Chapter 1371

Attacking with fear and retreat, absolutely can't hurt Bai Chen in the slightest.

After the city of gold unfolded, subtle changes occurred in the hearts of these demon gods.

The fear that even they themselves could not detect.

However, even knowing it is useless.

The lives of nine demon gods were taken by Bai Chen.

Aleister, who was one of the audience, fell silent.

Although his purpose has always been to kill the demon god, he never expected that even if he made ten thousand plans, he would not necessarily be able to win. He could only hide and hide like a mouse. In Bai Chen's hands, he realized his century-old pursuit in just a few minutes.

He seemed to see that hellish golden pupil.

Just a momentary glance, it feels as if the soul is sucked away, and everything will be shattered.

Aleister lowered his head in fear and closed his eyes.

His body was shaking.

This is natural.

Even someone as strong as a demon god cannot look at Bai Chen's golden pupils on an equal footing, let alone Aleister Crowley, who is only a mortal!



Unexpectedly, the only Supreme God, is this kind of existence?!

But that's fine too.

At least, Aleister didn't have to think about how to deal with Bai Chen's plan anymore.

Perhaps in the eyes of that adult, his plan is as ridiculous as a child's house wine.

Moreover, his long-cherished wish has finally come true.

Those demon gods who killed their daughters were killed by more powerful beings.

Aleister's ultimate wish has never been realized so easily.

But when he realized that his wish had come true, Aleister was not as relieved and happy as he imagined.

There is only emptiness and bewilderment.

After all, all the backhands in his plan have become useless, and he has no idea what to do in the future.

After all, Aleister hadn't imagined what he would do after his wish was realized one day.

At this time.

The golden eyes covering the starry sky disappeared.

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

Aleister was also very clear about what he was thinking.

He had indeed killed the Demon God and fulfilled his original promise.


When the level rises to a higher dimension, death is also a small problem that can be easily reversed.

The demon gods are indeed dead.

In the face of the power of the golden sky, they only have room for resistance but in vain.

However, at the moment of the demon gods' death, their souls are bound by the law of the golden sky, just like the golden Frieza and his elder brother, the moment they entered the golden city, they became Bai Chen's slaves.

Nine individual cosmic powerhouses who are at least as strong as Golden Frieza are considered earned.

And after the demon god became a war slave, Bai Chen's strength has also reached a considerable level.

If you do it again.

He can defeat these united demon gods more easily.

Bai Chen lowered his eyes, looking at the shadows of the nine demon gods with different expressions in the Golden City.

"So, how does it feel now?"

And the dominated demon gods all had complicated moods.

They never imagined that one day they would end up like this.

Especially Niangniang and Nephthys of the zombie duo.

The two of them expressed a friendly attitude towards Bai Chen at the beginning, however, after a few words of disagreement, they were also brought into the scope of attack by Bai Chen.

If he had negotiated well from the beginning, maybe Bai Chen could get two powerful thugs, Niangniang and Nephthys, by paying some "unknown".

If he took a few more glances at the demon god Mera, the demon god might post it upside down on the spot.

But Bai Chen didn't do that.

After the demon gods gathered, they just expressed the meaning of "everyone here is rubbish", and it turned into a battle between the demon gods.

until now.

All became his slaves.

Bai Chen noticed the mood of Empress and Nephthys, with a smile on his handsome face, as if he was teaching the immatures, he stated his policy and love for domination: "You want to gain benefits through communication, but this is not in line with my idea."

"I have no prejudice against all of you demon gods, just like the attitude you had when you first met me.


One, three, five, and two, four, six were used by the Demon God for experiments, if they can be considered as communication.

It is precisely because they know that there is no way to communicate with the Demon God on an equal footing, so the Baifengtuan will show their equality.

"My equality is destruction."

Bai Chen looked at them with distorted emotion in his eyes and a faint smile on his face.

"….Anything that doesn't meet what I think, no matter heaven, hell, gods, demons, myriad phenomena, or the world, will be destroyed and dominated by me until I am satisfied. M


Pure madness.

After hearing Bai Chen's declaration, the demon gods had to admit that even any one of them couldn't be compared with their master.

after all.

Their demon gods will also restrain their desires.

But their master, instead of restraining their desires, would force them to flow out and transform everything into what he imagined.

However, this is their master, the only Lord of Armies and King of Kings in heaven and earth!

Although they retain their individual personalities, the demon gods still have endless loyalty to Bai Chen in their hearts.

Such is the power of the City of Gold.

Anyone who becomes a slave among them will become an absolutely loyal servant.

"Then, from now on, you will stay here honestly, and you (Li Nuo's) will be used when needed.

After Bai Chen chuckled, he disappeared from the eyes of the demon gods.

However, Bai Chen did not leave the City of Gold.

Instead, he went to the city to say hello to Leticia and the others.

Although the Golden City here was created by him, once it is unfolded, it can also be freely connected to other golden city bars.

Leticia and the others were naturally very happy when they saw Bai Chen.

After all, for them, Bai Chen's existence is unparalleled.

It is because of his existence that they have the life they have today.

As for Hakoba.

There is nothing abnormal at all.

Everything returned to calm after Bai Chen defeated those alien gods.

Even the demon king who had ravaged Little Garden in the past seldom came out for activities, obviously because he was frightened by Bai Chen's methods.

After all, even Buddhism fell into his hands. .

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