Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 121 is my turn again, draw cards!

Chapter 121

The tremors from the collapse of the Infinite City brought the resonance of the city on the ground.

However, the shaking didn't last long, and the island nation was prone to earthquakes, so after a while, travelers and residents continued to enjoy their nightlife.

As for the earthquake, it just gave people an extra talk after dinner.

And Bai Chen, who was the initiator, didn't leave, but found a liquor store in the city and sat in, as a small celebration for this unnoticed victory.

Inside the box.

The soft lighting and quiet environment dispelled the tension in the girl's heart, while Megumi Butterfly was busy passing down the book with flying pigeons and reporting the situation to Yoshiya Shiki.

The great revenge was avenged, and the relieved Butterfly Endure poured wine for Bai Chen.

"...It was really helpful this time."

At first, she was still worried that Bai Chen's reckless behavior would capsize in the gutter, but it turned out that she and her sister thought too much.

The ghost on the string was killed without any resistance. The ghost king left Bai Chen for less than three minutes, and just like the captured Tong Mo, he returned respectfully.

This is clearly the power of the gods.

"It's just a trivial matter, and you also paid 07 points."

Bai Chen took a sip of sake and frowned slightly, after all, it had no taste.

"Speaking of points, when I called the two adults to come over, the chat group seemed to say that I have "redeemable things" on me. After I agreed, I found that all my power had disappeared."

The breath of her flowers.

Absolutely not.

"Is it the breathing method you learned? With all due respect, it is better to exchange that breathing method as soon as possible, the power in the pool is much stronger than your breathing method.

Bai Chen said with a smile.

Not to mention the spirit crystals, just the various spells in the godslayer world, or the fighting skills, can throw the breathing technique for several streets.

After all, although the breathing method is good for the improvement of ordinary people, it is too harmful to the body.

"As for the points, just sell the sun-knife and the raw ore. If there are no ghosts in the future, it will be a waste of money to put them there."

Anyway, after the tragic death, there are only good ghosts like Zhu Shi left, and it won't have any effect. Butterfly Shinobi can take it slow when it comes to points.

Besides, in addition to breathing, there are also some spells in this world.

"Oh, yes, one more thing. 35

Bai Chen said.

"Your lord, if he wants to be cured, he will take a blood sample from him and ask Da Gu to entrust him. There are people on their side who can cure all diseases, and it doesn't take many points.

Dagu is a good man, even if he doesn't need points, he will definitely help.


Butterfly said gratefully.

Yoshiya Zaiyashiki is the lord they all respect, and they don't want to see such a good person die young.

At this time, Tokisaki Kurumi and Bai Chen looked at each other.

"Miss Shinobi, we should go back too.

Kurumi smiled apologetically.

"Apologize to your sister, probably won't be able to drink with her tonight.

"Are you leaving so soon?

Butterfly endured a little reluctance.

She secretly looked at Bai Chen, she still had a lot to say, and she didn't even think about how to repay him.

As for points.

Just paying that little price can change all the future, it is too small.

"It's not parting from life or death, it's good to see you in the group.

Bai Chen said.

Hearing this, Butterfly Ren thought about it too, and immediately felt less reluctant.


And chat groups.

Then, in the sight of Butterfly Ninja, the figures of Bai Chen and Tokisaki Kurumi disappeared out of thin air.

[Group reminder: The commission issued by the queen who wants to fall in love has been completed. 】

[Group reminder: group member "Bai Chen", task evaluation - perfect, the reward has been settled. 】

[Group reminder: group member "The Spirit of Time", task evaluation - perfect, the reward has been settled. 】

Points credited.

Bai Chen and Tokisaki Kurumi are back.

Afterwards, Bai Chen was madly beaten in the group for the first time.

Spirit of Time: "Why did I get 5,000 points? Obviously, the total reward for this mission is only 3,000 points.

Bai Chen couldn't help looking at his balance.

Completing this task has risen to 12,000 points.


Bai Chen: "My reward is six thousand."

The Spirit of Time: "Is there an error in the settlement of the chat group?"

Bai Chen: "It shouldn't be, this may be the reward mechanism of the chat group delegation. After all, the mission of Butterfly Ninja was to save her sister, but we killed Wu Miserable. If we exceed the completion, there will be excess rewards. "5

The Spirit of Time: "Isn't it possible to earn points?"

Bai Chen: "It's not that simple. Every world should have a limit, and there won't be any chance to score points. 39

The Spirit of Time: "It's a pity, wronged Baba.jpg.

Railgun: "Angry.jpg.

Railgun: "If I had known it was so easy, I would have skipped class!"

Bai Chen: "Are you happy? 35

Railgun: "QAQ.

Railgun: "Damn it, why should I study, why should I take classes!

Butterfly forbearance: "Sister said just now that she wanted to have a few drinks with you, but you left."

Bai Chen703: "No way, just save the drinking for the next time.

Butterfly Ninja: "I will tell my sister.

Butterfly Ninja: "Mr. Bai Chen, who is Mr. Dagu you said earlier?"

Dagu boiled it into soup: "What's the matter with me?"

Railgun: "Suddenly Appears.jpg.""

Afterwards, Butterfly Ninja briefly explained the matter.

Dagu boiled it into soup: "No problem, I'll go to ask Hori tomorrow, if he agrees, three days... no, it can be developed in one day.

Butterfly Ninja: "Thank you so much!"

Bai Chen: "By the way, since everyone is here, I will draw another prize to add to the fun."

Railgun: "Are you Gou?"

The Spirit of Time: "I just happen to have a lottery draw, and it's rare to be able to draw ten consecutive points, but the first chance will be given to Mr. Bai Chen. 99

Bai Chen: "I know you're trying to test the explosion rate of the pool with me, it's a bit bad.

The Spirit of Time: "What kind of wickedness can a kitten have?"

Bai Chen: "Hehe, since that's the case, then let you continue to see my right hand of God."

Bai Chen: "It's my turn again.

He opens the resident pool.

Rewards for Moon World and Ghost Slayer World have been updated.

Bai Chen: "Draw cards.jpg.

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