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Chapter 138: The Black History of Sister Pao

Chapter 138

After sending this sentence, Bai Chen quickly received a response.

Railgun: "Scare me, and don't call me Sister Gun again!"

Bai Chen: "It's still so late.

Railgun: "Aren't you the same? And don't ignore my words on purpose!"

Bai Chen: "Will there be a problem with the dormitory?"

Continue to ignore gorgeously.

Misaka Mikoto, who was roaming the outer streets, was immediately stunned.

Thinking of the terrifying dormitory in Tokiwadai's dormitory, even as an Iv5 psychic, she couldn't help breaking a cold sweat.

However, she has more important things to do.

Railgun: "I'm stalking my clone, so the warden has to leave it alone. 99

Railgun: "The experimental plan for this time is set at night. In any case, I must kill all of them tonight! Find out the real murderer! 35

When she was young, she believed in the lies of others, and easily handed over the most important genetic map of the superpower.

Therefore, she has been blaming herself 780 after knowing the clone plan and the evolution plan of the absolute ability.

Because of those clones, all died because of her.

If I hadn't promised that pharmaceutical company when I was a child, what happened today might not have happened?

Bai Chen: "I have to praise your courage, but there is one thing I need to remind you. 35

Bai Chen: "Misaka-san, have you ever considered a question, since the institute has long known that your literacy judgment is Iv5, so as long as you are a scientist with a normal brain, you will definitely take measures to plan for exposure, such as recruiting The anger of an Iv5 psychic, even if you find them, the other party has a way to deal with you.

Railgun: "Ah? Is that so..."

Railgun: "So, they are so confident that the guy called Accelerator can defeat me?"

Don't underestimate me too much!

No matter how you say it, she is Academy City's No. 3!

What's more, when she knew the college rankings, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Obviously she had never even met the second and the first, and she didn't even know what she looked like, so the Institute of Superpowers ranked her third without authorization.

Everyone is Iv5, why can't she be the first?

Seeing Misaka Mikoto's sworn appearance, Bai Chen didn't plan to tell the truth that she would be hanged by Accelerator.

After all, Sister Pao has a very strong self-esteem, even if she said it, she would not believe it.

Whether it is a goose egg or a cobblestone, you will know the result when you touch it.

Bai Chen: "There are many uncertainties in the future, and what you said may be right.

He said this just to appease Sister Pao.

Although different worlds, there are indeed many unknown fates.

For example, Marvel, and then Xingyue, they are characterized by having countless parallel world lines.

Everyone living in it may be born with a new world line because of the choices they make.

However, the forbidden world is different.

Although the earth is surrounded by countless phase worlds, the only thing that is certain is that there is only one magic forbidden universe, and there is no parallel universe that may exist.

This is the theorem that all the demons have verified countless times.

After all, the strongest demon gods who have reached the top of the forbidden world have been destroyed because they were too boring, and restarted the universe countless times.

But despite this, they still haven't found any possible way to other worlds.

Over time, this conclusion was reached.

And Bai Chen has only seen the settings related to the magic ban, which also mentioned that the magic ban is the only one.

Of course, the behind-the-scenes production company does not count (ahdb) niche games for its works that are linked to each other.

Therefore, as long as Accelerator is not a fool, then Sister Pao will definitely lose, and it is still the kind that loses badly.

But telling her at this time will also dampen Misaka Mikoto's enthusiasm.

So he chose to encourage silently, and then took a screenshot of Sister Pao's words, ready to share this hopeful and confident picture with the whole group when she was deflated and embarrassed to death.

Presumably when the time comes, Sister Cannon will definitely smile peacefully.

Bai Chen: "I can issue a commission if necessary, and I can go over to supervise and watch the game."

Railgun: "I think you clearly want to see me slumped, but that's impossible! You can honestly see how to get to the top tonight!"

Miss Cannon is full of confidence.

And Bai Chen took screenshots silently.

Another black history.

Railgun: "But you just finished a fight, don't you feel tired?

Bai Chen: "After a good night's sleep, he has completely recovered, and so is Luo Hao.

Railgun: "It's outrageous, your godslayer's physique is completely out of the human category."5

Even across the dimension, Sister Pao is envious and jealous.

Ordinary people suffer from penetrating injuries, and at least have to recover for a few months.

A godslayer who can sleep just fine, no matter how outrageous it is, there should be a limit.

Bai Chen: "Who said no, so work hard to earn points, Sao Nian."

Railgun: "Sao Nian? You're scolding me around the corner, right? 35

Bai Chen: "Illusion.

on a semi-transparent screen.

Aleister quietly watched Misaka Mikoto, who was sometimes embarrassed, sometimes happy, and sometimes wanted to raise her arms and shout. In the eyes of outsiders, she was completely schizophrenic.

Then, Aleister, who had not shown any other expressions for a long time, slowly smiled.

Judging from the experimental data collected at this stage, Misaka Mikoto should be communicating with some kind of super-dimensional existence.

The stagnant loop cannot capture any signal.

This also proves that the unfamiliar existence is connecting with the world he is in in an unknown and higher-level way.

"You're laughing a bit wretched, Aleister, aren't you afraid of overturning by revealing one of your plans so early?"

The angel Aiwass on the science side mocked the person who summoned her as always.

"The evolution plan of the absolute ability person is also your plan to fight against them, no matter which side disappears, it will affect you.

"It doesn't matter, the details of the plan will not affect the progress of the main axis, and "Fantasy Killer" can be replaced with other trials.

While speaking, Aleister looked at the screen.

The above shows the scene where Misaka Mikoto's tracking method was too poor and was discovered by the clone.

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