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Chapter 1350 Miss Pao Can't Hold Back Anymore

Chapter 1350

Hearing his subordinate's words, Kihara Shuta showed an extremely bored expression.

"What should I do? You ask me what to do? Of course let them disappear."

The Hound Force was originally an informal organization for Academy City to handle dirty work.

If someone sees it, they will naturally seal that person's mouth.

If the memory is erased, the level of Academy City is not enough to achieve the level of perfect erasure, and there is a risk of restoring the memory in the future.

The safest way, of course, is to let the witnesses evaporate.

Kihara Shuta, who has no mercy and respect for life, will never take it seriously even if the other party is a student of Academy City.

After all, to him, killing two people is no different from crushing two bugs.

"Shokuhou, those people... don't seem to be ordinary people."

Doli, who lived in a man-made house in the past, has had a personal experience of this situation.

The man in the white coat among a group of men in black had a disregard for life in his eyes.

"I know, Dolly, you're standing right behind me."

Shokuhou Misaki took out the remote control from her pocket, and then slowly walked away.

"Heh, if you see us, don't even think about running away."

Kihara Kazuta spoke ruthlessly.



The order to shoot the students of Academy City made the man in black hesitate.

After all, although they are Anbu, they also know that this city is a city with students as the main body.

If it's a staff member, it's okay to kill it, but if the student dies, it will be very troublesome.

"Bring it."

Kihara Kazuta directly snatched the weapon from one of them, facing the retreating Shokuhou Misaki, he pressed the trigger without hesitation.

Red tongues of flame burst out from the muzzle, and the copper-plated bullets can definitely tear the standard flesh of a human body to pieces.

But before that, Shokuhou Misaki took action.

Pressing the remote control, the man in black next to Kihara Shuta flew him to the ground.

The bullet shot into the sky, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Huh? How come it doesn't work for him?"

Seeing that Kihara Kazuta was not under the control of his mind, Shokuhou Misao broke into a cold sweat.

If she hadn't reacted quickly enough to control the man in black next to the white coat just now, the bullet might have pierced her body.

"Stop him!"

When she came back to her senses, Shokuhou Misaki looked at the frightened Dori with an angry expression on her face.

Although I don't know what's going on, but this kind of person is obviously not what Academy City should have.

But just when she ordered the people under his mind control to disarm and surrender to the guards, she heard several gunshots again.

Kihara Suta ruthlessly killed and controlled his subordinates, with neither sadness nor joy on his face.

"Mind control, that is to say, the fifth place in Academy City? It's really troublesome."

He is not only the leader of the hound unit, but also a researcher of superpowers. He has conducted quite detailed research on the superpowers of Academy City.

In order to avoid emergencies, he has already modified his body.

Especially the immunity against mind control, which was implanted in his brain a long time ago.

Therefore, Shokuhou Misaki's mental manipulation will not take effect.

"But this will not allow you to leave easily."

Kihara Kazuta said gloomyly.

Then, speak into the headset.

"The second team is here, the opponent is the fifth in Academy City, just use long-range means to snipe her away."

"He even killed his subordinates."

Seeing the man's tricks, Shokuhou Misaki was deeply surrounded.

After that, he manipulated several men in black to rush towards Kihara Sudo, while he pulled Dolly and ran away.

Although her superpowers are rare and powerful, they have quite fatal drawbacks.

That is limited in scope.

If someone kills herself, she really has nothing to do.

Watching the two girls turn around and run away.

Kihara Kazuta took out a portable individual missile from the suitcase that fell on the ground.

After opening the safety, he quickly pressed the trigger in the direction in which the two escaped.

Hearing the sound, Shokuhou Misaki who turned around suddenly stood on his head.

But just before the individual missiles hit them.

Accompanied by the sound of space shattering, a short-handled hammer fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed.


The shock waves and debris generated by the missile explosion were fully resisted.

Only the hot wind blows to dispel the coolness of the body.

"Phew! Fortunately, it came in time. If Bai Chen hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that Academy City had been invaded."

The chestnut-haired girl landed in front of Shokuhou Misaki accompanied by lightning.

"And what's the matter with the way this group of people dress? World War III broke out?"

"They are Anbu of Academy City, and their name seems to be Hound Troop."

Another voice came.

At some point, Bai Chen stood behind Shokuhou Misaki and Taoli.

"Are you all right?"

"No... nothing. 1"

Seeing the palms stretched out towards them, Shokuhou Misaki and Dori stretched out their hands to support them and stood up.

The moment I saw Bai Chen, I felt a huge sense of peace of mind.


Shokuhou Misaki expressed his gratitude to Bai Chen.

She had already made her very grateful for resurrecting Taoli before.

Now that they saved their lives, I didn't know how to make her change to 840 for a while.

After all, if you don't repay, you will feel sorry for yourself.

If I want to repay, I don't know how to use it.

The atmosphere changed subtly.

Until it was broken by Misaka Mikoto's impatient voice: "Hey, obviously I saved you, why didn't you even say a word of thanks?"

Seeing Shokuhou Misaki's blushing expression, Misaka Mikoto knew that this star eye had fallen.

In this regard, she wanted to complain.

I'm here to do my best to help, but you're leaving that chick?

Is there any more reason?

"Thank you, Misaka-san."

Shokuhou Misaki whispered thanks.

"Then what's going on now? How did Academy City suddenly become like this?"

Misaka Mikoto returns to the topic.

"The Hanged Man hid something from us. The Roman Orthodox Church announced sanctions against me and reduced me to a heretic. Their Anbu God's Right Seat has invaded Academy City, and the Hound Force should be used to release the artificial angel, Kazaki Hiroka."

Although Bai Chen didn't open the revelation before, but now he guesses the same.

Otherwise, he would not have known that Shokuhou Misaki would be attacked here.

"What the hell? The Roman Orthodox Church says you're a heretic?"

Hearing what Bai Chen said, Misaka Mikoto couldn't hold back immediately. .

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