Chapter 1173

At this moment, a familiar system prompt sounded.


[Group reminder: "Grumpy Lolita" has joined the chat group, come out and say hello to everyone~~~~]

Black-haired loli: - "Welcome newcomers to the group!"

Golden Goblin: - "Welcome newcomer!"

Butterfly Endurance: "@恐惧罗利, welcome newcomers, don't worry, we won't hurt anyone, if there is anything you don't understand, you can read the information in the group file. After that, if you still have any questions that you don't understand, you can ask them in the group."

The Spirit of Time: "Of course, if you encounter any troubles, you can bring them up in the group and brainstorm."

Little spider: "Group status -1."

Blue Slime: "Yes, yes, it seems that the newcomer this time is a girl again."

Little Spider: "Even a girl doesn't care about you, after all, you're just a slime with nothing to say.

Blue Slime: "Big Cry.jpg"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Hello loli, I like loli, hehehe."

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Do you want to be our family member? This time, it's a great deal for the grand opening, half price for newcomers, and free for loli. If you want, we will also give you a five-figure godhead as a special gift."

Bai Chen: "Then what's the price? Bai Yasha."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Is there even a need to say that? Of course it's our pillow every day! Loli's body is soft and comfortable to hug!"

I don't want to see hell: "Hey!"

I don't want to see the hell: "I can already see someone drooling."

Purple sweet potato essence:

Electromagnetic Gun: "Speaking of which, this time the newcomers joined the group, why didn't you see that birdman come out to fight in the ring?"

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Could it be that the aliens from Planet Namek beat you to autism?"

The Spirit of Time: "Miss Jibril, she should have returned to her own world and practiced "Qi" in seclusion, and she probably won't come out again in a short time."

Gou Kong: "Speaking of which, your talent is really high, you can actually learn how to use Qi in such a short period of time."

Electromagnetic Gun: "That's because we are traversers!"

Gou Kong: "Is there any mystery in this?"

Bai Chen: "Take it as a welfare. By the way, I forgot what I told you last time. There will be an artificial human crisis on the earth soon. If you want to defeat them, just practice and transform into a super Han Asian."

Bai Chen: "One more reminder, there is a spiritual time room in the gods of the earth. One year of practice in it, the outside world will only pass one day."

Gou Kong: "Is there such a useful place?"

As soon as he mentioned cultivation, Sun Wukong immediately became motivated.

After getting married, Qiqi forced her to take care of the children and do housework, which greatly reduced the time for practice.

After returning from Namek this time, Qiqi gave him a rare few days off generously.

If you don't make good use of it, it will be a waste of money.

Gou Kong: "Thank the group owner, I'm going now."

After sending this sentence, there was no response.

Thinking about it, he must have rushed to the place where the gods lived and started his great cause of cultivation.

Seeing this, Bai Chen couldn't help sighing.

Sun Wukong is a good comrade and partner, but he is not a good husband and father. In this regard, even Vegeta is much better than him.

Grumpy loli: "What are you talking about in my head?! It's completely incomprehensible! Damn it! It must be that old man selling me rubbish again!"

Night City, downtown.

It was raining heavily.

The dense and dark night, as if someone poured an ink bottle on the ground.

Due to the weather, many flying trams in Night City were out of service, leaving only trams to pass.

The vagrants and poor people who used to like to wander the streets have also found their own hiding places.

Dressed in shabby clothes, they lay on the blankets they picked up from nowhere, or stared blankly at the burning flames in the tin bucket, or watched Mewtwo purchased from illegal channels, so as to satisfy and soothe their bodies and souls.

...asking for flowers...

The so-called Chaomeng is somewhat similar to VR.

However, for people who are already in the age of cyberpunk, the previous VR has been abandoned, and the "super dream" that can make people feel more authentic has emerged as the times require.

Chaomeng is the most popular form of entertainment in Night City. It can save "other people's experience and experience" through "digital records", and then transfer them to the nervous system of the viewer through fixed equipment, so that users can fully experience "everything experienced by the recorder".

Because it is directly connected to the brain, including inner feelings, sensory stimulation, thoughts and memories, and even the feeling of muscle stretching, can be perfectly reproduced.

Because they can perfectly experience everything recorded by others, many people do not hesitate to spend a lot of money, wanting to experience a "stimulating" feeling, and even become addicted.

And the girl nicknamed "Grumpy Lolita" is such a super dream user.

The heavy rain was pouring, and the rain outside the window slapped, and the metal made a crackling sound, making it difficult for noisy people to fall asleep.

A girl with light green hair and twin ponytails was talking to the air impatiently.

The Chaomeng she bought is said to be able to let people see the beautiful forest and sea, but she didn't expect that just after inserting it into the prosthetic body, this thing called "chat group" popped up in her head.

You know, in this era where almost everyone has a robotic body, it is very easy for hackers to break into other people's systems.

In the past, Rebecca had never heard of what a chat group was.

In addition, there were so many nicknames with weird IDs talking about topics she didn't understand at all, Rebecca immediately cursed at the old man who bought Chaomeng, and immediately performed the operation of cleaning the virus.

Viral infections are corny, but surprisingly useful.

Many people have been recruited in Chaomeng.

However, after quietly waiting for the system self-inspection to complete, it was reported that there was no sign of virus intrusion.

Isn't this a joke?!

Rebecca scolded louder, unknowingly even scolded herself. .

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