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Chapter 1279: The Final Valkyrie

Chapter 1279

Immortal Palace is not far from Shenhui Conference Hall.

They are all on the border of Valhalla.

From the outside, Valhalla is a golden palace suspended in the air.

Spear poles hang from the rafters of the palace, the roof is covered with shields, and chain mail is strewn about the benches.

There are five hundred and forty doors that allow eight hundred people to pass through at one time.

When the twilight of the gods comes, the heroic warriors stationed here will emerge from it and go to the battlefield through the gate of Valhalla.

In addition, various creatures live nearby.

The wild boar Shahlimnir is the main source of meat for the Hall of Valor.

Every day, it will be cooked in a big pot by the chef, but every night at midnight, the wild boar will be resurrected.

The stag and the goat stood eating the leaves in the valley of Valhaah.

The milk of the goat is the incomparable "two-two-three" mead, and the antlers of the stag will drip dew into the "inexhaustible spring" Hvagmir.

This is the original spring that bred the gods, and the gods here are supplied with a steady stream of spring water.

And in a corner of the palace, there lived a rooster named Gulinkambi.

Its cry is said to herald the beginning of Ragnarok.

Brunhilde and Gray looked over at the carefree rooster with a stately face over the guard's heroic warrior.

Gray didn't know why.

The rooster looked terrible to her, and she almost got pecked several times when she approached it.

"Sister, are we sure we want to go in directly?"

Entering the lengthy tunnel, Gray said fearfully.

After the start of the meeting, no idlers are allowed to enter.

Especially this time the content of the council is to discuss the survival of the human world.

If it weren't for the heroic warriors guarding the gate, they are all familiar with it, and they probably wouldn't be able to get in here at all.

It's just that Grey's inquiry didn't get a response from Brunhilde.

At this moment, she squinted her eyes and heard the old voice coming from the parliament hall at the end of the corridor.

"Everyone, since the last meeting, a thousand years have passed quickly, without further ado, the Human Survival Conference held by the gods of the world is now beginning.

Hearing this, Brunhilde couldn't help but quicken his pace.

But at this moment, an eye-catching "someone@you" prompt appeared in that weird chat group.

Brunhilde, who had already determined that it was a prank by the gods, did not take this matter to heart.

She doesn't have time to play games with boring gods right now.

The closer the distance, the clearer the sound.

She heard the old noise of Zeus.

"The vote now begins, whether to allow human civilization to continue for a thousand years, or to end it?"

After Zeus finished speaking, the gods responded soon.

The four-handed young god with green skin, short black hair, a yellow turban on his forehead, and a vertical eye between his brows, lay on his back, lazily said: "Then let it end, in my opinion, there is no point of reflection in the past thousand years, just destroy it all.

As soon as the words fell, another soft and beautiful voice echoed.

Just listening to the sound is incomparably graceful, like the sound of nature.

The one who spoke was a goddess with blond hair like the rising sun, dressed in ancient Greek-style robes, and her exposed skin released a sacred halo, and the charm that radiated out could even capture the gods.

"Indeed, as Shiva said, in the past thousand years, the world has become more and more ugly. The oceans are full of garbage and oil, and creatures are becoming extinct one after another. To be honest, human beings are the disaster that destroys the creatures on the earth."

As soon as the goddess finished speaking, thousands of gods in the whole hall echoed and spoke.

The unified caliber, without exception, is a proposal to make human beings extinct.

Hearing this, Brunhilde quickened his pace again, before the final word...

And at this time.

A new round of discussions started in the chat group where the newcomers hadn't bubbled up.

Little Spider: "It's all explained like this, and the newcomer hasn't come out yet?"

The Spirit of Time: "Relax, although I am a bit stubborn, but after all, not everyone is willing to believe us."

Butterfly Shinobi: "Yeah, just like I did at the beginning, I thought the chat group was blood ghost art, maybe the newcomer was in the same situation as me at that time, and it was even a little more complicated.

Little Priest: "My lord Shenming deceived me like this back then, and it made me worry for a long time..."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Hhhhh, that's because you trust others too easily! What's more, you should have found out after the entrustment was released..."

Blue Slime: "The little priest should belong to the kind of hhhhhh who is sold and counts money for others.

Little Priest: "Well..."

Being ridiculed by other people in the chat group, the little priest's cheeks turned rosy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chaos Evil: "Having said that, I'm still very curious about what the newcomer's world looks like.

Grandpa is so cute: "I also want to know, Valkyrie sounds a little handsome."

Little Spider: "Since this is the case, it's time for the boss to appear!"

Bai Chen: "...I have almost deduced why the newcomers don't respond."

After finishing the conversation with Suzuki Satoru, Bai Ming began to investigate the origin and identity of another newcomer.

have to say.

This time it was quite difficult to find.

Not only the nickname has no characteristics, but even the props and abilities added to the resident pool have no special changes.

Until now, he just rubbed his eyebrows thoughtfully.

If he guessed correctly.

The newcomer nicknamed the Valkyrie is Brunhilde, the Nordic Valkyrie in the world of "The Last Valkyrie".

You shouldn't go wrong with this.

And when it comes to the world of "The Valkyrie of the End", there doesn't seem to be much that interests him.

The story structure of this episode is very simple.

It's a story of pure gods and humans fighting in a group arena.

If God wins, mankind will perish.

If God loses, human beings will continue for another thousand years.

But it was such a series that caused a lot of repercussions when it was broadcast.

After all, the gods or characters participating in the group arena are all familiar characters in Ketian myths or folk tales.

A row of gods, such as Zeus, Odin, Thor, Shiva and the like.

As for humans, there are Lu Bu, Adam, Sasaki Kojiro, Jack the Ripper, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng and so on.

However, although the repercussions were great, not all were applauded.

Since it's a one-on-one arena brawl, one side is bound to lose.

In this way, the audience will naturally feel quite upset after seeing their favorite characters lose.

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