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Chapter 1323: A Doll Made For Limuru

Chapter 1323

Hearing this, Brunhilde felt even more depressed.

After all, Bai Chen's speech will only make her more embarrassed.

But since Bai Chen has said so, she can't ask directly~.

Let's talk privately about what other seniors are going to do later!'

With such thoughts lingering in his mind, Brunhilde decided secretly.

"Don't think too much, they are all members of a group."

Bai Chen seemed to have understood her inner thoughts, and said with a dumbfounded smile.

But with Valkyrie's somewhat stubborn character, maybe she will really do this.

But those sand sculpture group friends in the chat group will not get any useful suggestions in the end.

If the consultation came to Spider, or Cordoli, or Fuxue, it might turn into a love consultation again, which would make Brunhilde even more distressed.

Afterwards, Bai Chen turned his gaze away and looked at the group members who hadn't left yet.

Tokisaki Kurumi, Spider and Rimuru.

He is very clear about Tokisaki Kurumi's thoughts, nothing more than wanting to be alone with him for a while.

Naturally, Bai Chen would not refuse such a request.

And for a while, he didn't get along well with Zizi and Tokisaki Kurumi.

And as his first licking dog, the reason for staying here is needless to say.

Limulu still stayed, which surprised him a little.

He was the one who slandered his "personality" the most times in the group before, but now that he dares to stay, isn't he afraid of being settled by Qiuhou?

"Hey... Well, boss, there is actually something I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I didn't have time to say it before."

Seemingly sensing that something was wrong with Bai Chen's eyes, Limulu spoke first.

"Beforehand, I'm not gay."

Bai Chen was joking.

"Well... I... I'm not going to say that either!"

The slime who said this suddenly jumped up and down in place.

"Then why are you blushing?"

The spider on the side pinched Limulu's body and began to complain.

"It's actually like this."

Rimuru spoke with some embarrassment.

"I want a body that belongs to me. After all, when I was drinking with my group of friends, it would be quite inconvenient if I didn't have hands and feet, so boss..."

Limulu was a little confused.

After all, Bai Chen wrote down his nonsense in the group dozens of times in his notebook.

He was also a little worried about whether he would be promised.

"Yes, yes, but..."

"But what?"

"It may take a while, after all, I don't have ready-made tools at hand. After Xiang Qu, I will prepare ten new episodes of puppet bodies and send them to you for your assimilation.

Rimuru has the ability to assimilate and shapeshift.

If you want to change into the shape of other creatures, you only need to devour the body of the corresponding creature to change perfectly.

Limuru has already had this skill.

But the reason why I didn't use this ability is because I still haven't been able to pass the level of being a human being.

After all, if you want to turn into a human form, you need to swallow the corresponding existence.

That is to say, if Limuru wants to change form in his own world, he needs to swallow the corpse.

However, the Three Views as a human made it impossible for him to devour a living human being, and of course, neither could a corpse.

After thinking about it, I can only turn to the almighty Bai Chen for help.

After all, Spider had been showing off to him for a long time at the banquet.

This gave Limulu the idea to bite the bullet and ask Bai Chen for help.

However, he originally had Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, but he didn't expect that big brother Bai Chen would agree to his request like this.

When I was happy, I kept shaking my body to express my gratitude.

As for the time issue, Limulu said that he could wait.

After all, if it is produced by a big brother, it must be a high-quality product!

Seeing this, Shiratori also showed a faint smile.

Soon after, Spider and Rimuru return to their own world.

During the next time alone between Bai Chen and Tokisaki Kurumi, the girl with two ponytails and different pupils who straddled Bai Ming said with a smile at the corner of her mouth: "...What kind of material do you plan to prepare for Rimuru?"

"Wait until the production is finished, and you'll know."

Bai Chen made a fool of himself.

"Looking at you, I know it must be nothing serious.

...asking for flowers...

Tokisaki Kurumi covered his mouth and let out a chuckle.

The slightly swaying body made the girl's eyes gradually blurred.

With enough time, Bai Chen spent a long time alone with Tokisaki Kurumi.

After all, Tokisaki Kurumi is not the only one.

As a time elf, she can summon herself on different timelines anytime and anywhere.

Therefore, in addition to the deity, Tokisaki Kurumi from the second illness period and Tokisaki Kurumi from the girlhood were all summoned by her.

Not only that, those clones on different timelines are not puppets without consciousness, but figures with independent consciousness.

They are all Tokisaki Kurumi, but they are from different periods.

It wasn't until Kuang San's spiritual power was about to run out that the time for the two of them to be alone was over.

Wait until you regain some strength.

Tokisaki Kurumi also temporarily bid farewell to Bai Chen.

After all, after going back, she had to go to her friend's house.

Bai Chen didn't try to keep him, after all, if he wanted to meet, he could see him anytime.

After he returned completely, he didn't stay idle, but directly started making dolls.

With his level of strength, it is extremely simple to create a flesh and blood body.

Although the soul has never been made, it is not very difficult as long as he is given time to study it.

But after all, it is a body for Limuru assimilation, so the soul cannot be made.

But in terms of appearance, it troubled Bai Chen for a while.

In the end, with a flash of inspiration, the image was finalized as the image of the goddess of destiny in the world of godslayers.

And not long after.

A female doll with blond hair and golden eyes, petite figure, and extremely rich before Yuexiong appeared in front of him like this.

"I think Limuru will be very satisfied with this thing."

Thinking of Limuru's expression when he saw this doll, Bai Chen smiled overjoyed.


He clicked on the chat group, a private chat nicknamed Blue Slime, and stuffed the doll in the form of a red envelope.

"This is a puppet I carefully crafted. Both the appearance and the figure are carefully adjusted by me. Accept it, Xi."

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