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Chapter 1232 This Is The Lifan Setting

Chapter 1232

Railgun: "I know this! There is reproductive isolation between different species. Otherwise, if any species could communicate with each other, the world would have been messed up long ago."

Blue Slime: "However, in some worlds, there is no separation between humans and monsters, such as the Brave series..."

Little Spider: "Why did you go to Lifan while chatting?"

I don't want to see a ghost: "There are so many girls in the group, pay attention to your image, if you continue to pervert like this, no girls will like you anymore."

Ultra-Railgun: "It's useless even if you like it, these meanings are nonsense."

Blue Slime: "It's dirt!!!"

Chaos Evil: "Uh... Maybe the newcomer's world is set in Lifan. After all, the boss also said that the reason why goblins don't have a mother body is because of the gods of that world."

Teacher Loli: "Indeed, if the gods are really as wicked as Mr. Bai Chen said, it's not impossible to do this kind of thing."

The Spirit of Time: "It's late at night, why are you talking about Lifan? Take me one?"

Bai Chen: "Yo, Kuang San, you haven't slept yet."

The Spirit of Time: "Ah, is this Mr. Bai Chen? Good evening, Bixin.jpg."

Electromagnetic Gun: "The attitude changes too fast, people are caught off guard!"

The Spirit of Time: "Meiqin, what are you talking about 367, I don't understand why."

[Group reminder: The spirit of time, a member of the group, withdrew a message. 】

Little Spider: "Why do you withdraw? If you're pregnant, let's find a way together.jpg."

The Spirit of Time: "Smile.jpg"

Bai Chen: "Ahem, let's get back to the topic, in fact, what you discussed is correct, after all, in some respects, the goblins in that world are indeed similar to the Lifan setting.

The Spirit of Time: "Goblin?"

Tokisaki Kurumi was confused for a while, and then soon realized that everyone was discussing the world of newcomers.

After spending some time browsing through the group files and chat records uploaded by Bai Chen, I quickly understood the reasons behind it.

The Spirit of Time: "Why would God do this?"

The little priest: "Yes, why did the gods do this? Don't gods exist to protect this world?"

Bai Chen: "It is not ruled out that there are gods who are kind to mortals, but as far as I know, most gods have their own set of rules of conduct, but all of them have very different attitudes towards mortals."

Mortals should not look directly at the gods.

This verse from the Bible clearly shows why.

Gods and mortals are never on the same scale.

No matter what the situation is, gods are always higher than mortals.

So far, among the gods that Bai Chen has seen, the attitude towards mortals is basically the same as what he said.

Whether it is to train mortals to be brave, warriors or demigods, guide them to do certain things and serve as guides on the journey.

In the final analysis, none of them treated those so-called brave men as existences of the same level as themselves.

Even the gods of the world of prudent heroes are the same.

He kept saying that he wanted to protect the world.

However, when the world is being polluted and attacked by the demon king's army, they still upgrade slowly with the brave, instead of using their own divine power to directly save those worlds.

It is also known as what the brave should do, and the gods cannot directly intervene.

But Bai Chen would not.

After all, he himself came up step by step from a mortal.

Little Priest: "How could this be?"

As a clergyman, she had doubts about the gods she believed in for the first time.

Bai Chen: "Nothing is impossible. After all, how many people do you think would be kind to ants on the roadside?"

Bai Chen: "Whether it is an adventurer or a monster, they are just pawns in the hands of those gods. If the pawns are gone, they can be replenished at any time [It is impossible to expect those gods to be kind."

After coming to this world.

Although Bai Chen himself has been playing role-playing games, he also investigated the Akasha records of this world (cbeb) and learned the basic information of those gods.

Reality, fantasy, chaos, order, space, time, death and other nihilistic concepts are transformed into gods with entities.

In terms of Hakoniwa.

Some resemble inborn gods [and those gods are the concepts themselves.

In the early years, those gods fought each other, trying to win or lose.

But later the gods discovered that no one could do anything to each other.

Therefore, the next best thing is to use dice and use the size of the points to determine the winner or loser.

The adventurers form a team and accept the commission, which is organized by the god called "Fantasy".

And the adventurers encountered on the road, including betrayal, traps, monster attacks and other accidents are organized by "reality".

If the number of points cast by fantasy is large, then the adventurers controlled by the gods will complete the commission as they wish.

If the real number of points cast is large, then the adventurer will fail or even die due to various accidents.

Electromagnetic Gun: "That world is too dark, I didn't expect God to be so evil!"

Bai Chen: "This is normal. After all, no one stipulates that gods must save the world. Don't forget that even those upper-level gods in Hakoniwa wanted to give up the entire human history.

Little Spider: "Sakyamuni: Please don't Q when you die, thank you."

Bai Chen: "And Sister Pao, I remember I told you before that the universe you are in has been reset several times by the Demon God, right?"

Ultra-Railgun: "Ah, this..."

Little Spider: "Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps."

Bai Chen: "Spider is similar. Cthulhu D is also a guy who does whatever he wants. The system you are currently using is made by her, and because of your weird behavior, she has been monitoring your every move."

Little Spider: "The big brother said the most important thing in an understatement!"

Bai Chen: "Actually, there are even more explosive ones. I'm afraid you won't be able to accept them if you tell them."

I don't know what the spider would look like if he knew that his previous life was not a JK house at all, but a spider in the corner of the classroom.

Little Spider: "Then don't talk about it! After all, the boss said I can't accept it!"

Having said that, the whole spider still really wants to know the unknown insider.

But the other split consciousnesses are persuading her, don't think about anything, just stay under the protection of the boss, just be a happy spider girl.

Anyway, with the boss around, it is impossible for her to have an accident.

Little Priest: "What should I do now."

Compared with the entanglement of the little spider, the little priest also fell into confusion. .

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