Chapter 1360

The expression on Coronzon's face became more and more rigid.


She didn't expect to be able to defeat Bai Chen, but she never expected that one of the four basic elements that make up the universe would not even be able to hurt him.

This is one of the most basic elements of the universe!

Not to mention the fire on the right, even Aleister's holy guardian angel, Aiwass, had to avoid it.

But it didn't work for this man at all.

Coronzon had never seen anything so outrageous.

But fortunately, as a pure big devil, her experience and experience are quite old.

Forcibly suppressing the consternation in my heart, I began to think about other countermeasures.

Although Bai Chen's contemptuous words and deeds made Coronzon quite unhappy, but before she was absolutely sure, she had nothing to do.

Coronzon took a few steps back, his body bursting with light, as if particles made of light condensed behind Coronzon's back, finally forming a pair of wings of light that resembled the wings of a demon.

Speaking of which, demons and light have been irrelevant existences since ancient times.

But in fact, this statement is not true.

Coronzon claims to have the magical name "333", and these three numbers are extremely special in Christianity.

The death of Jesus is foreshadowed at least 333 times in the Old Testament.

Jesus is the Son of God, representing hope and light.

333 is naturally its opposite.

But no matter what, the so-called Christianity is nothing but the property of God.

Angels, human beings, including demons, are all created by God, regardless of you and me.

So it is not unusual for demons to use magic related to light.

Coronzon stretched out his wings of light, making Kanzaki Kaori and Misaka Mikoto secretly wary.

If it weren't for Bai Chen's protection just now, they would have been planted here.

But Coronzon, who looked like Laura, didn't care about anyone other than Bai Chen at all.

Bai Chen is the only one who can qualify as an enemy.

Stretching out the wings of light represents that she has entered a state of full strength.

However, hitting with brute force is the next best thing.

After much deliberation, he decided to play his hole cards.

After all, if he kept his hand, he would have no chance to assassinate Aleister.


Coronzon leaned forward with his left hand, raised his right hand backwards, and swung his sword like a knight in an oil painting.

At the same time, words like words came out of her mouth.

"My existence exceeds the age of Isis, Osiris and Horus, and my existence is enough to swallow everything in the world!"

These three eras of the Forbidden World have special meanings.

The age of Isis was the age of all primitive religions before the establishment of Christianity.

The age of Osiris was a time when Christianity spread and other religions stagnated.

The age of Horus, through the destruction of Christianity, ushered in an era of materialism that awakened mankind.

For Coronzon to say that, it means that the current her surpasses everything in this world.

And she is indeed qualified to say so.

From now on, Coronzon began to release his hole cards.

She is actually not the most powerful demon in Christianity, but after leaving mythology and coming to the real world, her soul and existence have already been sublimated [and she also got the "body" that all demons dream of.

The great demon who has a physical body has evolved his power to a new era.

This is a level that even Lucifer, the son of the morning star, and the Lord of the Flies cannot do.

A ferocious smile appeared on Coronzon's lovely face.

"Hee hee ha ha ha! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The slender and slender wings of light on the back shine with divine light.

But the shape is as evil as a bat's wing.

This physical body was quite similar to Aleister's past daughter.

But in fact, Coronzon did not hijack his daughter's body to be resurrected as a psychic medium. This is just a physical container she created from scratch, and it "coincidentally" looks similar to Lola.

Coronzon's whole body was burning with golden flames.

Even if Kamijou Touma, who holds Fantasy Killer, is present, her power cannot be neutralized.

"I am a demon, but not from the Tree of Inverse Life gathered by evil forces. I am the great demon hidden by San Sephiro. I live in the same abyss as Dart."

Coronzon's voice began to distort like TV noise.

She maintained the movement of extending her left hand forward and retracting her right hand.

"I have a vengeful Hardy in my left hand and a revived Newt in my right hand."

Huge power erupted from Coronzon's body.

"Respect the list of inscriptions and words, and show the pure power in front of Tian Wu!"

This huge force penetrated the ten major points of the tree of life, and mobilized the flame sword that judged everything by the side of the god.

And then the power that can destroy everything spews out.

Bai Chen still remembers that in the original book, Coronzon used this power to smash Fantasy Killer, in Fantasy Killer.

Together with Kamijou Touma, they were blasted to pieces.

This kind of power is not bad enough in Bai Chen's eyes.

Even if it is placed in Hakoniwa, it has the top three-digit level.

But this still doesn't help.

Bai Chen extended his right hand.

The golden holy spear appeared in his palm, but to deal with Coronzon's exploits, he didn't need any extra actions, he just simply put the holy spear on the path of the flame sword.


Like hitting a stone with a pebble.

The power that can destroy all benchmarks in the world just collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Coronzon's expression was completely stunned.

There was an expression of disbelief on her face.

This is her all-powerful trump card.

However, it was so easily resolved by this man.

"Are you... are you a Demon God?"

Coronzon, who was about to turn pale, asked in a trembling tone.

But in the next second, she denied this idea.

After all, the appearance of any demon god cannot escape her eyes and ears.

If Bai Chen is a demon god, it is impossible for her to be unaware.

What's more, this world cannot accommodate the existence of demon gods.

Just their bodies are countless times bigger than this world. this world, besides the Demon God, who else can block her trump card?

"It seems that this is your hole card?"

Bai Chen had a relaxed smile on his face.

"In this case, then become my slave."

After finishing speaking, Richen stretched out his right hand towards the pale girl.

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