell who occupied a place alone.

And slept soundly.

Bai Chen couldn't help but feel helpless.

Who is taking care of who?

Seeing the two of them sleeping soundly, Bai Chen didn't have the heart to wake them up, so he opened the chat group.

When you are idle and have nothing to do, is there anything more relaxing than watching the screen?

During the few hours when I was away from Kangkang, what topics were I talking about before?


As soon as I entered a group, I saw a reminder that the live broadcast room was open.

The initiator is the magic draw king, Muto Yuki.

Bai Chen immediately recalled his previous suggestion to let the game live broadcast at the beginning of the final.

Without any hesitation, join the live broadcast room directly.

The interface flashes, and the live broadcast screen appears.

In the center of the screen, a dark and chaotic scene appeared.

In the center of the screen, Yugi Muto, who had turned into Atum, was staring at a figure with a dark aura on his face, his eyes wide open.

Next to Atum, the little game was suspended in mid-air, like a prisoner chained up.

At this time, the camera turned to Atum's confronting figure.

Good guy!

Although I haven't seen the face shape yet, I knew that this person is very suitable for playing cards just after seeing the bohemian and free-loving hairstyle.

Like a chicken coop, the hairstyle splays out in all directions.

The sharp face is full of twists and strange colors, and the corners of the eyes are dotted with strange black lines.

It has a single glowing eye on its forehead.

He was also wearing a cloak of expression and simple clothing of ethnic minorities.

Just matching the frantic hairstyle and expression, no matter how simple the clothes are, the overall look is very exaggerated.

Even Sha Matt back then was more than inferior.

Bai Chen recognized at a glance that he was not human.

Bai Chen: "Good guy, when I first came in, I saw the performers performing

Bai Chen: "I give full marks for the richness of expression."

Little Spider: "My boss suddenly appeared!"

Bai Chen: "Don't worry about me, just watch the duel."

Looking at the current picture, we should face up to the last game of Duel City.

Malik beats Jounouchi with Dark Yugi, Yugi defeats Kaiba, and then Malik joins Yugi for the winner.

Not only that, because Malik had anger towards the Pharaoh in his heart, so Dark Malik started the dark game as soon as he came on stage.

When Atum's health was cut, Little Game, who was a hostage, was also injured by the presence of Dark Game.

Once it is reduced to zero, the small game itself will be swallowed by the dark game and die.

Following Malik's explanation of the dark game in the screen, everyone in the live broadcast room became worried about the game.

God's Tongue: "This...it's just playing cards, but is it really possible to die?"

This is not a real battle, and Nakiri Erina didn't understand it very much.

Is playing cards really that dangerous?

Bai Chen: "It's normal. Just treat it like an ancient Roman arena. Both sides are summoners. Once you lose, you will have to die... Also, Erina, don't you often hold cooking competitions in your world? Bet your life on cooking competitions and the like."

God's Tongue: "Okay... just, but no matter what, it won't kill people.

Bai Chen smiled when he saw this sentence.

The world of the spirit of eating halberds may be nothing to ordinary people, but to chefs, every competition is a choice of fate.

Especially the cruelest "Eating Halberd" competition, once it fails, it is equivalent to losing the whole life for the contestants.

Cruel things exist in every world, some of which are just hidden.

Blue Slime: "That feeling should be very painful."

God Pumping King: "It hurts, it hurts too much, as if a part of the body is really erased.

Bai Chen: "Remove the seemingly, if you lose, your personality will die."

King of Draws: "!!!"

Bai Chen: "But don't worry, as long as Atum wins, he can get back to his original state, it's not a big problem.

Not a big problem?

Does the small game feel like a big problem now?

Of course, having said that, Xiaoyou still believes in the strength of his partners.

After all, up to now, Atum has never lost a duel, and this time, it is still no exception!

Of course, believe it or not, the feeling of being cut in life is quite painful.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: '.Although, in our opinion, the situation is a bit not optimistic. "

Yakumo Zi narrowed his eyes.

Originally, she just used it as a pastime to see other worlds.

But I didn't expect it to evolve into a deadly game.

It seems that what Bai Chen said before is correct, just play for fun, dark games are really dangerous.

Princess in Military Uniform: "I remember Bai Chen said that Atum is the pharaoh, and the ones before Yuexiong are also millennium props. Can't we just break the dark game?"

Bai Chen: "It's useless, the dark game is a product of its own existence, not a thousand-year-old item liberated, it is at most a key, so even the Pharaoh can't stop it

Unless I end up in person. "

Blue Slime: "The sudden pretense caught me off guard!"

Bai Chen: "So just let it go, with me here, even if you lose, you won't be taken away by the dark game.

King of Draws: "(Money) Hmm!"

Afterwards, the small game on the screen began to encourage Atum, who was afraid of hurting Aibo, who was hesitant to do anything because his life value was reduced to zero.

And Atum also overcomes his heart because of the power of friendship, and competes seriously with Malik.

Looking at Atum's performance, Malik didn't care.

The dark game is fair.

Since the other party used the small game as a soul sacrifice, then he also has Biao Malik's soul on his side.

But compared to the ending where the mini-game disappears and the pharaoh's soul also disappears, even if the front Malik is swallowed by the darkness, the existence of the dark Malik will not disappear, but instead fulfills his wish pool of occupying this physical body forever.

This dark game was not fair from the very beginning.

However, Malik would never have imagined that the game's hooks were bigger than him.

If he really loses the game, the big deal is to replace him on the field, and directly summon the fist attack expression. .

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