Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 156 Kneeling to the boss

Chapter 156

in the chat group.

Little Spider: "Ah, so boring! It's like eating hamburgers, like french fries, I really want to eat fried chicken! I really want to drink happy water, I seem to be playing games ah ah ah!"

Little Spider: "Others transmigrate into beautiful girls and embark on fantastic and leisurely adventures. I transmigrated and became such a small spider. It is very hard to even live every day. What I can't bear is that the food here is not delicious at all. Unpalatable is just as disgusting as milk that has been expired for many days after being fermented!

Hearing Spider Zi say this, those who are still chatting in the group can't help but feel a deep sense of sympathy.

The Spirit of Time: "It's really hard for you to describe such an image."

Little Spider: "Yes, and the meat here is unpalatable. When I took the first bite, I almost poisoned my mother to death!""

If she wasn't really hungry, and she didn't want to starve to death, how could she eat the monster's corpse.

Little Spider: "When you bite down, it's like slapping a cockroach with the sole of a shoe, and it's also bursting with pulp."

Railgun: 07 "Stop talking, I already have a sense of the picture, vomit.jpg.""

Brunette Loli: "Big sister is so pitiful.

Butterfly Forbearance: "But at least Miss Spiderman has survived, and only by continuing to live can you create the future, and maybe you can find a way to become a human again in the future.

Little Spider: "In this cold and ruthless world, only everyone in the group can give me a little warmth and comfort, crying. jpg.

The Spirit of Time: "It's impossible to travel through and become a spider, but Xiao Ren is right, not only did you survive, but you were also invited by the chat group. As long as you have enough points, it's not easy to become a human being. Disaster."

Little Spider: "Everyone... woo woo woo."

In the underground labyrinth, Spider Zi, who hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time, burst into tears.

To be able to talk to people...nice!

The spider career during this period has completely cured her social anxiety disorder. If someone could talk to her, she would be able to say that she did not stop for the last day and night.

Little Spider: "But then again, the exchange mechanism for points is too stingy. For a prey I caught so hard, only a few points were exchanged, and I cried."5

The Spirit of Time: "After all, the rules of the chat group regarding points have always been very strict, that's why everyone cares so much about the lottery."

Little Spider: "Speaking of which, why do you consider Mr. Bai Chen as a class enemy?"

Railgun: "He's not human, thank you.

Little Spider: "I know how everyone feels! It's the kind of taunting that everyone doesn't ship, but only one person can't wait to post it on the forum."

Railgun: "It's good for newcomers to understand.

Bai Chen: "That's not called yin and yang, it's called sharing joy. After all, good things are meant to be shared with everyone, right?""

Is that called sharing joy?

Are you sure you're not rubbing salt on someone else's wound?

It's just crazy logic!

Little Spider: "A big surprise!!!

Railgun: "It's so annoying! Is this still human?

Bai Chen: "Oh, I just said it casually. 35


Little Spider: "Big brother! Big brother! May I ask if the world you are in is really full of gods?"

Now the spider is like a sponge, eager to know the customs of different worlds to fill her dying heart.

Bai Chen: "It's not like walking all over the place, it's just that a few will pop up every now and then, and then we'll kill them. Usually, I'm quite free, with a maid taking care of three meals a day. The game is like this.

Bai Chen didn't bother to explain too much, so he briefly described it.

Little Spider: "Extremely envious!"

This is completely the ultimate goal of life as a house.

Butterfly Ninja: "But I remember that if you want to kill a god, you must match the corresponding power. The so-called god-killer is a rare talent who combines luck and strength. Fighting is a near-death experience, so it is a matter of course to be worshipped by the whole world.""

Little Spider: "Boss, please accept me!

After listening, the admiration in Little Spider's eyes almost overflowed.

Bai Chen: "I haven't encountered too difficult enemies, so it's fairly easy for now."

Little Spider: "Kneeling to the boss.jpg!99

Little Spider: "I really want a maid to take care of me too.

The eight tentacles of the pink and white spider are typing fast, for fear of being slow.

Bai Chen: "If you can't be a maid, you can also try to be a maid for me."

Little Spider: "Hey? Big brother, is this the rhythm that you want to support me? Blush.jpg."5

Railgun: "???"

The Spirit of Time: Front

The Spirit of Time: "Mr Bai Chen is so strange recently, if the spider was a beautiful girl, it would be fine, but even the spider is not spared?

Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly became a little worried about his own charm.

Isn't Bai 907 Chen the same as those scumbag nobles in the Zhanchi Empire, because everything can be easily obtained, his desires are not satisfied, and his psychology has begun to pervert?

No! She must correct this strange fetish as soon as possible!

Butterfly Ninja: "Mr. Bai Chen is indeed a little strange."

Railgun: "People can't, at least they shouldn't.""

Bai Chen: "People can't, at least let me go first.

Bai Chen: "No kidding, in fact, spiders can evolve into human form, that world is like playing a game, you can get experience points by defeating monsters, you can level up when the experience bar is full, and you can choose to evolve when you reach a certain level. Route, to put it clearly, is to change jobs.

Railgun: "He's here, he's here, he's here with reasoning! 35

Little Spider: "I know! I know! That is, I can turn back into a human if I level up?! 35

Bai Chen: "If you choose the right evolutionary route, you will be right."

Little Spider: "Big brother, big brother! Which branch should I choose? Bixinxin.jpg.""

Bai Chen: "You can ask me when you need to evolve, and I will help you with your staff.""

Little Spider: "Okay!"

Bai Chen: "By the way, do you have a lottery draw?"


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