Chapter 1201

"Please think twice."

The twin goddesses dissuaded.

"I have thought twice, and you have no right to tell me what to do. If you want to stop me, you are my enemy. At that time, I will not talk to you calmly like this."

It has to be said that Bai Chen's threat did have a great deterrent effect.

At least those gods who clamored to investigate Bai Chen before were all silent now.

"Forget it, you guys can watch a good show here."

Bai Chen shook his head, stepped into the golden realm, and went to the location of the Buddhist gate.

Wait until Bai Chen leaves completely.

The group of gods gathered here caused an uproar.

Without it, the reason lies in Richen's previous speech.

The attitude of the other party is tantamount to provoking the gods.

"The King of Gold's attitude is too arrogant, we must unite to block him."

"If this child is not eliminated, it will become a serious problem in the future.

"If you don't act today, your attitude will be more intense in the future."

"Quickly invite the Tathagata Buddha!"

The group of gods who had been quiet before suddenly whispered to each other, bursting into anger, with an unstoppable look of anger.

The twin goddesses saw it and did not speak.

And those gods who were discussing fiercely, seeing that the gods with high spiritual status have been silent all the time, their voices gradually became quieter.

Alpha and Omega glanced at each other, and both could see the helplessness in each other's eyes.

It's an eventful year.

Especially since Hakoniwa City was built, the gods have encountered troubles one after another.

The final trial of human beings, which did not exist at all, has sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Seal this, but you can always receive the news that the next Demon King will appear.

the other side.

Bai Chen has already brought Bai Ye to the frontline battlefield.

Only at the edge, you can see the Buddha's light, and at the same time, there are different gods shining with colorful lights.

It's just that those divine lights that once illuminated three thousand worlds only covered two-thirds of the sky.

The leader of the Buddhist sect, the main force of Lingshan, and a group of gods allied with the Buddhist sect are all defending against the enemy on the outer battlefield.

After the return of Sakyamuni, the atmosphere of the Buddhist Fangtian skyrocketed.

The situation that could have been stalemate has tilted towards Buddhism.

At the same time, the gods and Buddhas with the most dazzling spirituality, all holding weapons, stared at the opposite existence with different expressions.

Anger, disdain, sigh, surprise and other emotions mixed.

"...A bunch of rubbish gods and Buddhas, do you want to seal me, the emperor of the universe? 々!"

...Don't be careless, Frieza, the blessings of these gods and Buddhas are too weird, it is difficult to break through the encirclement with our strength, not to mention, there are several powerful auras entrenched in the center of that mountain. "

Compared with Frieza, the eldest brother Guga's mind is more stable.

In the original plot of Dragon Ball, after learning of Frieza's death, Guga also rushed to the earth immediately, preparing to avenge his brother, and at the same time preparing to kill the threat of Super Saiyan in the cradle.

When meeting Sun Wukong for the first time, after injuring the opponent, he rushed to make up the knife.

It was just lucky to escape by Monkey King.

Although it was defeated later, the core was integrated with the metal planet, creating a million units of Jinyong Guga's army with strength comparable to Super Saiyans to deal with Monkey King and Vegeta.

In the end, he also absorbed their power through the core to make himself stronger.

If it weren't for the explosion of the protagonist's halo, Sun Wukong and Vegeta would have died directly in Guga's hands.

According to the master's statement.

Although their strength has reached double digits, they are completely incomparable with those ancient gods and Buddhas in terms of the most important spirituality.

Spirituality is like a level, and they only have equipment, but in other respects, Yuanyuan needs to quickly open the gods and Buddhas.

"However, in the current situation, we can only break through."

Guja narrowed his eyes.

Afterwards, the energy fluctuations visible to the naked eye turned into shock waves of burning stars, violently blowing towards the gods.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

At this moment, a loud and sacred voice sounded.

The majestic and peaceful Buddha light spread out, and the Sanskrit sound curled up, easily dissolving the energy shock released by Gu Jia.

At the same time, a golden ten-thousand-character Buddha seal pressed down on Frieza and Guja like Mount Tai.

The two raised their arms, their muscles bulged, and their vindictiveness soared, but because they had no other favors, they could only support it with brute force.

But the pressure from Sakyamuni is not something that can be resisted by brute force.

The so-called breaking tricks with strength is based on the fact that strength is greater than everything else.

But even if it is pure power, maybe they can't take much advantage compared with some double-digit gods and Buddhas.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

The Sanskrit voice sounded again.

Impacting the souls of both, even the essence was shaken.

No matter who it is, there is a look of struggle visible to the naked eye.

The attack order issued by Bai Chen made them full of hostility towards Buddhism, but Sakyamuni's Taoist Sanskrit sound interfered with their minds.

But at this moment, a golden figure suddenly appeared in the center of the most intense battlefield.

The pressure enough to crush the spirituality of an ordinary person seemed to have no effect on him.

The sudden insertion of a figure made the pressure on the scene disappear suddenly.

Bai Chen chuckled and looked towards the distant Lingshan Mountain.

Then, accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit chants permeating the space, the world is illuminated with a gentle light like the morning sun.

Sitting upright on a colorful lotus platform, the male Sakyamuni Buddha with his hair in a bun and a kind face exudes the light of enlightenment all over his body, washing the hearts of all things.

After Sakyamuni appeared, the gods and Buddhas around him silently retreated to Sakyamuni's side, clasped their hands together, and chanted words in their mouths, obviously singing Buddhist words (Qian Dehao).

"Yo, I'm finally willing to come out."

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

Hearing these words, Shakyamuni Buddha nodded slightly, and looked at the extraordinary-looking black-haired young man.

"I have seen the benefactor."

He clasped his hands together, smiled and performed Buddhist salutes to Bai Chen.

"Lord Sakyamuni, is it possible that you have forgiven me for breaking your arm last time?"

After finishing speaking, the complexion of the nearby gods changed slightly, and a look of surprise appeared on their faces.

His tone was so irritable as soon as he came up, obviously he came prepared.

However, Sakyamuni didn't notice the thorns in Bai Chen's language, and still smiled kindly.

"Benefactor, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha right away. If the benefactor is willing to stop here and hand over those monsters that endanger the human world to the control of the heavens, if so, there is no need to let the benefactor's hands be stained with blood. In addition, I will also compile your name into the Buddhist scriptures, and publicize and praise your deeds from the standpoint of Buddhism."

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