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Chapter 1353: Fire On The Right

Chapter 1353

In the technique of punishment of light, the land on the left can adjust the upper and lower positions of the two objects at will, allowing itself to have various abilities.

The disadvantage is that only one can be adjusted each time.

When Bai Chen appeared in front of the Left Land, he noticed a faint smell of blood in the air~.

No need to look for it deliberately, Bai Chen saw some corpses lying here and there in disorder.

Among them were members of the garrison in combat uniforms, and some boys and girls in student uniforms.

Their deaths were quite miserable, and many of them died in pain and blood loss because they were cut in half.

And the weapon that kills them is wheat flour.

As the place on the left of the right seat of God, it corresponds to the status of Raphael in Seraphim.

Wheat flour corresponds to the "flesh of God" in the mass, and combined with the magic of the punishment of light, it will become a guillotine for any deformation.

As long as the object is placed in the lower position and the wheat flour is placed in the upper position, then all objects will be cut by the wheat flour.

Neither the wind in the front nor the water in the back directly attacked the common people, but the land on the left was different.

He unilaterally believes that other than Roman Orthodox believers are not even human beings, they are heresies, and they need to be eliminated.

In the past, the land on the left would converge a bit.

But now that God's Right Seat has publicly declared war on Academy City, there is no need to abide by any rules.

"Looking at you, you don't look like an ordinary person, nor do you look like those students and soldiers, so you should be the heretic we are looking for.

Although the Roman Orthodox Church declared war, no portrait of Bai Chen was given.

But now you can guess with a little brainstorming.

"It's a shame that you have the courage to come here directly, but I still advise you to kneel down and surrender immediately. After all, there are me and the fire on the right here. Even a saint can't do anything to us. By the way, you have already entered the range of punishment of light. If you don't want to get hurt, then..."

The wheat flour floated up with the sound of the land on the left.

"The flesh is below, and the wheat flour is above."

But at the same time he took this as a threat, a change occurred.

Bai Chen crushed the wheat flour that turned into a guillotine, and looked at the two with a playful expression.

"You want to use this low-level magic against me? Are you daydreaming?"

Seeing his own guillotine, which could easily cut through the flesh, was crushed by Bai Chen's fingers, the expression of the land on the left became quite exciting.

Even the fire on the right side showed a surprised expression.

Even he couldn't decipher the execution of light magic in the land of the left in a short time. How could a heretic achieve this level?

"Looks like I need to teach you a lesson."

The land on the left has a cold face.

The feeling of being naked in the face made him very uncomfortable.

Obviously the flesh is already in the lower position, why is there still no way to cut the flesh?

next second.

His vision suddenly changed, watching the sky and the earth keep rolling in his eyes.

It wasn't until he fell heavily to the ground that he saw a corpse not far away that had lost its head and was gushing blood.

The land on the left recognized that it was his body.

Then the mind falls into darkness, completely dead.


Things were developing so fast that the fire on the right was unexpected.

Although the strength of Zuo Fangdi belongs to the weakest person in the God's Right Seat, he is also a member of the God's Right Seat after all. The Fire of the Right Side never thought that the Left Land would die so quickly.

What's more, the execution of light magic took effect, and he died in front of his eyes.

The man in front of him was trampling on his dignity.

The expression on Youfangzhihuo's face became menacing.

However, he did not underestimate the enemy.

After all, it must not be that simple to defeat Bai Chen in the Left Land in an instant.

The huge magic power shakes the air and shakes the space.

Immediately afterwards, a big blood-red hand that looked like a twisted piece of meat came out of the void behind Zhihuo on the right.

The appearance of that hand shocked the world, and brought a great sense of oppression to all the lives around him except Bai Chen.

This is the power of the right fire - the divine right.

in Christianity.

The right represents a rather special status.

As the one on the right, he has a similar nature to the godlike "Michael", and also has the "sacred stone" of the huge power emperor who can make the planet smash and dissipate and reproduce all the Christian myths in his body.

·Ask for flowers

And this third right hand is the medium that guides the power of the divine right hand.

After launching, just swipe to hit the target.

In addition, the power will be automatically adjusted according to the "strength of the enemy that must be defeated".

The stronger the opponent, the greater the power that can be channeled. It is an ability that is strong when it is strong, and weak when it is weak.

To put it simply, if the enemy's combat power is one hundred, then the power of the Holy Right is one hundred and one.

Therefore, no matter how strong the enemy is, the power of the Holy Right will be stronger, so that it can defeat the enemy and bring victory just by waving.


Youfang Zhihuo set Bai Ming as an enemy in his heart, and at the same time showed a slight expression on his face.

"Do it in front of me, you heretics really don't take me seriously!"

Because he believed that the self who had activated the divine right would undoubtedly win.

The sacred right is his proud capital.


The four elements that make up the world and matter are wind, water, earth, and fire.

And as the right fire, he can control the extinction of these four substances.

Being able to control one of the four means that he can affect the other three elements.

How could the right fire with this strength feel that he would lose.

So what if you can instantly kill the land on the left?

As long as the strength is slightly worse than him, he is undefeated.

What's more, on this planet, who else can have the power to smash the entire earth?

There can be no existence other than him!

But Bai Chen was obviously too lazy to listen to him.

Planetary level power, isn't that the level he has already surpassed?

In other words, when I first became a godslayer, I would still be in a hard fight, but now...

Bai Ming raised a finger and swiped left and right in the direction of the fire on the right.

And at this very moment.

All the aliens that existed on this planet, and even those demon gods in the phase world, all sensed the blow that shook the world. .

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