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Chapter 1345: Arrival Of Kanzaki Kaori

Chapter 1345

Passed out only halfway through.

I also said before that I want to study the chemical and physical changes in the body during the process, and use it in the novel that will be published on the Harmony website in the future, but now it seems that I am just a keyboard man.

"It's just that you can't rest right now."

A smile appeared on Bai Chen's face.

With his current ability, everything can be done with ease.

So he regained Yaniang's consciousness and made her extremely sober, no matter how much he tortured her, she would not be so excited that she would faint.

And the result of this kind of action was that during the day, Alesta lay on the bed with incomparable clarity and rolled her eyes. The huge pleasure in her body almost collapsed her consciousness, but she was fixed at a level of clarity by Bai Chen, which was extremely painful and extremely pleasant.

After that, Bai Chen and Misaka Mikoto left the beach.

When asked about Aleister, she was fooled by Bai Chen.

Although she felt that things would definitely not be that simple, Misaka Mikoto didn't want to ask too many questions.

For a period of time after 21, there was no news about Aleister.

Bai Chen took the time to teleport back to take a look, and found that the little girl not only regained her strength, but also started her creative career with the stolen notebook.

But having said that, as the founder of Academy City, you wouldn't let someone give you a computer for use, so you have to steal it?

But Aleister replied: "The other me seems to hate the current me, so all my requests were rejected, but it doesn't matter, anyway, magic can do things that even rich people can't do, but there is one more thing, can you be lighter next time? I apologize for my arrogant speech before."

After all, if you want to debut as a novelist, you still have to start with Pure Love Book.

"decide as things go."

After speaking, Bai Chen left.

After reuniting with Sister Pao, Bai Chen got new news.

"Shokuhou Misaki contacted me just now, saying that he wanted to thank you for helping to revive Tao Li, and wanted to clear your meal."

"Another ruthless dinner date?"

Bai Chen grinned.

However, he had nothing to do, and the demon god hadn't appeared yet, so he simply agreed to Shokuhou Misaki's invitation for a meal.

After booking the seats in advance, Bai Chen and his group were warmly invited by Shokuhou Misaki and Taoli at the entrance of the restaurant.

They are still young, and they don't have any deep thoughts.

Shokuhou Misaki was indeed simply expressing his gratitude, but he didn't know which book he read the tutorial from. He kept picking up vegetables and pouring wine for Bai Chen at the dinner table, and the atmosphere seemed quite funny.

After lunch, Academy City happened to hold another small gathering, and they who happened to meet naturally joined in for a while.

But to Bai Chen, it feels like watching a child.

However, when going to the aquarium, Shokuhou Misaki's little hand rubbed the back of Bai Chen's hand a few times intentionally or unintentionally.

As an old driver, of course he wouldn't feel anything, but Shokuhou Misaki's face turned red, which made Bai Chen smile.

What an innocent age.

Look at Miss Pao again.

If the normal plot develops, she should be as innocent as Shokuhou Misaki.

It's just that under the influence of some old porn critics and sand sculpture group friends in the chat group, Sister Pao's personality has undergone slight changes.

Of course, the signature sporty short isn't where it's at when it comes to skirts.

In the afternoon, several people watched another movie.

There is nothing to say about the plot, a typical B-grade movie, and the evaluation is quite satisfactory.

At night, Shokuhou Misaki and the others still seemed a little unsatisfied.

But it was time to part ways.

If there is no one around, Bai Chen may directly say to Shokuhou Misaki: "Come to my house tonight, my cat will do backflips" and similar words.

But after all, I have to live with Sister Pao temporarily.

Although it was said that his personality had been ruined by Limulu and others in the chat group, Bai Chen was not a rush person.

Shokuhou Misaki is still some time away from being able to eat.

Next, take good care of it.

late at night.

Bai Chen left from Sister Pao's house and went to the apartment where Aleister was.

Satisfied her request during the day.


Although the movements were lighter, Alesta, who was a keyboard warrior, was still low-defense, and passed out again without any surprise.

After ravaging the silver-haired girl, the sky was already getting brighter.

Bai Chen returned to the apartment where Misaka Mikoto was away. He wanted to take a nap, but found an unexpected figure.

—— Kanzaki Kaori.

Long after the last incident of the Index of Magical Prohibited Books, Kanzaki Kaori and Stiyl left Academy City and returned to the Puritan Church in England.

I heard from Sister Pao before that there was no move from the Puritan Church.

It seems that he doesn't care much about losing Index.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time.

"Yes, my lord."

Kanzaki Kaori said with a humble expression.

After the incident of the Forbidden Art Catalog last time, Kanzaki Kaori already regarded Bai Chen in his heart as a real saint, and even the legendary Son of God.

Besides, it was the man who let them see through the lies of the Puritan leader Laura Stewart.

Kanzaki Kaori respects Bai Ming both emotionally and rationally.


Compared with before, Bai Chen in Kanzaki Kaori's eyes has become different.

But I can't tell where exactly.

"You really wear the same clothes all year round."

Staring at the girl in front of him, Bai Chen smiled lightly.

Just like meeting for the first time.

Kanzaki Kazuma's long black hair tied into a ponytail hangs down to her waist, and her exposed skin is as white as milk.

The upper body is wearing a shirt tied at the waist, and the lower body is jeans.

But what is more conspicuous is that the part of the right arm of the coat is cut off to the shoulder, while the jeans are cut off from the root of the left leg, exposing a whole white thigh

The degree of astringency was countless times higher than that of Alesta.

"He's obviously a serious saint, yet he's dressed so austerely."

heard the words.

Kanzaki Kaori had a shameful expression on his face.

A touch of cherry color appeared on the cheek.

Although it is not the first person to say this about her, but it is also unavoidable.

The technique she uses is more efficient when the left and right sides are asymmetrical.

It was not her intention to expose so much.

"Okay, this is quite eye-catching, just keep it up or increase it."

Bai Chen said jokingly.

And this also made the blush on Kanzaki Kaori's face even worse.

Of course, the only person who can make Kanzaki show this kind of expression is Bai Chen in the entire magic forbidden world for the time being.

If it's a woman, it's okay, but if it's a man, the command knife "Seven Heavens and Seven Swords" pinned to the waist can be chopped right away.

Seeing her like this, the smile on Bai Chen's face became even more joyful.

After all, compared to Aleister, a woman like Kanzaki Kaori is more in line with his XP.

However, he is not in a hurry to attack her.

Then Bai Chen asked, "Tell me, what are you doing here?"

There must be a reason why Kanzaki Kaori would come here in person for not going to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

If it's a small matter, she can solve it by herself.

Only major events will let her come here. .

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