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Chapter 1361: Demon Gods' Attention

Chapter 1362

Kanzaki Kaori was not surprised by Bai Chen, but the girl with a lovely appearance who followed the young man.

Laura Stewart.

This woman who once promised her to protect the Amakusa-style Cross Church and avoid the pursuit of the Roman Orthodox Church turned out to be a demon that only existed in mythology!

And this demon lived majestically under the pure white stone cross under the cathedral for almost a hundred years.

It is said that even the Queen of England was baptized by the Supreme Bishop when she was young.

Decades have passed, things are not people.

The queen is old, but Laura is still the honor.

It is also because of this that the people and believers believe that Lola has the blessing of God, so she can survive under the pressure of the Roman Orthodox Church.

But today Bai Chen has exposed the biggest lie that has deceived the whole of Britain for nearly a century.

"Oh, Miss Kanzaki, what is that expression on your face? Is it surprising to you to know that I am a devil?"

Laura covered her mouth with a teasing smile on her face.

Misaka Mikoto grinned from the side.

I was slapped twice by Bai Chen before, almost crying like pear blossoms, why did you immediately show such a beating expression?

Kanzaki Kaori remained silent.

Even when 467 learned that Bai Chen is God, it was not like now, and the three views were strongly impacted.

To her, it wasn't surprise, but downright shock.

"Miss Kanzaki's expression is really cute. You are such a serious person, but after knowing that she is a devil, do you feel that your faith has collapsed?"

Speaking of the latter, Laura even used a low voice in a wicked way.

Bai Chen gave her a hand knife and told An to go down.

"Is this always how you are?"

"Is such that."

Laura answered immediately.

"All the inhabitants of London may testify!"

"Are you quite proud?"

Bai Chen sneered.

If his own strength is not enough, I am afraid that he will be the target of being played with at this time.

"Uh uh...Speaking of which, is there really a demon in this world who can hide in Christianity for so many years?"

Misaka Mikoto said puzzledly.

She has withstood all kinds of shocks and baptisms in the chat group, and the three views have long been shaped harder than Edelman alloy.

But one size fits all, she still feels very strange.

"Can't the cross hurt the devil?"

"of course not."

Laura shook her head, smiling and showing two cute canine teeth.

"That's nothing more than TV dramas and movies spreading rumors. The devil itself is a life born from the myth, and the myth is shaped by God. As the same creation, how can it be hurt by the same thing?"

"It seems to be true."

Misaka Mikoto nodded.

When she was reviewing Bai Chen's pretentious collection in the group before, she heard him say it.

No matter angels, humans, or demons, they are all God's creations.

Everyone says the devil is hostile to God.

He also said that God is omnipotent.

Then why didn't God just destroy the demons with one hand and restore the world to peace?

The answer is that demons, like angels, are creatures created by God.

The devil and the angel perform their own duties, just like employees in two different departments of a company.

"I still have questions."

Misaka Mikoto raised her hand like an elementary school student answering a question.

"Please tell me, Misaka-san."

Laura also responded in a decent way.

"Don't demons have long tails and horns?"

Hearing this, Laura was a little helpless.

"The horns on the demon's head are a symbol of reproductive ability. Although there will be demons who sneak into human beds and change genders to cater to their partners and keep their horns, it is meaningless for me as a female demon to grow horns. If I want offspring, I can create artificial life forms like lower demons with cuneiform characters and numbers." (Cbfi)

"Devil, can you sneak into other people's bed?"

Hearing this, Misaka Mikoto blushed.

"Those are the lowest demons who fall in love with humans, but when I grow up to my level, it's hard for us to be moved by mortal emotions.

Laura shrugged.

And at this moment.

Everyone felt a feeling as if they were being licked hard by some kind of sight.

The expression on Laura's face was a little stiff, and even the phantom of the devil in the blond hair twisted.

"Damn it! Those demon gods can't sit still!"

"Demon God? What Demon God?"

Kanzaki Kaori realized later.

"Ah this? No way?"

Hearing this, Misaka Mikoto also changed slightly.

After all, she was told by Bai Chen a long time ago that God is the strongest existence in her world.

Not to mention a mere earth, even the entire universe is not considered by them.

For the demon gods, creating and even destroying this world is just a thought.

And Bai Chen also told her that before she joined the group, the universe she was in had been played by demon gods many times, and she had to restart it as a last resort.

It's like Marvel with countless parallel worlds.

When everything is going to an unmanageable ending, the entire universe will be restarted with one click.

"Why did the devil suddenly notice us?"

"Probably because I was very dissatisfied with the battle just now."

At this time.

Different from the panic of others, Bai Chen still had an understated smile on his face.

Demons are a bunch of fun-loving guys.

Their strength is at the top of the world, but they don't have the mentality and experience to match it.

From the peak of a human to the existence of a demon god, it can be said that it is a step up to the sky.

For the Demon God, all under the Demon God are ants.

Long before, the battle between Bai Chen and the Holy Right was sensed by the demon gods.

After Bai Chen arrived in England to expose Lola's lies, causing the big demon Coronzon to fight, he directly let all the demon gods determine his position.

For the demons, this is a very interesting and unprecedented performance.

Hidden in the earth, the great demon Coronzon that far exceeds the limit that the earth can bear, and an unknown existence from another world.

This should have been a pretty exciting fight.

But because Bai Chen was too powerful, crushing Coronzon in all directions, and after Coronzon was defeated, he did not fight desperately, but directly surrendered to Bai Chen, which naturally lost the program effect it should have.

Therefore, the Demon God who is the audience is very dissatisfied.

Demon God, ready to intervene in this performance, and its participants. .

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