Chapter 1263

The Spirit of Time: "That is to say, it's not that they didn't die, but they died in the future timeline. Is that what I understand?"

Bai Chen: "Kuang San, you have indeed become a lot smarter, I am glad. jpg"

The Spirit of Time: "What! I am also studying hard! Angry.jpg.

Ever since he was first taught by Bai Chen to "read more books", and after the Siyuan Fairy incident was resolved, Kuang Sanyi would spend time in the library to receive the influence of knowledge.

Looking back now, she was really stupid and pitiful in the past.

If you want to absorb time more efficiently, you can obviously go to prisons all over the world to find those serious criminals, so there is no need to go fishing and enforce the law one by one.

Teacher Loli: "Are you sure there will be no problems if you do this? Lost in thought.jpg."

Blue Slime: "Anyway, it's better than dying. After all, no matter how chaotic the world is, it's impossible to become more chaotic than after the beta invasion."

Teacher Loli: "That's true, but I'm thinking too much."

Electromagnetic Gun: "As expected of you, Mr. Bai Chen! It is purely about a powerful brick flying, unpretentious."

Little Spider: "The fake big boss changes history, the real big boss cuts off time directly! The big boss is awesome!"

Bai Chen: "Let's not talk about it. After I finish dealing with the matter here, I will hit the beta on a planet. If you have nothing to do at that time, you can come here to fight monsters and relax."

Bai Chen: "@御剑明夜, I'll go back soon, if there's anything I need to deal with, I'll let you know before I leave."

Yu Jian Mingye: "Okay."

Even though he called Bai Chen to help.

But in fact she was the most shocking.

Originally thought that the process of solving beta was like in a sci-fi movie, Bai Chen sent waves all over the world, but unexpectedly, he directly summoned meteorites to smash the ground around the world.

But in her eyes, it's still very cool.

Soon after.

The golden light covering the world slowly dissipated.

The dark night enveloped the world again.

It was as quiet as if nothing had happened.

Only the huge pits all over the place and the flames burning on the ruins showed that everything before was not false.

Hey la..․ Sigh

There was a chirping sound from the communication headset, and then the voice inside gradually became clear.

"Sister Mingye, sister Mingye...can you hear me?"

Shinhime Tsugase's childlike voice came.

"I heard, what's the matter?"

After a few seconds of silence, Yujian Mingye connected to the communication.

"...Miss Ming Ye! You are still asking what's the matter! Didn't you see the meteorite and the bright light just now!"

The girl in the communicator yelled, obviously frightened.

"I know."

Yu Jian Mingye answered briefly.

It's not that she replied like this on purpose, but that she didn't know what to say at all.

Said that he brought back a god from another world.

That god helped her solve all the betas on the earth, and also took over the lair of the alien civilization that made the betas?

Even light novels are not written like this.

"Sister Ming Ye, do you think there is something wrong with my eyes or my head? You actually thought that there was a god coming, and the god only exists in the story!"

"Uh...can I say that I have the same idea? The meteorites before could not simply fall naturally, but things like gods are not scientific at all!"

"I... I'm the same as you, I thought I was the only one with a brain problem, but I didn't expect everyone to have a problem."

"Don't compare us to you! fact, there is no trace of beta on the radar. How did they disappear?"

"Huh? Are you saying it's because we're all dead and this is heaven now?"

"Crow mouth!"

"You can say a few words less."

The girl guards chattered and discussed in the public channel.

But no one can give a definite statement.

Yu Jian Mingye remained silent.

She was thinking about how to give an appropriate explanation, or let Bai Chen explain after he came back.

The same question arises all over the world.


"How did Beta disappear? How did the Guardians survive?"

The senior officials in Kyoto who fled to the Yokohama base looked at the screen and the various pictures on the life detector in surprise.

The densely packed red dots representing beta on the combat radar before were not left.

On the contrary, the guard signals that had disappeared, turned on again.

Not only that.

Even the Kyoto base, which was breached by beta, reconnected to the signal.

The people in the refuge were unscathed, and even the captured city had no casualties.

Under the meteorite attack that was enough to destroy the entire island country just now, only Beta disappeared?

"Do gods really exist? Just appeared and wiped out all those monsters? This joke is not funny at all!"

"Sir, but the sky and the monitors just now captured the images of people flying there, so it's hard to say whether the gods exist or not...

"Are you kidding me?"

Those who can sit in this seat are all materialists.

In their eyes, gods, ghosts and monsters are just things to bluff children.

"Call me the screen!"

Soon, under the operation of the staff, the previous picture was projected on the big screen.

In the towering golden sky, a golden human figure appeared.

It's just that seeing this, the eyeballs of everyone who saw this scene felt uncontrollably hot, and unknowingly, blood and tears flowed down.

But that's the case, they are still watching.

"What about the human face? This distance should be able to capture a clear human face!"

The senior official's tone was a little crazy.

But no matter what the technicians did, even the images captured by the few satellites floating in the sky showed an extremely unscientific scene.

Just because no matter which picture it is, it is all bottom-up, like the sight of human beings looking up.

Even the surveillance satellites in the sky are the same.

It cannot be observed from above, and the feedback image is only "looking up" at Xi. .

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