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Chapter 1325: Misaka Mikoto's Request For Help

Chapter 1325

Little Spider: "@ Bai Chen, boss, when will the next party start?"

Chaos Evil: "?"

Chaos Evil: "Isn't this just over, and you're thinking about the next one?"

Little Spider: "Isn't this a rainy day?"

Railgun: "I think I want to play for a few more days.

Little spider: "hhhhh you found out.

Chaos Evil: "@超级空火炮, by the way, I vaguely remembered that you were going to trouble the first place and remove the third title. It's been so long, and the result

I don't want to see a ghost: "Yeah, I seem to have heard you say that a few months ago, why hasn't there been any movement?"

Little White Cat: "+1."

Blue Slime: "I remembered it too! Could it be because I was afraid? After all, Sister Pao has several precedents."

Railgun: "?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "I already guessed what you will post next."

Blue Slime: "I'm No.3 in Academy City (Sister Pao is limited to 21).jpg."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Heh! Do you think I will be stimulated by your low-level provocation method?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Incompetence and rage, that is the behavior of the weak, after all, I am indeed not at the same level as the current number one.

Little Spider: *fuck! This sentence seems familiar!"

Blue Slime: "I've seen the end."

Butterfly Shinobu: "That...Misaka-san, I think it's better not to say some things.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "After all, the ending is the same every time (laughs)."

Little White Cat: "+1."

Luo Abao: "+1."

Spirit of Time: "+1."

After that, there was a series of +1 swipes.

Although many people are usually diving, whenever something happens, they will spy on the screen in the dark.

The group members were deeply impressed by what happened to Misaka Mikoto.

As the saying goes, get up wherever you fall, and never make the same mistake twice.

But Misaka Mikoto got both.

One time was Accelerator, and the other time was Kanzaki Kaori.

Electromagnetic Gun: "You bastards, don't go too far! As a member of the group, you always don't expect me to order, and don't you see my heroic performance in the ring before?"

Railgun: "My opponent is Thor!"

Railgun: "And I won that game by crushing it!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Although compared to my weak chicken, it is already very strong, but I remember that in the first game at that time, the God who played should not have been lifted from the restriction?"

The Spirit of Time: "So, that's true...but it's also because of Misaka-san's strength that the gods chose to temporarily modify the rules before the second match."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Is that right? Because they saw my strength, they were all scared."

Little White Cat: "Dissent!"

Little White Cat: "Why do I think it's because the teacher turned those gods into pillars of salt that he scared them?"

The Spirit of Time: "Oh, I misremembered that, it is indeed the influence of Bai Chen."

Blue Slime: "My dear Misaka-san, please don't be so stubborn, otherwise, I won't be able to save your emoticons in memory.

Little Spider: "hhhhhhh."

Fubuki from Hell: "Speak less, Misaka-san should be going to explode right now."

God's Tongue: "How do I feel, at the next party, some people will be electrocuted into frogs?"

Railgun: "Miss Erina, you guessed it right! Before the next meeting, I will prepare well, and some people in the group should be careful!"

Blue Slime: "嘤咔咕~∼∼"

Electromagnetic Gun: "Let's not talk to you! @ Bai Chen, do you have time to come over soon?"

Although Misaka Mikoto felt that what she was talking about was nonsense, after all, basically every time she chatted in the group, she would see Bai Chen fishing, but out of politeness, she was polite

Of course, with the current relationship between them, there is no need to use honorific words at all.

Luo Abao: "I know this trick, it's a rainy day!"

Luo Abao: "As long as you call the boss to help in advance, you won't lose face again!"

The big bone boiled into soup: "Amuro, don't say a few words, or you will be the one who twitches at the next party."

The Spirit of Time: "So there is such an operation?"

Railgun: "If you say that again, I'm going to get angry, croak too angry.jpg.

Bai Chen: "Yes, what's the matter?"

Electromagnetic Gun: "There are two things I need your help with. One is the Demon God. After all, the world on my side will be restarted at any time in the hands of the Demon God, right? I don't want to wake up one day and the whole universe will suddenly be restarted."

Bai Chen: "Demon God... If you don't tell me, I almost forgot about them."

Chaos evil: "Didn't you ask the boss to help beat up Accelerator?"

Chaodian 733 Railgun: "Where will it be! This time I am serious, whether it is the second place or the first place, I will personally defeat it! However, considering that the power I use does not belong to the world I am in, if the demon god finds out the clues, I still have nothing to do now, so letting Bai Chen come over is there as an insurance."

Railgun: "One more thing is Shokuhou Misaki. She has been coming to me more and more frequently during this time, and every time the topic is about you, Bai Chen."

Bai Chen: "Good."

Bai Chen: "I'll go there after I've dealt with the trivial matters here, so let's go and do a big job. If something goes wrong, I can take care of it for you."

See this sentence.

Misaka Mikoto finally let go of the last trace of worry in her heart.

This is what she was waiting for.

Although she also knew that Bai Chen would definitely come to deal with the mess on her side, and would never ignore her pleading for help, but only after seeing the definite answer, did she finally feel at ease.

Think here.

Misaka Mikoto took a deep breath, and then the corners of her mouth involuntarily raised a shallow arc.


She rubbed her face hard again.

"Okay! Let's get serious!".

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