Chapter 1137

Little Spider: "As expected of you, you brave man."

Railgun: "Worthy of the name."

Butterfly Ren: "Actually, I was the same as you at the beginning, but after I met Mr. Bai Chen, those tragedies left me, so you can really try to let go of your guard and trust us."

Hearing about the past of the prudent brave man from Bai Chen, Butterfly Ninja still wants to work hard to persuade the prudent brave man to put down his guard.

Cautious brave man: "Why should I believe your words? And maybe all of this is a lie woven to deceive me."

It's a pity that no matter how hard Die Ren persuades him, it won't help.

Caution has been engraved deep in his soul.

Bai Chen: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe me, but if I guess correctly, you will verify the authenticity of what I said next."

Cautious brave man: "..."

Seeing these words, Seiya Ryuzhiin narrowed his eyes slightly.


Although he doesn't believe what Bai Chen said about his previous life, he will indeed investigate secretly in order to be fully prepared.

He has an uncomfortable feeling.

It seems that my own thoughts have been completely guessed by this person in the chat group.

Bai Chen: "In this case, let me tell you one more thing. The succubus has already ambushed near the Xinshou Village where the goddess will take you. Once you and the goddess appear, they will be killed.

Cautious brave:

Hearing these words, Ryuguin Seiya began to meditate.

If this is the case, then you can't go out casually.

After all, I don't know the specific strength of the Demon King's army now. I have to cultivate to a state where I think I am perfect before I can go out to fight the enemy, and I have to do a troublesome way that the opponent has a hole card or will be resurrected.


At this moment, thinking is temporarily suspended.

Ryuguin Seiya began to wonder why he subconsciously believed the other party's words.

Could it be that this chat group has the magic power to confuse people?

One must be prepared to prevent the mind and will from being manipulated.

the other side.

Bai Chen could also guess what Longgongyuan Seiya was thinking about.

Bai Chen: "One more thing, the goddess Listade who summoned you was actually your wife in the previous life. Because of the failure to save the world in the previous world, the goddess Ariadorah who was in charge of that world at that time felt guilty and asked the great goddess to let her reincarnate as the goddess Listade`||.

Bai Chen: "Compared to us, after all, the goddesses who summon you are more credible."

Blue Slime: "There is such a good thing?"

Railgun: "If that's the case, it's not so bad for the rookies.

Seeing the speeches in the group, Ryuguin Seiya stopped exercising.

Cautious Brave: "How do you know such a thing?"

Little Spider: "Everything is just the big brother's reasoning.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Using the clues to deduce the reasoning ability of the world (no), although we have complained many times, the reasoning of the boss is quite accurate every time, and there has never been a wrong situation!"

Cautious Brave: "Why?"

Little White Cat: "Because the teacher is a god, and he is also the strongest god that cannot be described by common sense.'

Fubuki of Hell: "It's true, you don't have to believe in the world, but you can always believe in Master Bai Chen."

There is no need for Bai Chen to say much, the other group members who have been favored by him in the group all spontaneously explained for him.

Although Ryuguin Seiya is cautious, he is not a master of tricks.

The reason why he is prudent is that besides the influence of the previous life, he also wants to use "prudence" to achieve his goals and protect the people he cares about.

Bai Chen had a good impression of him.

Prudent is a little prudent, but he is definitely a good person.

Cautious brave man: "Since you are a god, how far can you do it?"

In this regard, Bai Chen didn't care about the other party's temptation at all.

Bai Chen: "I can do anything."

Instead of saying the ordinary answer of "I'm strong", it's better to give a more direct statement.

Bai Chen: "Reviving the dead, modifying reality, going back in time, moving in long as it is something you can think of, there is nothing I can't do."

And, especially as Bai Chen's most loyal dog, the spider licker, after taking out the previous live broadcast screen recording, this answer is even more real.

The reason why Bai Chen said this is that he is optimistic about Seiya Longgongyuan, and the other is that he is very interested in the world itself.

The settings of God Realm, Human Realm and Demon Realm obviously involve the concept of parallel universes.

If those worlds can be included in the general army, it will be a big improvement in the future.

Of course, there is one more important thing.

That is the various goddesses living in the unified God Realm.

Especially the goddess of sealing, Aliaduoa.

When he was chasing after the show, Bai Chen, who was still a virgin, had a lot of feelings for the towering valley in front of the other party.

If possible, Bai Chen also wants to try to climb a peak by himself.

Cautious brave:

Gou Kong: "So strong! Master Bai Chen, you are too strong! How about going to the group ring for a fight?"

The chat group in his head was so jubilant, Sun Wukong naturally couldn't sit idly by.

And after seeing the previous recordings and broadcasts uploaded by the spider, he exclaimed that it was amazing, and the whole person became excited because of this.

Bai Chen: "Forget it, challenging me won't make any progress."

If the gap is too large, it will only kill instantly.

Let alone now, even if he transforms into Chaolan in the future, he cannot be his opponent.

Bai Chen: "@狗空, wait until Namei's nemesis (Zhao Hao) sends a request, I will organize a group of people to go there."

Gou Kong: "No problem!"

Ryuguin Seiya did not respond.

But Bai Chen knew that with his personality, he should have gone to the goddess of sealing to verify it.

The facts are exactly as Bai Chen said.

Ryuguin Seiya suspended the training and left the room the goddess had prepared for him.

At the same time, unify the God Realm.

After the goddess Lista Dai summoned the brave man, she found that the other party not only did not listen to her own words, but went directly to another world to take risks, and also locked herself out of the door, doing some preparatory training alone.

"That guy is really weird!"

Listade lay her entire upper body on the table, complaining dissatisfiedly.

And sitting in front of her was a young goddess with short red hair like a maple leaf, exuding mature charm all the time.

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