Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1301 You Have To Stand Up

Chapter 1301

The appearance of the gods is bound to be greeted with cheers.

Especially after the gods hate humans, and after experiencing Bai Chen's threat.

The next win or loss is already related to the fate of their survival.

The whole body is dark purple, and the figure surrounded by magic energy slowly walks out of the shadows.

Silk-like brilliance lingered and transpired around his body.

Indian-style classical clothing, short hair, and an extremely strong exposed upper body.

Besides the color of the skin, what is more conspicuous are the other two arms growing on the back.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Compared with Saul's appearance, Shiva's appearance made the atmosphere of the scene more enthusiastic.

The violent sound waves turned into a substantial storm and swept the entire arena.

Suffer the humiliation of the first round.

There is a lot of unwillingness and anger in the hearts of the gods.

It seems that Shiva's appearance will wash away the shame on them.

Although the number of gods had decreased by one-fifth, the atmosphere was no less deserted than it was at the beginning.

"The second round has finally begun!"

"I'm starving!"

"Me too! Lord Shiva, please brutally kill the contestants on the human side!"

"Come on! Kill them fiercely, Lord Shiva!"

Compared with the cheers of letting go of these cruel words, the gods who are also thoughtful still have doubts.

After all, Misaka Mikoto's performance in the first game was impressive.

However, for these rare voices, the other gods retorted.

"Nothing to worry about!"

"In the first match, Lord Saul failed to use his full strength!"

"Now there are no restrictions. With the power of our gods, we will definitely be able to crush human beings in the first scene of the war!"

Ninety-nine percent of the gods have the same idea.

in their heads.

Thor's failure was indeed a temporary failure.

And after the secret operations of Lord Zeus and Lord Odin.

The rules of the competition were modified by them.

There is no need to limit power, and a god who can exert all authority 100% will stand in front of weak humans with the most perfect posture.

On the other side, the VIP room.

"Is it Shiva?". "

Seeing the purple-skinned figure appearing in the arena, Bai Chen muttered in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Ye on the side turned around and asked.

"Is Shiva strong? I mean Shiva here."

"It's okay, if it's placed in Little Garden, maybe there will be four...no, five-digit top level."

Excluding the expansion of the spiritual power, the Shiva in the Valkyrie world is only at this level.

After all, in the second episode, he was threatened by Zeus holding his shoulder with one hand, and when he appeared later, he fought a little-known sumo wrestler in the island country, but he almost lost.

"Then why are you sighing? Do you think Jibril will lose?"

Bai Ye was puzzled.

"If it is exchanged for other Flügel, it will undoubtedly lose, but since it is Xiaoji, it is not necessarily so."

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"After all, she really wants to remove the title of combat unit above her head."

"As long as you live, it seems never to be possible. 11

Bai Ye complained.

After that, Bai Chen was no longer in charge.

Grabbing the two conjured up support sticks in his hand, he stretched half of his body out of the window and started calling.

I don't want to see a ghost: "Huh? Ms. Jibril may not win, either?"

In the chat group.

Everyone paid attention to every move in the live broadcast room.

And after hearing Bai Chen's evaluation of Shiva and Jibril, I couldn't believe it.

Butterfly Ren: "Could it be that I heard it wrong?"

Fubuki of Hell: "No, the group live broadcast has a real-time playback function, I deliberately went back and took a look, and the big brother Shiratori was right.

Wu Ergong: "Does that mean Miss Angel will lose to that purple-skinned man?"

Black-haired loli: "Sister Jibril, come on!"

Elegant and decent young lady: "@黑发罗利,小樱, it's getting late, aren't you going to sleep?"

Seeing that Sakura was still in the group, Rin Tohsaka reminded subconsciously.

Black-haired loli: "People won't sleep until the live broadcast is over!"

The elegant and decent young lady: "Then... well, but if you fall asleep, you have to go to rest immediately!"

Black-haired loli: "Understood, sister Rin."

Seeing such a reply, Tohsaka Rin was a little relieved.

For another sister living in a parallel world, Tohsaka Rin has always felt guilty after learning what happened to Sakura from Bai Chen.

In addition, Rin Tohsaka cares about Sakura so much because her own sister in reality has completely broken her personality after being adopted into the Edelfelt family.

For this reason, she will especially care about Sakura from another world.

He even thought in his heart that if he had a chance in the future, he would ask Bai Chen to take Xiao Ying over to live with her.

It can not only make up for the lack of concern for my sister in another world, but also recover my majesty as an older sister from my younger sister.

Blue Slime: "...Ah, this...Since the boss said it is possible, does that mean it is also possible to lose?"

Blue Slime: "But obviously we won the first game so easily."

Little Spider: "I'm starting to wonder if you read it seriously."

Teacher Loli: "In the first match of the gods, the powers were sealed, and just now, those gods announced that the powers of the seal were lifted (well, well). That is to say, what Jibril has to deal with is the full body of the gods, and God Shiva is also the Hindu god of destruction, so it will only be more difficult to deal with than Thor."

Nangong Nayue sipped her black tea and made a speech.

Bad woman: "In addition to these, although Indian mythology has a total of one supreme god, namely Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma, most believers believe that Shiva is the only supreme god, and in Buddhist literature, Shiva is also called the Great Freedom, the lord of the three thousand worlds."

Silver-haired Witch: "Speaking of which, isn't Miss Jibril very dangerous?"

Little Spider: "Too bad! Groups of combat units are likely to be destroyed on the battlefield!"

Little Spider: "@外传单体, in order to be more aggressive in the chat group, you have to stand up!"

Kill on the other side.

Jibril, who had already stepped onto the stage and silently waited for the countdown to end, curled her lips. .

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