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Chapter 1235 The Gods Have Left The God Realm

Chapter 1235

For these gods.

The dice game is no longer a tool to determine winning or losing, but a place to have fun on weekdays.

Almost all gods will participate and have fun.

Watching the adventurers applaud when fighting monsters, and sighing when watching them fall into crisis and wipe out.

This has been the case for thousands of years.


Just as the gods continued their board games, they discovered that their divine power could not control the world that they were too familiar with to any degree.

Halfway through the game, it was suddenly interrupted.

Disables a trap that should have been triggered.

Let the adventurers who should have been wiped out survive the entrustment that was not manipulated by the gods.

In addition, there are half-constructed mazes, half-placed traps, unassigned fierce monsters, and so on.

The huge divine power network was paralyzed at this moment.

Just like those Internet users who suddenly encounter a power outage.

After being unable to "reconnect" no matter what, there were complaints one after another immediately in the God Realm.

"what is going on?"

"What happened to 21? Why can't I set a trap?"

"Damn it! I just tossed more points than you. If it wasn't for losing control, the team of adventurers you brought would have been wiped out!"

"Then I don't know either."

"Ahhhh! I've only built half of the maze, and the maze that took me so much painstaking effort actually dropped at a critical moment!"

The imaginary goddess grabbed her hair, and Meilu's face was full of national colors.

After all, anyone who encounters such a critical moment will be hysterical.

"Looks like the world has gone wrong."

At this time, a short and fat figure with an extremely lucky appearance came.

"Really, do you know what happened?"

The goddess named Fantasy temporarily let go of the blueprint of the maze in her hand, and looked at the other party with a look of embarrassment.

Real often play chess with her.

The fantasy imagination is rich, creating mazes, treasures and traps all over the world.

She guides the adventurers to challenge in the labyrinth, applauds their heroic performance, and gives corresponding treasures.

Reality acts as her opponent, creating a steady stream of monsters to interfere with the actions of adventurers.

But in the game between fantasy and reality, there are winners and losers.

But lose more and win less.

"Could it be you doing unnecessary things again?"

The fantasy goddess puffed up her cheeks.

Every game with reality makes her feel unhappy.

Obviously, you only need to create monsters that are equal to adventurers, fight with each other, and create wonderful pictures.

But the reality is that they stuff their brains with monsters of unequal strength, and then appreciate the life and death fights of mortals.

In addition, unnecessary traps will be made, and even fantasy is helpless.

"Adventures always have accidents, don't they?"

Really showing a smile uglier than crying.

"But I don't have time to do anything this time, and even if it's me, I can't do Fang Youshen's control of the world, right?"

...seems to be the case. "

The goddess of fantasy leaned on her lips and nodded thoughtfully.

That's true.

If the real divine power could achieve this level, he would have been able to occupy the God Realm long ago and become the only God King.

How can I wait until now.

"But who did it? Chaos? Or...death?"

The fantasy goddess thought so.

"Don't you understand? This is not something we can do, maybe it is the actions of Mother World itself.

Said with a real laugh.

"Oh? Is it mother?"

The fantasy goddess wondered.

Everything the world conceives.

The gods are among them.

"If it wanted to punish us, the world would have restricted us long ago, so I guess it must be something else that interfered with the God Realm."

Afterwards, the real god stared at the fantasy goddess in doubt.

"Maybe something very unexpected."

Then, the truth cut open the void, and took out a book with a pitch-black cover from it.

Open the cover, and turn the pages of the book that never seem to be finished page by page.

Numerous screen records leaped before my eyes.

He quickly browsed through the above records, and soon stopped at the last ten pages.

It records recent "real" experiences.

It is also the experience where the weirdness emanates from.

The real god read it out, and then played out the experience like a movie.

A team of porcelain-level, fledgling adventurers accepted the entrusted task of crusade against goblins.

And according to the level between reality and fantasy in the near future.

This commission should have ended with the annihilation of all adventurers.

However, the result was completely opposite.

The Goblins, who were fully prepared, fought at home, and whose strength was far greater than that of white porcelain-level adventurers, ushered in the end of their doom.


Reality and fantasy exclaimed at the same time.

The destruction of this group of adventurers should have been their predetermined fate.

But now, the fate of death has been broken.

"Could it be that... the adventurer who specializes in killing goblins?"

The imaginary goddess wondered.

As long as it is a commission related to goblins, it will be accepted by that person.

Every intervention will change the established ending of the game of gods.

"No, he's not here."

The real god shook his head.

"It's this man."

Unknowingly, other gods also surrounded him.

After hearing the real guesses, the expressions on the faces vary.

"How can a mortal affect the God Realm?"

"But after all, it is a true record, and it is true, it will not be faked."

"Maybe it's just a coincidence? Let's wait and see as before, anyway, it's just that we can't roll the dice temporarily.

The fantasy goddess spoke.

She has a crush on the men in 723's real record.

Nothing else.

It was purely the face of the other party, which was in line with her aesthetic standards.

Compared with those strange male gods in the God Realm, it is much better.

"It's okay if it's the same as before, but this time all the gods can't play the game, so there is reason to believe that someone has disrupted the existing order.

The look on the real face was a little ferocious.

It doesn't matter how you play with other gods on weekdays.

But now, it may be interfered by a mortal from the world, so how can he, who maintains the order of reality, tolerate it.

"The existence of disrupting order needs to be eliminated. This is also one of the rules of the game."

The truth is a little cold.

In the past, the gods played games for the better.

Thus creating a special race of goblins.

And it also used divine power to cover up the goblin's information, modified the world's perception of goblins, and imprinted the ideological stamp of goblins as weak monsters in everyone's heart.

The purpose of everything is for a better game.

Now that there are variables on the chessboard, the gods will naturally not let it go.

After getting the approval of most of the gods.

It represents that the real gods have left the God Realm.

And at the moment when God left the God Realm.

Bai Chen, who returned to the Adventurer's Guild with the little priest, also noticed the other party's whereabouts, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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