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Chapter 176 You actually turned into a dragon?

Chapter 176

In addition to the most commonly used transformation power "Wolf Pack of Greed", Woban also has a unique trick to suppress the bottom of the box.

"Black Dragon of the Underworld".

Because it has never been used, even the Council of Sages only knows that Woban has such a power, but does not know its specific function.

But Bai Chen is clear.

This is the power that the old wolf king usurped from the ancient Mesopotamian earth goddess "Inanna".

The name Inanna is not very loud, but if it is changed to "Ishtar", most of them will understand.

She is the goddess of Venus, the queen of the sky, and the predecessor of Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty in Greek mythology.

In terms of godhead, Ishtar naturally does not have the priesthood related to the underworld.

But Ishtar's older sister "Ai Lei" is the goddess in charge of the underworld.

Because of the same origin, Woban, who killed Ishtar, plundered the powers related to the underworld.

And this power, in Bai Chen's view, can be said to be the most used power among all the powers at present.

Just because it has an ability to "resurrection"


The immortality of the dragon and snake makes the soul immortal. Even if the body is crushed into ashes, it can consume the magic power to restore the body.

The blue-black ball of light continued to expand, and soon a black dragon with a length of 40 to 50 meters spread its huge wings.

The dragon scales are a gorgeous black onyx color, while the dragon's eyes are emerald green vertical pupils.

The glossy black dragon, combined with its lifelike dragon scales, resembles a cyberpunk war machine.

"Being able to push me to such a level is enough to prove your strength, but what if you just beat me to an incarnation!

The black dragon's mouth opened and closed, making Woban's voice.

He lodged his soul in the dragon's body, and the body was held in the dragon's hands, firmly protected.

The black dragon let out a terrifying roar, and its power was obviously not weaker than the human wolf incarnation, and it also possessed the ability to fly in the air.

"Although, I still have to say, old man, you are just a trapped beast.

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Black Dragon of the Underworld" is a power after all, and its power is definitely not weak, but since it can force him to use the power at the bottom of the pressure box, it can fully prove that this is Woban's last trump card.

And turned into a dragon?

Does this not take Siegfried's power into consideration?

in the live room.

Little Spider: "I'm calling you a good guy! How can you win if you can't beat him! 35

Railgun: "The ability to revive in situ is too shameless.""

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Bai Chen obviously thought of it too, so don't worry, that man can always create miracles."

Little White Cat: "Although, I would like to ask... Can all the power that Mr. Bai Chen showed with the enemy can be drawn by lottery?"

Seeing the earth-shattering battle in the live broadcast room, even Tacheng Kitten has truly believed in the existence of chat groups from now on.

Moreover, no matter the old man or the power displayed by Bai Chen, not to mention the most advanced demon, even the Demon King can only achieve this level.

Spirit of Time: "Yes, yes, but you know the difficulty of the lottery, let alone Africans, ordinary seals can't get this kind of power."

As a house girl, Tacheng Kitten naturally knows what seal means.

But this is like the house of Tomson Yipin.

Can't afford it, think about it.

Moreover, maybe one day I will have a bad luck, and suddenly the leopard jumps.

Little White Cat: "Well then..."

At least, she's not usually bored anymore.

I just don't know where to get the points.

Putting this thought in his heart, Tacheng Kitten continued to watch the live broadcast.

The pupils reflected the figure of Bai Chen holding the sword against the black dragon, and silently said "Come on" in the bottom of my heart.


Stormy day.

The pitch-black dragon roared and launched a surprise attack.

The black open fierce jaws, dissatisfied with the teeth sharper than swords.

At the same time, there was a flash of fire in the depths of his throat, spewing flames capable of melting steel towards Bai Chen.

Woban is confident, and his reliance comes from the number of powers and the greater magic power than the newborn godslayer.

Even if he uses several powers in turn, the remaining magic power can still allow him to fight abundantly.

However, even Bai Chen, who was attacked, still had a smile that made Woban unhappy at the corner of his mouth.

"Since it is a dragon from the underworld, then go back to the underworld again, this is not the place you should be.

As if it was an announcement, Bai Chen used the power of his god-killing weapon - the Holy Spear of Twilight for the first time.

Seeing that Bai Chen had changed his weapon, Woban was also puzzled.

But he, who desperately wanted to win, didn't think too much about it, he just savagely devoured all the blocking enemies.

Bai Chen, who used the power of "Lightning Flint" for the last time, stepped into a state of speed and avoided Woban's attack.

Then, the corners of Bai Chen's mouth outlined a shallow arc, and chanted the mantra that shook the city.

A steady stream of magic power poured into the gorgeous holy spear, and the holy spear with spiral decoration burst out with dazzling light.

The golden thread decoration exudes a faint golden light, while its arrow-like shoulders diffuse a pale halo.

Different from the domineering power, the almost endless divine power flows in all directions like a flood.

The light became more and more dazzling, and the mysterious incantation also flowed into Bai Chen's mind along the Twilight Spear.

"The true holy spear that runs through God—"

"Drawing from the ideal of overlord slumbering in my body, digging the gap between blessing and destruction—"

"Explain the legacy and turn it into brilliance—"

"Waking up from the golden dream—"

"Free from the cradle—"

"Dragon of Evil, Will Be Destroyed—"

"Fantasy Great Sword - Heavenly Demon Lost! 55

The golden brilliance bloomed from the gun body, the sound resounded through the sky, and even the soul seemed to be roaring.

The world is twisted and skewed.

The curse culture makes a declaration to the world.

Even the thunder's roar was suppressed.

All things are eclipsed here.

The radiance that makes everything boil for it burst out, like a god descending into the earth, the flowing clouds are turbulent, as if the world is about to be split, and the holy aurora shot out will engulf everything along the way.

This is Bahui.

The most advanced skill possessed by the artifact.

And the reason why the Holy Spear of Dusk is the most high-ranking god destroyer is because the last ray of will of the God of the Bible resides in the spear body.

Furthermore, Bai Chen forcibly integrated the power and power of the Shenmie Tool, allowing it to exert 200% of its power.

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