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Chapter 1268 Isn't It Enough To Sell The Volcano?

Chapter 1268

After all, for him, it is far from the critical time.

When the volcano erupts, he can still choose to go back in time.

Ordinary superpowers: "Of course, if it really can't be solved, Mr. Bai Chen, will you still be willing to help me at that time?"

Bai Chen: "Of course, it's not a big deal."

Ordinary superpower user: "Thank you, and if you really wait until that day, I hope you can take my superpower away."

Little Spider: "Huh? Why? Isn't it delicious with superpowers?"

Ordinary superpower user: "Although my superpower can do many things, it also has various side effects. In fact, you can guess that I can't precisely control my superpower. Although I can extinguish the eruption of a volcano, the consequence of doing so is to sink the country together."

Blue Slime: "Horror!"

Railgun: "Wait a minute! But didn't you say before that you can go back in time and still retain the memories of human beings all over the world? To that extent, it should be more difficult than extinguishing a volcano!"

Ordinary superpower user: "It looks difficult, but it's actually much easier to operate. After all, I just need to keep everyone's memory [the rest will be handled by time regression."

The Spirit of Time: "Since this is the case, maintaining the status quo is also an option. After all these years, you have come here too."

Ordinary superpower user: "Yes, I'm here, but superpowers have also brought me a lot of trouble. If there is no limiter, I will not be able to live a normal life on earth. Have you ever heard the voices of others every moment, and you can't sleep normally at all?"

Before there was no limiter, Saiki Kusuo could not control his mind reading ability at all.

Even if you try your best to restrain yourself, you can still cover the scope of a small town.

The different voices of countless people drilled into the brain at the same time.

If it wasn't for Saiki Kusuo being a superpower, he would have been driven crazy by those voices.

Ordinary superpowers: "Under the circumstances beyond my control, almost everyone is a flesh and blood skeleton in front of my eyes.

Ordinary superpower user: "So I am very worried, if the limiter fails, what should I do if my superpower goes out of control again?"

Teacher Loli: "I've seen this kind of situation with some demons. There are many demons in the Special Zone. Because they live with humans, they often hurt people because of loss of control."

Ordinary superpowers: "So, if possible, I want to be an ordinary person.

Bai Chen: "I don't mind if you do that."

Ordinary superpowers: "Why?"

Bai Chen: "It's very simple. In the world you live in, you are the only person with a particularly powerful superpower, but have you ever wondered why it is you and not someone else?"

Bai Chen: "In other words, your existence is similar to the collective consciousness of the moon world, and it is the last fuse of the world. To put it simply, you are the only chosen one, and you exist to protect the earth and creatures."

Bai Chen: "Just imagine, if you lose your superpowers, but the next disaster happens, how will you pay back?"

These words made Saiki Kusuo fall silent.

He had never thought about it before.

Bai Ming: "At a young age, if your relatives or friends are in danger, what can you do if you lose your superpowers?"

Ordinary esper: ...Understood, I will reconsider.

Little Spider: "By the way, in fact, if you want to solve the problem of volcanic eruption, there should be another way, just sell the volcano to the chat group, why not just go there?"

Spirit of Time:

Railgun: "As expected of you!"

Little Spider: "There is still this kind of operation? Is this the power of non-chicken talk?"

I don't want to go to hell: "Ah this...would it really work?"

Bai Chen: "It's a good idea, but it doesn't work."

Bai Chen: "The recycling rules of the chat group are limited to valuable things, high-tech products, or mysterious items. Even gold can be recycled, but there is a high probability that volcanoes will be judged as worthless items."

Blue Slime: "Ah... then there is no way."

...asking for flowers...

Bai Chen: "Actually, if you want to solve the disaster problem, you should be able to find your brother.

Saiki Kusuo's biological brother Saiki Sorasuke.

The positioning at the beginning of the animation plot is already a genius beyond the times.

With his own scientific research ability, he can beat the scientists of the whole world.

In a certain parallel world, the time machine has also been independently produced.

Ordinary superpower user: "Absolutely impossible! Even if I die, I won't ask that guy for help!!!"

When mentioning his elder brother, Saiki Kusuo didn't want to refuse on the spot.

Tell him to ask that super annoying Saiki Sorasuke?

That was worse than killing him.


Little Spider: "The newcomers seem very excited."

The Spirit of Time: "It can be seen that the relationship between the two brothers is very bad.

Bai Chen: "@常常常的超能人, I know that your brother often uses some black technology to deal with you, but have you ever thought about whether you can take the initiative to fight back? For example, sell all his black technology to the chat group to exchange for points and the like."

Bai Chen: "I think no matter how smart your brother is, he can't keep up with your sales speed?"

Ordinary superpowers: "?"

Saiki Kusuo was stunned for a moment, then he realized that, after careful consideration, he found that it was indeed feasible.

After all, he has always been disgusted by the various inventions of Sai Mu Kongsuke.

But the other party is his elder brother after all, and every time the prank is over, he can only let the other party go.

Maybe it would be interesting if there was a way to counter pranks?

Thinking of this, Saiki Kusuo couldn't help showing a happy smile gradually.

Then he closed his eyes and began to sense Saiki Sorasuke's position.

Blue Slime: "The newcomer...has disappeared."

Railgun: "I'm already worried about the newcomer's older brother."

Little Spider: "Mourn in silence."

Seeing the reaction of the group members, Bai Chen silently raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

Afterwards, he temporarily bid farewell to the chat group and returned to the world of Godslayer Xi. .

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