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Chapter 1281: Singles Match Between Humans And Gods

Chapter 1281

Before Bai Chen traveled, it was said that the Indian nerds were very dissatisfied because Shiva failed too sloppily.

As a result, this film was reported and removed from the shelves.

It has to be said that the combat effectiveness of Indian netizens is quite strong.

Of course, having said that, it is enough to see that the focus of this episode of Valkyrie at the end is not the plot, but just a fun episode for watching chaos.

Bai Chen: "In short, don't use your own thinking to think that a certain god in that world is very strong, the result may come out as you expected."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Such a stretch, the Shiva of Indian mythology will cry if he sees it.

Having said that, Bai Ye still laughed at Ku Kuku.

If it is not impossible, she would like to call Shiva over to watch the video of Shiva being killed by humans in another world.

Little Spider: "At first I thought it was so powerful, but I didn't expect it to be this."

Blue Slime: "This is probably because the reality is not in line with expectations, at least in most people's subconscious, gods are very strong.

Electromagnetic Gun: "But newcomers, newcomers! Newcomers, come out!"

And at this very moment.

As Bai Chen said, although Brunhilde saw the chat group prompting non-stop, she only glanced at it a few times.

However, because of this simple glance, she saw the words that made her shudder.

From the description spoken by "Bai Chen", the world I live in is exactly the same.

Even she didn't know many things he said.

For example, the personnel list of God War.

This kind of thing obviously has to wait until she promulgates the "Legend of Ragnarok" decree to the gods before it can be launched.

Now, how can others know about it?

Brunhilde's three views are a little shaken.

Many gods with "future vision" can do such things as predicting the future.

However, the so-called "future" can only see what is happening a few seconds later.

Not to mention the ancient law code that has been left in a corner and has not been opened for tens of thousands of years.

Maybe it's not a prank by some god, but really something out of the sky?

Before Brunhilde had time to think about it, the Valkyrie who was already standing at the entrance of one of the halls of the God Assembly heard the voice of Zeus' aged man.

At the same time, the wooden hammer that symbolizes the settlement of the dust is about to be finalized.

Brunhilde came back to his senses, suppressed the surprise in his heart, and the clear and loud voice spread throughout the hall.

"Wait a mininute."

The wooden hammer did not drop.

All the gods looked over at the same time.

Gray noticed the thousands of unkind gazes, and she was frightened and turned pale, and hid behind Brunhilde.

"It's a Valkyrie!"

"It's a Valkyrie!"

"Back off, Brunhilde!"

"Back off, Rumhilde!"

It was as if the voice of singing and singing came from below.

"Just a demigod!"

"Who gave you permission to interrupt the discussion of the gods?! Want to fight?! Before the Lord God makes a move, we will be your opponents!"

The ones who spoke were not gods, but the two ravens Fujin and Wuni raised by Odin, the supreme god of Norse mythology.

They always perched on Adin's shoulders and whispered to him, telling him what they had seen and heard during the flight.

"The domineering and warlike nature of human beings cannot be ignored, but simply destroying them is too boring. In this case, I propose to decide the fate of human beings for the next thousand years

Whether human beings have the value of living or not may as well test them while practicing God's grace. "

Brunhilde's words made the gods whisper to each other.

But before they discussed the reason, they were extremely shocked by the Valkyrie's next words.

"Gods vs. Man Final Struggle - Ragnarok."

As soon as the words were spoken, a heavy tome appeared in the right hand of the Valkyrie.

Brunhilde was neither humble nor overbearing, and continued: "According to the super special provisions of Article 62 and Item 15 of the Valhalla Immortal Law, the gods and humans confront each other one-on-one.

The gods and humans each send thirteen representatives for a heads-up match.

The first team to get seven wins wins.

Brunhilde's proposal caused an uproar, and the whole scene was as noisy as a vegetable market.

"I thought you would say something [I didn't expect it to be such a thing!"

"So stupid!"

"Why do I wait for the gods to go to compete with humans?"

"Isn't the result obvious? How could humans defeat the gods?"

Disdain, ridicule, contempt and many other emotions burst out, and even caused bursts of laughter.

However, Brunhild was unmoved, and instead used a slightly mocking voice.

"So, in order to destroy human beings, the gods want to avoid direct confrontation with human beings, right? Isn't this out of fear?"

After saying these words, Grey, who was on the side, was frightened and his painting style changed suddenly.

After all, even she could sense the solemnity of the atmosphere.

And it gradually changed from a heavy atmosphere to a depressing one, like a harbinger of a storm coming.

Even those who do not kill the gods have difficulty maintaining their human form, revealing their hideous and terrifying posture.

Feeling the strong killing intent and hostility at the scene, even Brunhidel couldn't help feeling a little afraid.

The wrath of the gods is no joke.

If they are swarmed by him, he will be torn to pieces in a few seconds.

And the reason why she said that was purely a gamble.

Bet that these gods will be stimulated to agree to her proposal to open Ragnarok.

And it turns out.

She was right.

Although the malice of the gods towards her has not diminished, Zeus, who is like an old man who is about to die, agrees as if he finds it interesting.

With the main god taking the lead, the rest of the gods also began to echo.

"" (Money is good) If this is the case, then let humans appreciate the thunderous anger of our gods and the incomparable violence.

As Zeus said, orange pupils suddenly appeared in the dark eye sockets.

"Let Brunhilde take charge of the selection of human representatives."


God will end.

Brunhilde and Gray left the scene in a hurry. As the lowest demigods, they didn't want to compete with those gods in this situation.

However, Brunhilde has some difficulties in how to choose a suitable opponent.

Just like the self-confidence of those gods, it is almost impossible for humans to defeat the gods.

What's more, there are powerful main gods and war gods among the gods.

Even in the seven million years of human history, it is difficult to find a corresponding opponent.

And at this moment, she suddenly remembered a strange chat group.

Maybe...she can get inspiration from there?.

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