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Chapter 163 eat too much to support

Chapter 163

Little White Cat: "It's impossible!"

That's right.

The kitten's first reaction was that Bai Chen was lying.

Bai Chen: "I said it very clearly anyway. Believe it or not, it's up to you, or wait until your sister comes to you, just ask clearly."

Since Kitten answered like this, it also proves that it should be the early stage of the Devil's High School plot.

I just don't know if Hyoudou Issei appeared.

Little White Cat: "You mean my sister will come to me? 35

Bai Chen: "My older sister is living in peace, and it's time to find your own sister who you once left behind. Don't live in hatred all the time. The world you live in is not black and white, and some things that seem clear may be very bright. deep secret."

Little white cat: ""

Railgun: "What's the situation?

Listening to gossip from different worlds every day is also one of the joys of the group members.

It is clear.

There seems to be some kind of story about the newcomer.

Bai Chen: "It's nothing special, it's just a long-standing misunderstanding. When the time comes, the sisters will meet and make it clear."

In fact, whether 937 is an animation or a movie, there are often things that clearly have the opportunity to explain clearly, but they delay it and cause great misunderstandings.

In Bai Chen's view, this is simply overeating.

What can be explained in one sentence can be left unresolved for several episodes.

Railgun: "To say it means not to say it!

Butterfly Ninja: "Conflict between sisters? I had a lot of misunderstandings with my sister before, but after all, we are relatives who depend on each other, so after explaining it clearly, we quickly reconciled."

Butterfly forbearance: "So, if there is a conflict between relatives, just explain it clearly.

On this point, Butterfly Forbearance is definitely the most powerful.

After all, the Butterfly Sisters and the Tacheng Sisters have similar childhood experiences.

Seeing that the topic in the group turned to the kitten, Bai Chen didn't say anything more. After saying hello, he left the group chat, stretched his waist and walked towards the restaurant.

Before you know it, sunset twilight.

The sun, which was about to sink below the horizon, set off the white clouds as red as fire.

The red radiance of the setting sun sprinkled on the city (ahdb), as if bringing fire to the earth, one after another of neon lights lit up.

Darkness brings fear, but light dispels darkness.

In the beginning, everything was surrendered to darkness.

I remember that in ancient Greek mythology, Prometheus, the god of fools and the god of thieves, could not bear to see human beings endure the pain and cold of darkness, so he stole the divine fire from the sky and gave it to human beings.

After the incident, Zeus was furious and locked Prometheus in chains in the Caucasus Mountains, making him unable to sleep, unable to bend his knees, and endure the wind, rain, darkness and hunger.

And Zeus also sent a vulture to peck Prometheus' liver every day.

Humans, on the other hand, began to step into a civilized society because they obtained fire.

In the godslayer world, it is almost entirely based on Greek mythology.

Although the fire here is not given by the gods, the "hope" of resisting the gods who do not obey was also discovered by Prometheus.

The "ring of usurpation" that guides human beings to transform into godslayers is the "fire" given by Prometheus when he saw that human beings were influenced by brutal gods.


"The reason why Athena hates the lights of human civilization is probably half of the reason for Prometheus."

Shenhui chuckled and told the truth, following the scent emanating from the kitchen, walking down the quiet path leading to the dining room.

to be frank.

Since the crossing, he has not been able to visit the headquarters of the bronze black cross.

As an ancient magic organization that has been passed down for hundreds of years, its bricks and tiles are full of ancient atmosphere, and the decoration still retains many medieval flavors.

But to be honest, as an ordinary traveler, Bai Chen doesn't have the slightest artistic cell.

As the second largest city in Italy, a lot of buildings in Milan retain their original shapes, but Bai Chen doesn't have much appreciation for it, nor does he have any thoughts of magnificent waves.

The reason why I occasionally go out for shopping is because I feel that I have crossed over, and I can't stay in the same place as before.

When he came to the restaurant, the sight that caught his eye made him a little strange.

Luo Hao, who had been behind closed doors for many days, was now sitting at the second table at the dining table like a girl in a family. Although he still didn't say a word, at least he wasn't as stuffy as he was a few days ago.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen was quickly relieved.

Tsundere's Luo Hao is a compromise.

And Bai Chen doesn't want to use the power of domination for women who may become his favorite in the future.

at the same time.

Greenwich Council of the Sages.

After the messenger of the Holy Church of the Five Hells went to Italy to meet the new king, an emergency meeting was held again at the headquarters of the parliament.

Of course, although it is urgent, they are essentially a circle of good people, more like meat mice who are mediocre because they heard two cats that eat mice meet.

However, they themselves do not think so.

"The meeting was held in a hurry again, and something worth discussing happened again?"

Among the group of gray-haired scholars, a girl wearing a gorgeous dress, with a beautiful and mature appearance, but with a hint of boredom and helplessness on her face, sat on a chair.

"Princess Alice, because the incident happened suddenly, so I had to let you participate. According to the existing information, the impact of the incident is indeed significant, enough to interfere with the world structure."

An elder said.

"What's up?"

Alice, who finally raised some interest, asked.

"The two kings, both from the East, probably reached some sort of agreement and formed an alliance.59

This is the result of their analysis of various aspects.

And the possibility of this conclusion is more than 90%, and they cannot afford to ignore it.

After all, being a king alone is enough to create a sensation, so the power of the alliance of two kings is definitely not as simple as one plus one equals two.

"Princess Alice, I think we have to change the original plan bill.

Just as the elder's voice fell, Alice fell into thought.

There was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps outside the door of the conference room.

When they heard that voice, the elders showed displeased expressions. It was an important meeting right now. Who was it that made other noises out of nowhere?

However, Princess Alice's face instantly turned pale.

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