Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1229 Newcomers Join The Group

Chapter 1129

When it comes to British food culture, another wave of discussions has set off in the group.

In the end, I came to a unified point of view-it really doesn't work.

For example, the classic Stargazing Pie can be regarded as a star in its culinary world.

As for Gudazi's request for help, no one cared about it.

After all, the group members who have seen all kinds of big scenes, although King Arthur has a great background, are no more than the big guys in the group.

In fact, even Gudazi himself doesn't care.

Although she knew the difficulty of the singularity, but with the chat group in hand, she didn't worry that she would die at all.

Goddess Rungomigniad?


Demon King Getia?

If you dare to come out, the boss will come to your door~!

The reason why I was so worried just now was nothing more than playing tricks every day.

After all, Tatsuka Fujimaru herself is a Master who has been driven to the shelves. If it wasn't for Lefe who detonated the bomb secretly installed in Chaldea, it wouldn't be her turn to be the Master.

To be honest, without the assistance of the chat group, she doesn't even know if she would be able to make it this far.

As for the school girl Matthew.

Although the personality is very soft, but there is no assertiveness at all.

To be honest, besides the chat group, the ones who really helped me were the servants I met at the singularity.

The topic of the chat group changes rapidly.

It was still a serious discussion in one second, but in the next second it is very likely to become nonsense such as "did you eat lunch and what did you eat".

at this time.

The familiar "ding" sounded.

Afterwards, the chat group's entry prompt swiped the screen.

[Group reminder: The newcomer "Prudent Brave" has joined the chat group, hurry up and say hello to everyone~~~]

[Group reminder: Newcomer "Goukong" has joined the chat group, hurry up and say hello to everyone~~~]

A newcomer joined the chat group, and the chat box was suddenly empty.

Black-haired loli: "Welcome newcomers!"

Butterfly Ren: "The speed of newcomers entering the group is a bit fast during this time."

God's Tongue: "Is there a limit to the speed of adding newcomers to chat groups?"

The Spirit of Time: "Actually, there is no such thing, but there were newcomers joining every half a month, but who knows? After all, a certain hidden group leader has never given an explanation. Are you right, Mr. Bai Chen.

Bai Chen: "That's right, I am the owner of the group. Except for you and me, everyone else in this group is my kiosk. y

Little Spider: "That's right, I'm trumpet."

Ultra-Railgun: "Yes, I am trumpet."

Chaos Evil "That's right, Trumpet."

I don't want to go to hell: "I'm also a trumpet."

Blue Slime: "It's bad, I've become a big boss! No, this should be a good thing!"

Teacher Loli: "Mr. Bai Chen, please start your performance."

King of Draws: "Is this real or fake? Mr. Bai Chen?"

Bai Chen: "If you believe it, you will lose."

The small game is still too naive and simple, if it is not for Atum, there are several times in the plot that can be fooled around.

Bai Chen: "By the way, how is the situation on your side?"

King of Draws: "How should I put it, the situation is not very good, there are entities of dueling monsters appearing all over the world, but there are no reports of casualties in the news.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with it.

The appearance of dueling monsters around the world has caused an uproar.

As a result, the people panicked, and when they saw the monster, they would rush to escape, which caused a stampede.

Coupled with the rumors of the end of the world being spread by some groups who fear the world will not be chaotic, their respective security problems have also become a bit serious.

Bai Chen was not surprised by these results.

After all, there are many things in history, all of which are caused by human beings themselves.

He has already dominated Dazi, as for other things, then don't care about his business.

Non-staff individual: "Hey... The strength of the newcomers who joined the group at the end is hard to describe. Is there no newcomer with stronger strength to make me happy? I hope this time there will be no newcomers like chefs."

God's Tongue: "I'm a chef, I'm so sorry!"

Seeing this sentence, Nakiri Erina felt a little unhappy.

What happened to the chef? Did the chef eat your rice?

What would the world be like without a chef?

Chefs are also an important part of the world, right?

...asking for flowers......

Bai Chen: "Erina, please ignore her, Jibril has such a character, she doesn't remember or remember, her mind is a bit abnormal."

Non-staff individual: "Even if you are the only god, you can't insult my personality like this!"

A scholar can be killed, but not humiliated!

Bai Chen: "Believe it or not, I'll lock you up in a small dark room someday?"

It is not terrible to be locked in a small dark room, what is terrible is that it will interrupt the current life of frantically absorbing new knowledge.

Therefore, Jibril immediately gave up.

Non-staff individual: "I admit that my voice was a bit loud just now, I'm sorry, Lord Only God! For the sake of our cuteness, don't lock me in a small dark room, okay? Chirp mi.jpg.


Electromagnetic Gun: "There is no principle at all. If it were me, I would have to fight to the end!"

Misaka Mikoto gloated at Jibril's frustration.

Please step up!

Blue Slime: "Yoxi!"

Blue Slime: "Hello new group members, I'm a newcomer in the group, please take care of the group members, take your seat. jpg.

Goukong: "Chat group? What is this? Why is there someone else in my mind?"

After being invited to join the chat group, Monkey King was full of questions.

He usually trained in the gravity chamber of the spaceship today, but something like this suddenly popped up in his head while he was practicing.

Then, when I was confused, it became like this.

Gou Kong: "Is there anyone talking? It's so strange, why is there no one all of a sudden."

Seeing this, combined with the other party's nickname, Bai Chen can guess the identity of the newcomer.

The Monkey King in Dragon Ball, which is famous in the real world.

The influence and age involved in this animation has involved almost all walks of life, and it can be regarded as a masterpiece of national-level animation.

Although the plot and painting collapsed in the later period, it has to be said that this animation has a deep influence on Bai Chen.

Little Spider: "Hey! How are you newcomers!"

Gou Kong: "Yo!"

Sun Wukong's carefree character made him not know what vigilance is, so he greeted him as if he was familiar with it.

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