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Chapter 1149: The Deepest God Realm

Chapter 1149

Once the God Realm becomes his property, he will definitely let the Goddess of Destruction know why the flowers are so red.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Goddess Alia quickly thanked her.

She also understood that the other party didn't know her name at all, and she also knew that this kind of conflict must have been caused by Valkyrie, who has always been unscrupulous.

The gods who unified the God Realm, especially the goddesses, were often harassed by her for various reasons.

If it weren't for Valkyrie's strength and being a woman, the complaints from the Great Goddess might be piled up in the sky.

Aaliyah has also heard that Valkyrie likes to knead goddesses, especially prominent goddesses, so she basically doesn't associate with them.

But this time he hit the iron plate.

Of course, as the goddess who unifies the God Realm, Aaliyah naturally has to focus on the overall situation.

Even if Valkyrie has a bad personality, he is not guilty of death, and it is a blessing in misfortune that the other party can survive.

As for fighting.

Never thought about it.

She is just a goddess of sealing, and her strength is completely inferior to that of the goddess of destruction, and she only goes up to deliver food.

"I heard from Lista that you are a senior goddess here, so you must have a very high status."

Bai Chen looked at the goddess Alia in front of him.

She has an exquisite face and dignified features. She doesn't have the heroic spirit of the goddess Valkyrie, nor the cuteness of Listaday, but what she has more is a heart-pounding beauty.

A dress can hardly conceal her graceful curves, and the curves are extremely plump and full.

If these characteristics are placed on other goddesses, they will definitely appear too coquettish and charming, but when placed on her, they only make people feel elegant.

Like the spring breeze blowing on the grassland, it is fresh and pleasant.

Seeing the goddess most wanted to see in the God Realm, Shiratori felt that the XP system had started.

Ignoring Valkyrie for the time being, she said, "I happen to have something to talk to you about, but this doesn't seem like the place to talk."

Facing Bai Chen's attitude, Alia was stunned for a moment, feeling a little fond of such a polite man in her heart, but she returned to normal soon after.

"My lord, please follow me."

Aaliyah bowed to invite, Bai Chen held the palm of the other party, and just followed the other party away.

Listade looked around and quickly followed.

Temple of the Great Goddess Isister.

The old man with a classic hairstyle, a kind appearance and a somewhat obese body is heading to the third floor of the temple.

The composition of the world is not complicated.

The world of humans and demon kings, the underworld and hell of evil gods, they stand on the side of justice and naturally live in the world of gods.

The God Realm is divided into two parts.

The first one is the unified God Realm where ordinary gods live, and she is responsible for managing and scheduling.

There are countless gods living here, no matter their status or divine power, they all live in the same place.

On top of this, there is another God Realm called the Deepest God Realm.

Only three gods live there.

Brahma, the god of creation, Nemesil, the god of great law, and Kronoa, the god of time.

There is a room at the end of the third floor of the temple.

Through there, one can get in touch with the three main gods of the Deepest God Realm.

She saw the person who clashed with Valkyrie through the magic mirror.

The strength of the opponent is unfathomable, and even the strongest God of Destruction in the Unified God Realm is not an enemy of the opponent.

It was the first time she encountered this situation, and she knew that this matter was beyond her control, so she had no choice but to ask the Lord God for enlightenment from the Deepest God Realm.

Soon, Isister came to the end of the corridor.

Behind the only door is the "room where time stops" leading to the deepest god realm.

After she finished chanting the spell to open the door, the door opened.

Another corridor.

But on the shelf-like cabinets around, bottles filled with the souls of the gods are neatly arranged.

At the end, a huge picture appeared in front of my eyes.

In the painting, there is a winding path leading to the temple on the cliff.

This painting is the entrance to the Deepest God Realm.

But here, Aunt Isis hesitated.

There was also turmoil in the God Realm in the past. At that time, a god petitioned the Deepest God Realm to break the situation, but in the end it turned into the fuse of the unification war of the God Realm.

That war lasted for a long time, and finally ended with some gods being exiled, killed in battle or reincarnated.

...asking for flowers...

After that, the Unified God Realm was established.

If it is not really impossible, she does not want to petition those supreme gods.

But, who made her helpless.

"The three Supreme Gods who sit in the Deepest God Realm, I am the highest goddess of the Unified God Realm, Isister, and I have come here to ask for something.

Then, the gate of the temple slowly opened.

A divine dazzling light slowly appeared from the door.

Isister's heart skipped a beat.

I thought to myself that in the past, she only listened to her voice and didn't see her, but now, she actually came to her real body?

It seems that things are really a bit big.

But things have come to this point, and there is no room for maneuver.

The first to appear was the goddess Kronoa.

Behind her are the sealed white wings of the goddesses who unify the God Realm, and she exudes a sacred aura.

This is a black-haired girl with a delicate and beautiful appearance. She is wearing a splendid dress and her long hair is tied behind her back. Her majesty and nobility are far above the gods who unify the God Realm.

"Lord Kronoa."

...Isista, we already know about the unification of the God Realm. "

As the god of time management, Crono is naturally clear about what happened on the past timeline.

The God of Destruction is the strongest god in the Unified God Realm. In terms of strength, although it is not as good as the Supreme God, it is about to touch their level of the Supreme God.

Such a god was defeated, of course they would care.

"I have used my power to observe the time in different worlds, but I have not been able to find the trace of time left by him.

"With a power that can't even be compared to the God of Destruction, it must not be the god who unifies the God Realm. If so, it must be the supreme evil god of the Evil God Realm."

At this time, a majestic and deep voice fell around.

"It's really like a mouse, it only does some sneaky things, I think it's time to show up to unify the God Realm and completely seal that evil god to prevent future troubles!

It was the god of jurisprudence, Nemesil, who was speaking, and also the god of judgment.

Regarding the disposition of the gods, it will only be allowed after his dispatch. .

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