Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 150 Little Spider and Kit10

Chapter 150

[Group reminder: The little white cat has joined the chat group, hurry up and say hello to her. 】

[Group reminder: Little Spider has joined the chat group, hurry up and say hello to her. 】

Railgun: "Welcome newcomers!

Brunette Loli: "Welcome welcome, warm welcome!"

Brunette Loli: "Sprinkle Flowers.jpg!"

The Spirit of Time: "The names of these two newcomers are so strange, why are they both animals? 99

Butterfly Ninja: "It's not really a kitten, is it? After all, the chat group doesn't seem to have a rule that only people who can talk can be invited.

The Spirit of Time: "It seems to be the case, I asked Bai Chen Jun, he should know something.

The Spirit of Time: "@Bai Chen,zaima?35

Bai Chen:

Bai Chen: "I always feel that you have always misunderstood me, and these "eight or ninety" misunderstandings will get deeper and deeper in the future.

Railgun: "Half the talk, ass..."

The Spirit of Time: "Misaka-san, girls can't say such rude words."

Bai Chen: "I'm not the owner of the chat group, how do I know the rules set by the chat group.

Railgun: "Don't explain! Explanation is cover up, cover up is fact!"

Bai Chen: "Okay."

Bai Chen: "Whether the chat group will invite cats and dogs, I personally don't think so. After all, from the analysis of the existing rules, all the rules in the group must have a certain degree of intelligence. Use, take the most important group delegation function as an example. Ordinary cats and dogs would not use this more complicated function.

Railgun: "The group commission is important? The lottery is the most important!"

Bai Chen: "People with negative points are not qualified to speak. 39

Railgun: "Patting the table.jpg!"

The Spirit of Time: "It's great to see Misaka-san still so energetic.

Butterfly forbearance: "Don't think about it."

Brunette Loli: "Big sister must be strong!

Railgun: "You guys! Don't talk like I'm going to die at any time!"

And Bai Chen looked at the increasingly crooked topics in the group, and didn't interrupt for a while.

Instead, he thought about the identities of the two new group members.

Kitten and little spider.

Not because there are too few prompts, it can only give up.

After all, in the works he knows, there are dozens of characters with attributes of cats and spiders.

Cat's Eye Three Sisters? Doraemon?

As for the little spider, who knows if it could be the spider spirit in the Pansi Cave?

at the same time.

In the gloomy, dark and humid environment, a pink and white spider with some kind of violent poison looked at it. After hearing the notification sound of the chat group, it was eating insect thigh meat with tears on its face. The human-faced spider jumped three feet high in fright in an instant.

"Fuck, who?!"

The spider, whose heart was overturned, squinted a few pairs of eyes and looked around.

In the faint vision, but did not see any other hostile creatures.

It wasn't until after a long while that he was sure that there was no danger around him, he gradually relaxed his vigilance and continued to chew the food that was difficult to swallow.

Her original name was Hise Ruoye, and she was a low-level female high school student in an island country in her previous life, and she was still a squat at home.

When he was still a human, he was keen on playing games and was not good at interacting with people.

Then accidentally reincarnated to Otherworld and became the weakest spider monster.

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