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Chapter 1277: God's Mischief

Chapter 1277

Suzuki Satoru weakly lowered his hands.

Ainz Wurgon: "I don't want to become like that."

Although he lived in a depressive world, he never thought of harming others in the past.

Suzuki Satoru didn't find Bai Chen's description of his future interesting, on the contrary he felt a little scary.

He was afraid that he would become like that.

Even looking at the game equipment I love, I feel a little strange.

The Spirit of Time: "If you don't want to become like that, then just don't stay in the game when the server is closed."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Yeah, after all, didn't Bai Chen say that you will travel through the game when the server is closed, so if that's the case, just stop playing the game before the server is closed.

Little Spider: "Good idea!"

Blue Slime: "It's so rare to be smart!"

Railgun: "?"

Railgun: "As an Iv5, I have one of the best computing power in my brain. How can I not guess such a simple thing?"

Bai Chen: "This approach may work, but it may not work."

After all, it was never mentioned in the original book that Suzuki Satoru had to stay in the game to travel through.

It's just that the Dragon Emperor's Siyuan magic has caused the player to travel through.

It is not known from the information obtained from the original text whether 130 will be summoned in the offline state.

But considering the worst case, even if the player is not online, he will travel to another world.

In this way, no matter how Suzuki Satoru evaded, he had to travel to another world.

Of course, Bai Chen was happy to see this situation.

When everyone saw Bai Chen's analysis, they also fell into deep thought.

It has to be said that there is indeed such a possibility.

Ainz Wurgon: "Do I have to travel through time..."

Bai Chen: "In fact, traveling to another world is also a good thing for you. After all, compared to working for the capitalists in the city, you are the supreme supreme above ten thousand people in another world. Of course, I know what your concerns are. It is nothing more than not wanting to become the situation I said."

Ainz Oool Gown:

Bai Chen: "I have a solution to your problem."

The Spirit of Time: "Well... Bai Chen, you should have more thoughts than these?"

Bai Chen: "Of course, I am also very interested (cbeb) in other worlds. After all, it is the magic that allows players to pack their levels and equipment in the game and bring them to other worlds. If I can analyze the magic, it may become another way to quickly become stronger."

Super electromagnetic gun: "Wait! Let me think about it, I seem to have seen this kind of thing somewhere."

Little Spider: "This is the world where Miss Asuna lives."

Railgun: "Oh, I remembered! But I haven't had much time to play.

Little Spider: "It's over! We've already cleared the 100th floor, and now it's growing grass, eating melons.jpg."

Railgun: "?"

Pao: "Wait for me?"

Little Spider: "Isn't this going to open a new world soon? According to the big brother's approach, we will definitely have another game to play next!"

Blue Slime: "Whoa! There's a new game to play!"

Blue Slime: "When I watched the live broadcast of the boss before, I always felt excited. Although I personally don't want to fight, I can still play games.

Little Spider: "@小白猫猫, a new game is launched, do you want to come?"

Little White Cat: "Yes."

Bai Chen: "Since everyone is willing, then this matter is settled like this, @安兹伟尔gong, what's your opinion?"

Ainz Wurgon: "If I don't become that kind of person, I want to give it a try."

Anzi Urgon: "After all, as you said, I have had enough of the bad life in the real world. I have dedicated more than ten years of my life to this game. If I have the opportunity

I still want to give it a try. "

Ordinary superpower user: "Can you add me in the future? If you are in a different world, maybe there is a way for me to experience the opportunity to use superpowers without any scruples."

From birth to now, this is one of the things Saiki Kusuo wants to do most.

But the world he lives in is too fragile. Without the assistance of the limiter, the end of the world may usher in the next second.

Yujian Mingye: "Can I become stronger by playing games? Can I play games too?"

Ainz Urgon: "If you can come together, I definitely welcome it!"

Seeing the strong reaction in the group, Suzuki Satoru finally became more cheerful.

In this game that has been with him for twelve years, friends who used to play the game have been quitting one after another. Until now, he is the only one in the entire guild who has been playing this game.

He is very happy if someone can play with him.

Bai Chen: "@安兹伟尔童, when the game is about to be shut down, I'll go over and operate it in person, and then you can just issue a commission at will.

Ainz Worgon: "Oh, yes, thank you, boss!"

Seeing this, Bai Chen also knew that Suzuki Satoru's world was about to be acquired by him and became part of his general army.

As for the game, it is purely a benefit for the group members.

If you can have a full-level account and a magic outfit in that game, you can basically reach the five-figure level of Hakoniwa.

For those group members who joined later, it is definitely a huge improvement.

As for Ainz Ooal Gown after crossing.

It is also very simple to solve his problem.

You only need to wash off the "Forced Calmness" skill, and then humanely destroy or dominate some of the demons in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

After all, in the animation, the reason why Suzuki Satoru turned into a massacre demon king was also helped by them.

Living with demons for a long time, even the kindest heart will be corrupted.

If in the original work, Suzuki Satoru traveled with other companions in the guild, he would probably have embarked on a completely different path from Bone King.

Valkyrie: "Excuse me... what is this place?"

Ultra-Railgun: "Oh? Is this a newcomer?"

The Spirit of Time: "It should be, I remember I joined the group with Mr. Suzuki Satoru, but I haven't spoken yet.

Valkyrie: "Chat groups connecting different worlds really exist? Could it be some god playing a prank on me?"

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