Chapter 1126

Darcy was puzzled.

He has the power of Oliha Gang, but he can't see the details of the other party.

But the other party can easily bypass the storm outside and break in here, which is enough to prove that he is not an ordinary person.

But it doesn't matter.

The god of Olihagang is the most powerful god, even the three phantom gods are only worthy of eating ashes at their feet.

This is Darcy's self-confidence.

After all, he had personally experienced the drastic changes in ancient Egypt three thousand years ago.

The battle between the three phantom gods and the great evil god.

Known as the strongest phantom god, he was wiped out several times by the elves driven by the mere thief king.

If it were the god of Olihagang, that kind of guy would have been obliterated by Olihagang's power long ago.

This is not Darzi's conceit, but that he really has that kind of power.

He looked at the two people in front of him, and said with contempt in his eyes, "What are you?"

"Oliha Gang's new owner."

Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

When he was about to launch the power of domination, he temporarily changed his mind.

"Dazi, let's fight at 21."


Da Zi smiled, and then happily raised the dueling disc in his hand.

"Sure enough, even if you are a big villain, you still have to play cards."

Tokisaki Kurumi complained in his heart.

If it were another world, all kinds of magic skills would already be flying all over the sky.

It's not like here.

The big villain was actually able to play cards with the challenger peacefully.

She doesn't feel like complaining anymore.

The duel begins.

Bai Chen is still using the underworld deck.

On the contrary, Da Zi showed his true skills from the very beginning.

Compared with the three swordsmen under his command, Dazi, the holder of Olihagang, possesses the power of real Olihagang.

Not only are all the monster cards related to Olrich, but the most troublesome thing is Olrich's triple barrier.

The last "Olihagang-Tolitos" not only has all the effects of the first two layers of enchantments, but also has an additional "monsters of one's own are not affected by the opponent's magic and trap cards".

Therefore, when Da Zi uses the third layer of enchantment, Bai Chen's underworld deck will not work.

After a few rounds, he was simply defeated.

"Intruders, take a good look at how the sacred barrier takes away your humble soul."

The triple barrier began to shrink, and all the light concentrated on Bai Chen.

There is the power to suck the soul soaring into the sky.

With this level of power, even an existence with millennium props cannot live in peace.

But in the next second, Dazi was stunned.

Bai Chen walked out of the barrier like a leisurely stroll.

Seeing this scene, Da Zi took a few steps back in disbelief.

"The power of the god of Olihagang is absolute, even the three phantom gods enshrined in ancient Egypt are far behind, but how did you resist the power of Olihagang?"


Completely puzzled.

"Soon you'll find out."

Bai Chen put away the dueling disk and continued to move forward.

"You really are not an ordinary person!"

Seeing the scene where the duel disk disappeared directly from his arm, Dazi's face showed a slightly distorted expression due to astonishment.

But after a short moment of astonishment, he snorted coldly, not being frightened by Bai Chen's aura.

After all, no matter what, Da Zi is also an old antique that has survived for tens of thousands of years.

From the oldest civilization of Atlantis, until the war between evil gods and phantom gods in ancient Egypt three thousand years ago, to the modern society.

Every major event in history has Datu's participation.

Afterwards, Dazi opened his chest and opened his arms as if he wanted to embrace the world.

This posture, as if the king who ruled the world, issued an order.

Black ripples bloom from the body.

The force of the wave is enough to easily shatter rocks.

But Bai Chen still took a step forward, ignoring the power spreading out from Da Zi, and walked towards him leisurely.

And although it looks like walking in an ordinary way, every step forward, it seems that there is an invisible force interfering with the surroundings.

Whether it's the evil power or the dust, they all avoid the young man's footsteps.

The other sounds seemed to disappear, leaving only the clear footsteps echoing in my ears.

Then, Bai Chen's gentle voice sounded again in the world.

"God of Olihagang, resistance will only bring deeper despair. For your safety, I suggest that you should be more peaceful."

"Who the hell are you?!"

As soon as Da Zi finished speaking, he suddenly froze.

He saw Bai Chen's bright golden pupils that looked like the sun.

Just looking at each other, the radiant light almost ignites one's own soul.

At the same time, the recognition of his real name naturally appeared in his brain: "Hegemony God-Gold Supreme!"

Or in other words...the God of Gold.

Then, Darcy's consciousness stopped abruptly.

Oliha Gang's will began to resist.

As the dark side where the earth and human beings were born, the power of the God of Orihagang comes from this planet.

Although the physical body has not yet recovered, its spiritual power is comparable to the history of human birth.

But even so, the power of tens of thousands of years is still as useless as hitting a stone with a pebble.

Olihagang's power was quietly annihilated in the spiritual world.

Based on Oliha Gang's 420 hatred will, the man holding the golden holy gun raised his wrist slightly.

At this moment, Olihagang could even feel that some kind of authority had locked him.

That is an authority far higher than one's own, and it is enough to separate one's own immortality and the connection with the earth and human beings, and is a great power emperor who can even capture the soul.


Oliha just died.

But it was resurrected in gold.

Although it is the dark side of the earth, it is only a drop in the ocean compared to today's Bai Chen.

Bai Chen dominated Olihagang very easily.


Dazi, who had been reborn, knelt on the ground, admiring and fearing Bai Chen in his heart, but at the same time, he also had mixed feelings.

His vengeance had only just begun before it was over.

But when did such a No. 1 person appear on earth?

The power it possesses has completely surpassed the three illusion gods, "it can even be compared with the Creator God of Light who appeared in ancient Egypt thousands of years ago.

But that is not pure light, but gold, the light of salvation.

On the other hand, no matter what Da Zi thinks, Bai Chen's goal has been achieved.

Using the channel of Olihagang, his reasoning can spread from the center of the earth, and it will not take long for this universe to be eroded. .

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