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Chapter 1337 I Am Willing To Do Anything

Chapter 1337

In the past, before Shokuhou Misaki entered junior high school, she was entrusted by a researcher to contact a research subject.

And that object is "Dolly".

Because "Tao Li" is a special experimental subject in the artificial room, it is the prerequisite preparation for the evolution plan of the absolute capable person, so the researchers pay great attention to the existence of Tao Li.

But later, due to some trivial matters, Dolly was unable to cooperate with the experiment, so the researchers could only invite Shokuhou Misaki, who was still IV4 at the time, to assist in the experiment.

After learning that Dolly was unable to cooperate with the experiment because she lost her friend.

In the beginning, Shokuhou Misaki just used her superpowers to control Dolly's brain, making her mistakenly think that she was her former friend, Jing Shijian, and she also assumed the role of a friend to interact with Dolly.

It's just that in fact, Dolly has already known from the very beginning that Shokuhou Misaki was not a warning to her by distinguishing smells, but she is still very grateful to Shokuhou Misaki for her existence as her friend.

And Shokuhou Misaki continued to accompany Dori in the role-playing game of "friends" without only her knowing.

Until the end, when Doli, the experimental subject, was dying due to poor health, she told Shokuhou Misaki that she had long recognized that she was not a police officer, and after thanking her for being her "friend", the candle of life also came to an end.

Only Misaki Shokuhou, who learned the truth at the end, was left alone in the room for a long time.

It wasn't until tears rolled down the corners of her eyes that she realized that she had already treated escape as her best friend.

But what Shokuhou Misaki didn't expect was that after the truth was revealed, it would be the time when heaven and man were separated forever.

That incident dealt a great blow to Shokuhou Misaki's spirit.

Even once wanted to commit suicide.

But because of the fear of death, and after entering junior high school, he accidentally saw Misaka Mikoto who looked very similar to Dori, so the idea of ​​suicide was suppressed.

It wasn't until the later contact, after realizing the existence of magic in the Index incident, and being promised by Bai Ming, that the idea of ​​suicide was completely thrown out of his mind.

....It turns out that you with star eyes, do you still have such a (cbbd) past? "

After listening to Bai Chen's narration, Misaka Mikoto had a complicated look on her face.

No wonder he has been targeted by Shokuhou Misaki everywhere since the day he went to school.

I dare to feel that I look too similar to the experimental subject named Escape.

"By the way! So, that girl named Dolly is my original clone?"

"That's right."

Bai Chen nodded.

The research institute in the name of medical treatment immediately started the experiment after receiving the genetic map provided by Misaka Mikoto.

And Dori is the clone of Misaka Mikoto that was first created.

"Those bloody bastards!"

Hearing that it was related to her again, Misaka Mikoto was furious.

"Star Eyes... No, Shokuhou, where is that research institute called Saijobo?! If I don't smash it today, I won't trust Misaka!"

Divine power surged on the surface of Misaka Mikoto's body, and the expanding electromagnetic caused nearby electronic devices to begin to fail.

"The artificial room has been completely controlled by me, and related experiments have been completely stopped."

Shokuhou Misaki said.

"That's it."

Misaka Mikoto's tone was a little helpless.

Then, the brown-haired girl looked at Bai Chen.

"In other words, Shokuhou's wish is to revive Taoyuan."

Hearing this, Shokuhou Misaki's face showed hope.

She has been waiting for this day for too long.

"Please, save Dolly."

Reminiscing about bits and pieces of the past, the Tokiwadai queen, who usually acts high and high, can't help but hold Bai Chen's clothes tightly at this moment, kneeling on the bed and bowing her head.

The girl squeezed her hand for a long time, as if she was grabbing the last straw.

"As long as you can revive Dolly, you can ask me to do anything!"

Hearing this, Bai Chen showed a surprised expression on his face, and then said with a light smile.

"Girl, you may say this casually."

"...I was serious.

"Although I like beautiful girls kneeling in front of me "but you get up first."

Bai Chen looked at Shokuhou Misaki and said.


Shokuhou Misaki doesn't know why, but Misaka Mikoto, who has been influenced by the chat group, has become more precocious than in the original book.

As a veteran driver, Bai Chen can spit out a few nasty jokes anytime, anywhere.

Misaka Mikoto understood this sentence instantly.

Afterwards, she subconsciously glanced at the two Mount Fuji of Shokuhou Misaki.

Damn! Being compared again!

What did this woman eat to become so big?!

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Shokuhou Misaki didn't get up either.

Dolly is very important to her and her first friend.

What's more, I don't have any bargaining chips when I face the gods who may revive my friends.

everything about her.

Money and power are like rubbish in the eyes of the other party.

Therefore, she can only show her sincerity and determination in this way.

What's more, she was serious.

As long as Taoli is resurrected, even if she promises her body, Shokuhou Misaki will accept it without hesitation.

Not to mention, her mate selection criteria had already chosen Bai Chen whom she met for the first time.

"Okay, since it's an appointment, I won't break my promise."

Bai Chen felt Shokuhou Misaki's sincerity, and smiled lightly.

A faint breeze lifted the girl up to her feet.

"Let's get started. This world is about to be ruined by the demon god. It's not that easy to interfere with so many phases."

Bai Ming said.

Then, put your hand on Shokuhou Misaki's forehead.

"Don't be nervous, recall the image of Dolly, and then experience with her."

The method of his resurrection is also very simple.

Just like before, he will delete the past of Dolly's death from the past timeline, and then graft it into the infinite future timeline.

In this way, there will be no problem that the resurrected object is not Taoli, or is incomplete. .

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