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Chapter 1312 Human Beings Living Is The Biggest Mistake

Chapter 1312

Sun Wukong clasped his hands together and bowed to the hunched old man in front of him.

This is the truth taught to him by his grandpa Son Gohan before his death.

The original intention of practicing martial arts is not to become stronger, but to strengthen the body and eradicate rape and evil.

The first step in practicing martial arts is to cultivate the mind.

And after his grandfather passed away, after he had ventured in the wild for a period of time, he worshiped under the Gui Xianren and learned similar principles.

Such teachings made Sun Wukong feel deeply in his future journeys.

"You are much more polite than the young man before you, but don't think that if you are like this, the old man will let the water go."

Zeus snorted coldly.

After two consecutive failures, as the gods, he has no way to retreat.

Although he has judged that the current contestants are all alien creatures brought by the alien god.

But this also allowed him to see the strength and potential of other beings besides gods.

If it is this Ragnarok Challenge, the gods will stand at the end.

He will definitely execute all human beings on the earth immediately.

Human beings who can threaten the status of gods, don't care.

Anyway, Du 727 is just a domestic animal raised by their gods.

If you are disobedient, you will be slaughtered.

...I really don't understand why there are so many people like you who want to destroy mankind. "

Monkey King was doing warm-up exercises on the spot while talking.

"Bick's father was like this back then, and later Vegeta was like this, and even the gods of another world were like this. What did humans do wrong?"

Hearing this, Zeus was taken aback for a moment, then grinned violently as if he had heard some joke.


It didn't stop until a few seconds later.

"The mere existence of human beings is the greatest mistake.


The earth is shaking.

This is not an exaggerated metaphor.

Just a simple step on the ground by Monkey King caused dense cracks to appear on the surface of the arena.

The range is so wide that even the naked eye cannot see the end.

The loud noise just now hit the eardrums of the gods like thunder.

Even the audience outside the arena were overwhelmed by the sudden change and unprecedented aura.

Zeus's next sentence was abruptly stopped, and he let out a strange cry, like a drake whose throat was suddenly choked.

"Sure enough, what Mr. Bai Chen said is the same, you group of gods are just other creatures with great power.

Monkey King, who is like a humanoid figure that has embodied violence, is staring at Zeus coldly with an indifferent expression.


Just at this moment, Zeus felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake... no, a tyrannosaurus.

Every move of the opponent can cause serious damage to the surrounding.

That slender body contained strength that could easily crush even a mountain peak.

At the moment of realizing this hidden message, authority was activated in Zeus' body.

Divine power roared out like a volcanic eruption.

Then Zeus's seemingly fragile body suddenly swelled as if his deflated muscles had been filled with fillers.

In just an instant, muscles as strong as rocks and as tough as armor spread all over Zeus' body.

And Zeus also transformed (cbff) from a little old man who was only 1.5 meters tall into a muscular man with a height of more than 2 meters.

The body full of oppression and Zeus's cold face made the audience silent.



Dazzling thunder kept flickering in the clouds, and then a thunderbolt suddenly fell, smashing beside Zeus, blasting a huge hole in the arena on the ground.

And among them, a golden energy weapon that looks like a materialized thunderbolt is inserted straight into the ground.

The Thunder Blade capable of piercing steel was held by Zeus with his bare hands.

Only at this moment, Zeus's power was actually raised to an indescribable level.

Holy, great, and daunting.

It also gives people a feeling that no matter how powerful other people are, they will still be one level lower than him in the food chain.

This is the real deal of divinity and visual value.

With these, Zeus is the well-deserved number one powerhouse in the God Realm.


Howling wind!

The golden thunder held by Zeus swept forward.

In the blink of an eye, the dazzling brilliance illuminated the surroundings, and like a poisonous snake, the thunder turned into an arc-shaped energy impact and swept in all directions.

If it is hit by this blow, no matter which main god it is, it will not be safe and sound.


There was smoke everywhere.

The shaking was like an earthquake coming.

Finally, a flash of light enough to destroy a city was set off, followed by an explosion.

There is no fancy boxing and kicking, and there is no competition to test each other.

At the moment when Zeus recognized Monkey King's strength, he didn't have any thought of keeping his hand.

After all, if he doesn't take action again, it is very likely that he will die.

Killed it?

As soon as such a question arose in his mind, he saw clearly a figure rushing towards him from the smoke and dust.

The speed that the eye of God cannot capture, only the future vision can clearly see the short future two seconds later.


But even if you see it, it won't help. .

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