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Chapter 1356 Don't Pretend, Big Devil

Chapter 1357

Speaking of Laura.

As British Puritan nuns and priests, of course they know this name.

Because this is their supreme bishop, Laura Stewart.

Hearing the name of their bishop called by a strange man, several nuns hesitated whether to stop him.

But the way Bai Chen and his party came over was extremely bizarre and quite sudden, so they were a little worried.

And just when they don't know what to do.

Accompanied by a sweet voice, a blond girl in a teaching gown came in from the side door.

The arrival of the girl made the nuns and priests heave a sigh of relief as if they had found their backbone.

Although everyone who knew Laura well at the scene knew that their bishop was an elusive guy who was good and bad at times.

But at least he is also a Puritan bishop.

And it shouldn't be surprising that such a bishop would know some strange people, right?

Kanzaki Kaori had a complicated look on his face.

Although their Amakusa-style cross religion has become a vassal of Puritanism, Kanzaki Kaori still doesn't have a good impression of this woman, Laura.

Apart from being elusive, the biggest reason is Index.

Giving Index to them for protection, but deceiving them that the human brain cannot store too much knowledge and memory, because 603 13,000 grimoires have been recorded in Index's head, so the memory must be cleared once a year to ensure Index's survival.

This made Kanzaki Kaori and others extremely painful in the past, but they had to do so.

It wasn't until they met Bai Chen that they were told that the human brain can store almost unlimited memories, and then they realized that they had been kept in the dark by Laura.

For this woman, Kanzaki Kaori naturally had no good looks.

But what does this have to do with the devil in Bai Ming's mouth?

Could it be that

"Ah! Could it be that this Puritan woman is secretly raising demons?!"

Misaka Mikoto clapped her hands suddenly as if she had guessed something, with a look of sudden realization on her face.

"After all, that's how it's done in movies and games!"

The holy church is secretly doing things related to the devil.

This kind of plot and routine is almost broken in games and movies.

"Huh? How come?"

Hearing Misaka Mikoto's yelling, all the nuns and priests in the church showed expressions of astonishment.

Although their bishops are good and bad, (cbfj) but it is not enough to raise demons, right?

After all, they live here all year round, but they have never seen any sneaky behavior by the bishop!

"This... is unlikely."

After all, this is also a church.

Although Laura is a bishop, she can't really raise demons.

Moreover, she had never heard of Puritanism's bad habit of sacrificing living people, or news of someone disappearing suddenly for no reason.

"But, that's how it's done in many movies."

Misaka Mikoto had a natural expression.

"Is not it?"

Today's Pao sister has a 1000% trust in Bai Chen.

Since he said there are demons here, there must be demons.

After thinking about it, the most likely one is Laura who is the Archbishop.

"And you see she is so young, how suspicious no matter how she looks!"

If he hadn't made a deal with the devil, how could he have become a bishop at such a young age?

"Wrong, Laura didn't raise demons."

Bai Chen opened his mouth helplessly.

He didn't know when Sister Pao would learn to answer quickly.

"Oh? So it wasn't it?"

Hearing this, Sister Pao suddenly showed a surprised expression.

And after reacting, it was quite embarrassing.

"Yeah, how could people raise evil animals.

Laura had an innocent look on her face.

But my heart was a little flustered.

She didn't expect that Bai Chen would actually come over.

Previously, her consciousness was imprisoned and unable to exert her original power. When Bai Chen threatened her, she pretended to surrender. After returning, the patient countermeasures against the suspected existence.

But I didn't expect that before I had time to prepare, the other party came to the door directly.

And everyone who saw her would subconsciously regard her as a kind and pure girl.

The next second that followed.

Bai Chen chuckled and said the fact that shocked everyone for ten thousand years.

"Although Lola doesn't raise demons, it doesn't mean she isn't a demon.

As soon as this statement came out.

The quiet needle drop could be heard throughout the church.

After careful consideration, Kanzaki Kaori was the first to react.

"What do you mean, shouldn't it be..."

"That's the one that shouldn't be, your Puritan archbishop is the arch devil himself."

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"Big...big devil!?"

Hear this sentence.

Everyone, including Misaka Mikoto, had extremely surprised expressions.

If the conclusion of raising demons is said, some people will believe it.

But the fact that Laura is the devil himself is not convincing anyway.

After all, in the setting of Christianity, the devil is the enemy of the angel of God.

And the big devil is the best among the devils, comparable to the Seraphs among the angels.

"How...how is this possible?"

Kanzaki Kaori began to doubt life.

Anyone who hears this news for the first time will subconsciously disbelieve it.

After all, it is too bizarre, hundreds of times more outrageous than novels and games!

After hearing Bai Chen's words, Laura also reacted, and continued to deny with a cute smile: "Ah, first I said that he raises demons, and then he said that he is a demon. No matter how good my temper is, I will still feel troubled."

Hearing this, Bai Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that the previous threats are not enough to make Coronzon obey.

But it's normal to think about it.

The power to defeat the Holy Right alone was not enough to scare Coronzon.

After all, Coronzon himself has the power to surpass the destruction of the planet.

What's more, it's a big devil again.

And isn't the devil's best at deception?

"Coronzon, stop pretending, if you surrender now, maybe you won't be punished too harshly by me in the future."

Bai Chen smiled again.

He originally thought that Cologne respected current affairs, but he didn't expect that when he turned around, he was let go.

But in the Bible.

There have also been several instances of demons deceiving God.

Isn't the poisonous snake that tricked Adam and Eve into eating the forbidden fruit of the Garden of Eden the incarnation of the devil?

And hearing what Bai Chen said, the sweet smile on Laura's face also disappeared. .

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