Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1284: To The Valkyrie World

Chapter 1284

Champagne at halftime?

Although Brunhilde wanted to remind them not to underestimate the enemy, but it was obvious that no one could listen to it right now.

After the chat group decides who to go to.

The group members took on the tasks one after another.

Brunhilde also kept receiving reminders from the chat group.

Although she hesitated for a moment, she quickly suppressed that thought.

Since you choose to believe, there is only one way to go to the end.


Ripples in time and space.

The faint blue portal opened abruptly in front of Brunhilde.

Then there were crisp footsteps ringing beside my ears.


Under the blue sky, a figure strode out from the portal.

The clear golden pupils swept across her body "four-nine-zero", and the black-haired young man showed a gentle smile.

"Meeting you for the first time, Queen Rinhilde.

Although he had already heard the voice of greeting, Brunhilde fell into dead silence the moment he saw the man.

On the surface, the man who appeared in front of him was wearing ordinary casual clothes, and at most his handsome face could attract a few more glances.

However, Brunhilde, the Valkyrie, saw something different in an instant.


Pure gold.

A golden world that cannot be infested by any dirt.

Her eyes were completely filled with overflowing brilliance.

Subconsciously, she wanted to see more.

However, the world before her eyes returned to normal in the next second.

Blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green waters.

Bai Chen's soft smile appeared before her eyes.

"It's not a good thing to watch too much."

Bai Ming covered up the excess breath he leaked, and smiled lightly as he looked at the tall, dashingly dressed Valkyrie in front of him.


Panting lightly, even the voice became much softer.

Brunhilde, who recovered from the state of spiritual vision, tightened his hanging arms, trying to restrain the restlessness deep in his soul and body, and asked softly.

"Excuse me... are you Master Bai Chen in the group?"

"If there is no second one with the same name as me."

Bai Ming said half-jokingly.

"A being like you, does Fengyi really help me?"

After seeing Bai Chen's real body, Brunhild completely abandoned her previous prejudices.

But instead, even greater doubts brewed in his heart.

Will this being who is more noble than the main god in front of her really help her?

"What are you still worried about? I just need to go through the motions to solve your problem, so take it easy.

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Instead of worrying about this kind of problem, you might as well think about how to entertain the next guests."

"The next guest?"

When Brunhilde was hesitating since ancient times, he suddenly saw the same portals light up nearby one after another.

Then, figures in different clothes walked out from the door.

I saw the originally quiet corner, but because of the appearance of these figures, it suddenly became a little noisy.

Seeing the eight guests in front of him, Brunhilde understood what Bai Chen meant by asking her to entertain them.

This came too suddenly.

"Yo! Long time no see!"

Bai Ye stepped out of the crowd and patted Bai Chen from behind.

This little move made Brunhilde's eyes twitch.

Such a noble existence actually greeted in this way.

Bai Chen turned around and looked at the half-grown white-haired loli, with a helpless tone: "As far as I am concerned, the frequency of my visits to Little Garden is quite diligent, but you, I can't see you every time I go to the Golden City, and asking Leticia is to harass the black rabbit."

"Ha ha"

Hearing this, Bai Ye looked away in embarrassment.

"Isn't it because you're too free...Since you came forward to deal with Sakyamuni and even the evil gods from other lands, no one in Little Garden dared to trouble us, and the maids in the Golden City didn't bother us. If we didn't play with the black rabbit, we would have been smothered to death, okay?"

"You still have a reason."

Bai Chen was helpless.

Then, a strong wind came from behind.

Bai Chen turned around again, grasping the ankle kicked by him in the palm of his hand, and looked at the tall girl with ice blue hair smiling at him.

"It should have been the same when we first fought."

Estes said with a slight arc in the corner of his mouth, and when he was about to retract his feet, he felt Bai Chen's teasing, and Gao Leng's cheeks flushed slightly.

"If you think about it carefully, it has indeed been a long time."

Bai Chen nodded with a chuckle.

Although the frequency of meeting with Estes is not too frequent, the time has not affected the relationship between the two.

After that, people greeted Bai one after another.

The only figure on the scene that has never been seen before.

Wearing a light green student uniform, with short red hair, there are two electronic receiver-like electrical components inserted between the hair.

The handsome young man, from the outside, looks like an ordinary high school student who is harmless to humans and animals.

"Kusuo Saiki?"

Bai Chen asked.

However, there was no immediate response.

After a pause for a few seconds, the red-haired boy in front of him said apologetically: "Sorry, I've been used to talking with my heart before, and I didn't react for a while.

"No problem."

Bai Chen smiled lightly and waved his hands.

"This time you choose to come here, I just happen to help you deal with the side effects of superpowers.

Hearing this, Saiki Kusuo was stunned for a few seconds, then nodded.

"Then please."

In the past, Saiki Kusuo never took the initiative to ask anyone, but he knew Bai Chen's identity after all.

Although he is a superpower, compared with Bai Chen, he is just like an ordinary baby with 5.5 harmless.

Then, Saiki Kusuo only saw a gleam of light from Bai Chen's fingertips hitting his body, and then disappeared like a muddy cow into the sea.

In an instant, a warm current gushed out of my whole body, but when I was about to feel it carefully, it suddenly disappeared.

When he opened his eyes, he heard Bai Chen's answer at the same time.

"There will be no need for a limiter in the future."

Saiki Kusuo was stunned for a moment.

Is the super power side effect that has troubled me for more than ten years solved in this way?

Saiki Kusuo slowly took off one limiter, and then another.

There is no loss of control, and there is no situation where all the voices are poured into the mind, but cannot be blocked.

This kind of feeling, even he who is usually unsmiling, is a little grateful.

But when Saiki Kusuo was about to say thank you to Bai Chen, he found that he was already surrounded by other group members. .

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