Chapter 180


Bai Chen stayed in the city, while changing a new environment and receiving tribute from the Nordic Magic Alliance.

As for Princess Alice, I haven't paid attention to it for the time being.

After all, her body is too weak, and she was shocked before. If it was later, Bai Chen would have to go to the intensive care unit to visit her.

Also an unlucky kid.

Every man is innocent, but he is guilty.

In this world, in addition to the godslayer, whoever is more talented is the original sin.

Bai Chen is glad that he is not one of them.

In addition to daily chores, what makes Bai Chen the most happy is the "gift" sent by the magic associations


Maybe it's the golden rule.

The treasures of several suites were completely filled in front of them, and they were auctioned off to the outside world.

"Nine-five-three", but this is only the icing on the cake for himself, who is a god-killer.

After all, I had never heard of a godslayer who was short of money.

Afterwards, Bai Chen activated the group sales function of the chat group, and all items that could be exchanged for points were sold for points.

The girls who followed behind him all widened their eyes.

What kind of magic is this?

Bai Chen didn't explain, and the others didn't ask much.

[Group reminder: The group member "Bai Chen" conducted a general sale and obtained 9936 points. 】

After the exchange, Bai Chen returned to his room by himself, lying on the balcony, enjoying the warm sunbathing while sinking into the chat group.

When he saw his account balance, he frowned slightly.

Many of the ancient relics sold to the chat group are duplicates, so even if there are treasures piled up in several rooms, it is only close to 10,000 points.

Even three or ten times is not enough.

"The devaluation is serious.

Back then, only a bunch of them could be exchanged for ten companies, but now the more they are exchanged, the less valuable they are.

However, Bai Chen also knew that those magic associations must have hidden more precious heritage, but they were not willing to provide for themselves.

Little Spider: "A wave of riches! I'm sour!"

Bai Chen: "The value of the items that were exchanged repeatedly depreciated too much, so I didn't get many points."

Little Spider: "But that's more than me! That's enough for ten consecutive times!"9

Bai Chen: "The pattern is small.

Railgun: "No one speaks?

The Spirit of Time: "Human say no?

Spirit of Time: "Mr. Bai Chen, in the situation where you can't satisfy you three times and ten times, just think that there are people in the group who owe points, don't you feel much happier?"

Bai Chen: "I am really happy when I hear you say that."

Railgun: "???"

Railgun: "Go on! I've been living hard enough now, I didn't expect to be angry in the group, and the smile gradually disappeared. jpg.""

In front of the dining table, she slapped the table with a slap, so frightened that the last Zuo was dumbfounded, not daring to speak, only daring to eat rice silently.

This meme isn't over, is it?!

Little Spider: "Big brother, hungry, eat."

Butterfly Ninja: "Master Bai Chen wants to draw a lottery again?"5

Bai Chen: "No, I don't have anything I really want at the moment, so I won't smoke today.

Although there are many good things in the resident pool, after all, you can't chew too much.

Next, he has to study the fusion between power and the god-killing tool in depth. When he masters the power of the Twilight Holy Spear, he will almost be able to start the next lottery.


Without the premonition of shipping, if he draws a lottery rashly, even he will sink.

And if he sinks, the whole group of people is guaranteed to rush to the scene and laugh in person.

Just like before.

Bai Chen: "Speaking of which, how far has your Corrosion Resistance level been for Spider?"

Little Spider: "Uh, only Iv6."

Because I have been watching the live broadcast, I have abandoned the brush resistance.

Speaking of himself, Spider Zi shrank his head.

Although the damage of snails is not so strong, the taste is still quite unpleasant, and I am not used to saying it at all.

Bai Chen: "Don't relax too much, it's good for you to upgrade early.

Little Spider: "What the boss taught me is that I will continue to work hard... Also, let me ask a little, if I upgrade to the end, can I be as strong as today's boss?"

After this live broadcast and the experience of the past few days, I believe that strength is everything.

Only strong power can let her continue to salt fish!

Bai Chen: "Yes, your evolutionary path is to be able to become a god..."

Little Spider: "Become a god!!!

Hearing this, Spider Zi was very excited.

The end of the evolution of all things is almost always the gods.

But before she was happy, she realized a very serious problem.

and many more!

Isn't the boss a godslayer!

Butterfly Ninja: "Ah, I remember that Lord Bai Chen is a godslayer.

Little Spider: "Then if we meet in the future, will the boss chop me to death with one slap?

Seeing this question, Bai Chen couldn't hold back and laughed quite happily.

Bai Chen: "Don't think too much, we god-killers will basically only release hostility against the gods who don't obey. Your evolutionary path is just an ordinary god, and even if you become a god in the future, don't be complacent. You are still the weakest in the early stage. god.

In the original book, it took a year for the spider to become a god.

But to put it bluntly, it's just a name given by the system.

Little Spider: "It hurts.

Little Spider: "Ah! I almost forgot. After the upgrade, I have been in the water group, and the skill points have not yet been reached! Help the boss!"

Bai Chen: "Choose the "Pride" skill, and when you see a skill name that looks strange in the future, you don't need to think about it, just click it directly.

Little Spider: "Understood, but can you tell me the reason?

Bai Chen: "That's one of the skills of managers. After learning it, you can increase various abnormal resistances and gain the privileges of the Dominator class."5

Quite 3.1 mature game system tree.

Needless to say, it was the idea that Evil God D, who turned into the color of Hime Wakaba, learned while playing in the human world.

By the way, the reason why the spider is so miserable is also because the evil god D deliberately.

As long as she wanted to, she could completely increase the skills of Spider Zi to the highest level.

Little Spider: "Dominator? Sounds very powerful!

Afterwards, she opened the system panel, and after finding some rare skills, all eight tentacles were opened.

Little Spider: "All rare skills, Ora Ora Ora!

The tentacles turn into afterimages, and it is Euler who can reach a maximum speed of eight times!

After clicking, Spider Zi only felt that the attribute was improving as fast as a rocket.

Spiderzi: "I am now! There is nothing to be afraid of!"

If the big snake like before comes back again, one dozen or five won't be a problem at all!

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