Chapter 1164

She turned Mjolnir, and the thunder quickly circled, and then broke through the speed of sound and hit the direction of the cockscomb head.

And looking at the hammer galloping towards him, he didn't have any way to defend himself, just stood there, quietly waiting for the hammer to arrive.

As the elite of the Ginuit team, how could there be other people on this planet who can win against themselves.

The seemingly mighty bright silver hammer may not only have the attack power of a spring breeze blowing on the face.

The reason why Likum is so conceited is because of the combat power detector on his left eye.

Even though his battle strength has skyrocketed to 2,000 after transforming, his combat strength is as high as 40,000. He can crush an opponent of this level to death with one hand.

"Hahaha! Where on earth did you get that disguise, but you look very handsome, it's decided that I must have a corresponding costume when I appear next time!"


As soon as the words fell, Likum's voice stopped abruptly.

In his eyes, the ordinary iron hammer suddenly hit his body like a mountain, the pale thunder spread along the body to the limbs, the rock-like tough skin instantly turned black, and the proud strong body was also carried by the hammer to fly back, smashing a small hill.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Misaka Mikoto watched this scene in surprise, Mjolnir automatically flew back into her hand.

Is this really something she can do?

Just a hammer.

I am not the God of Thunder, I just got the power of God of Thunder from Mjolnir.

But even so, before the battle, the opponent she thought was invincible was thrown out like a broken doll by her.

after awhile.

Likum struggled to get up from the ruins.

The combat uniform hung on his body like a rag, with a look of surprise and anger on his face.

"It hurts so much! You bastard! You're nothing more than two thousand pieces of rubbish. How could you hurt my body?"

"Can you still stand up?"

Misaka Mikoto stared at Cockscomb head covered in blood and was stunned.

Although she didn't use all her strength at the beginning, it was impossible for ordinary people to stop the attack just now.

Sure enough, everyone in this world is a monster.

It seems that the next step is to put in more effort to get this man away!

Bai Chen took a look at the live broadcast and looked away when he found that the girls performed well.

After leaving Namek, he embarked on a journey to find Frieza's family.

As for how to find it, Bai Chen originally wanted to capture some of Frieza's men and ask where Frieza's base camp was.

However, after catching them, I discovered that these little guys don't know anything, even if they are completely dominated, they don't know anything in their heads.

In desperation, Bai Chen had no choice but to look for it himself.

Of course, this matter is not difficult.

Frieza is a race, but according to the setting, Frieza, his father, King Kurd, and his elder brother, Gula, are mutant individuals among them.

Powerful and brutal are the three of them.

Without a mother, both Gula and Frieza were asexually reproduced by Kurd.

Bai Chen first went to the base camp planet of Frieza's fleet, and then quickly found the location of their family through some hidden clues inside.

Before Frieza appeared, King Kurd had been secretly manipulating this huge organization.

Not even the Ginuit team knew of his existence.

But it is not difficult for Bai Chen to find Kurd and Gula.

After stepping on the snow, Bai Chen found himself on a planet of frozen earth.

Simple perception, you know that this week has fallen into an eternal cold climate.

The blizzard was endless, and the five shames were invisible.

The temperature is even lower than that of the earth's north and south poles.

But it doesn't matter.

The climate and temperature of nature have long been unable to affect his body.

Then, without hesitation, Bai Chen used his divine power to spread in all directions, searching for the opponent's figure.

Like Frieza's final form, the skin is made up of lots of white and dark purple.

Slightly taller, with eyes closed, standing in the icy storm.

In addition to Gula, there are several figures standing still nearby, which should be Gula's subordinates.

Bai Chen suddenly remembered that when Gula first appeared in the animation, he was also on a frozen planet.


After finding the real master, Bai Chen didn't hesitate any longer, and directly opened the portal to go to where Gula was.

at the same time.

In a world of ice and snow.

Gula, Frieza's older brother, is listening to his subordinates' report.

"Master Gula, your younger brother, Lord Frieza, is currently attacking a planet named Namek. It is said that the Dragon Balls made by the Namek people can fulfill any wish."

"Any wish..."

Hearing this, Gula snorted.

He is calmer than Frieza.

If there really are Dragon Balls in the universe that can fulfill any wish, how could his family become the strongest in the universe.

If there is, wouldn’t it be enough for the Meikians to directly make a wish to make their own people the strongest in the universe?

Therefore, any wish itself is a false proposition.

The extent to which wishes can be realized will not exceed the creativity of the Namekians.

At least, it is impossible for them to have the strongest combat history in the universe all at once.

"Master Gula, but I heard that those dragon balls can make people live forever."

At this moment, another subordinate of Gula spoke.


Hearing this, Gula became somewhat interested.

Although his strength is stronger than Frieza's, it is also affected by lifespan.

Although he has a long life, he will eventually disappear one day.

If it is possible to live forever, it is indeed exciting.

"Try it later, let my useless brother play for a while now."

"Now play with me."

Suddenly, an untimely voice sounded nearby.

Everyone, including Gu La, followed the prestige subconsciously.

I saw, on their left side, a slender young man in simple clothes was standing there.

When they looked over, the young man waved his hands familiarly, as if to say hello.

"Others don't care about me, I'm just here to find this braised egg."

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