Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 182 bad woman full of bad water

Chapter 182

"You rest first, and when you need you, just don't push three or four over there."

"Of course not.

After saying this, Bai Chen got up and left.

For Alice's attitude, he did not discriminate.

Although beautiful, Bai Chen was not so anxious.

Otherwise, in his identity, he would have changed a woman every day, singing every night.

After he left, Alice, who was leaning against the pillow, let out a long sigh of relief.

Although there will be a master in the future, at least there is no need to worry about other things.

Moreover, Alice is also looking forward to what Bai Chen said can heal her body, as long as it's not too hellish.


Bronze Black Cross headquarters.

After this battle, Luo Hao's attitude towards Bai Chen changed again.

However, there has not been much change on the surface. It is still the same as before, but it is no longer as sharp as it was at the beginning.

The rhythm of life resumed.

The girls are training, Athena is cooking, Luo Hao is meditating every day, and Bai Chen is not forgetting the water group while studying power and god-killing tools.

Chat group.

Little Spider: "The three-year period has come!

Railgun: "What are you doing alone again?"

Little Spider: "Hey, after all, it is much more powerful after the upgrade, at least it has the ability to protect itself in the maze.

Railgun: "You are really optimistic.

Misaka Mikoto was deeply envious.

If she were to be turned into a spider and thrown into a maze, where she could only eat raw meat all day, it would be even more difficult to live than to die.

Little Spider: "Actually, I was very disappointed at the beginning. I came to this world alone, and I didn't have any friends, but I figured it out a long time ago. It's better to die than live. As long as I can survive, I'll find a way. !"

Little Spider: "So wait and wait, good luck will come! The people in the group speak very nicely, and I love the ones here so much 々.!

The Spirit of Time: "Spiders are born optimists, and ordinary people can't compare.

Tokisaki Kurumi is also envious of the real-name system.

At the beginning, after learning that the "enemy" she killed with her own hands was actually her closest friend, she suffered a mental breakdown and had several thoughts of suicide.

However, fortunately, the hatred of the Siwon Spirit has kept her alive until now.

Until I met the chat group and Bai Chen, my mood was not what it used to be, but I just lived in hatred.

Little Spider: "Hey, I'm actually not that good.

Heart-wrenching topics are quickly passed over.

Bai Chen also inserted the topic at this time.

Bai Chen: "Kangsan is right, the mentality of ordinary people is indeed inferior to that of a spider.35

However, Bai Chen always felt that the reason why spiders could integrate into monster creatures so quickly might be related to her being a spider.

The spider's instinct and the character of the autistic otaku, after merging together, formed the peculiar optimistic mentality of the spider.

And in the early stage of the plot, after the spider evolved into the shadow of death, a "parallel consciousness" was born, and he sang a one-man show with himself to relieve boredom.

Little Spider: "My boss suddenly appeared!

Little Spider: "Big brother, big brother! My corrosion resistance has been brushed to nine! It will be full soon!

Bai Chen: "So fast?"

After sending this sentence, Bai Chen gave the spider a red envelope.

Little Spider: "Thank you, big man, big man!"

Underground Labyrinth.

After eating the fresh and delicious fruit and the milk-flavored cake, the spider was moved to the point where all eight tentacles were shaking.

Full of happiness flooded his face.

Railgun: "Hey! Is this the power of cultivation? It's so terrifying! 39

Butterfly Ninja: "Spiders seem to have a high opinion of Mr. Bai Chen. 55

Little Spider: "Please remove "like", thank you!"

Super Electromagnetic Cannon: "My dear, the Lord is presenting himself to speak.

The Spirit of Time: "The girls in the group should be careful, Mr. Bai Chen's hobbies are really getting weirder and weirder.""

Bai Chen: "I'm just a normal communication suggestion, don't slander my personality.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "But relatively speaking, Bai Chen, you prefer non-humans to humans, right?

Bai Chen: "?"

Why did you even betray me with your thick eyebrows and big eyes?

Railgun: "Finally found out who is the most hidden in the group!

Railgun: "@小白猫, newcomer, you have to protect your integrity!"

Little white cat: "???"

A few question marks appeared in the head of the Tacheng kitten who was in class.

Getting shot while lying down?

However, she didn't take it seriously. After all, as a senior otaku, she knew this was just a joke.

Of course, it would be nice to occasionally participate in group chats.

Little white cat: "The cat is frightened.jpg."

Bad woman: "I don't mind what Bai Chen does to me."

The desire to dominate, possessive emerges from Machima's eyes.

After watching so many live broadcasts, most of the original thoughts about the chainsaw demon have long been transferred to Bai Chen.

And, with the passage of time, the desire to dominate possession becomes stronger.

But now is not the time.

Preparations for the plan have not yet been completed.

Railgun: ""?

Spirit of Time: "?"

Butterfly Ninja: "?"

Little Spider: "?

Spider-Man feels a status crisis.

Railgun: "By the way, @bad woman, you should be the least speaker in the group."

Taking this opportunity, Misaka Mikoto also took the opportunity to ask something.

Bad woman: "Yes, I can't chat often because of my busy work."

Railgun: "Huh? What did you do?"

Bad Woman: "It's a secret, but I can reveal a little bit, it's a work related to demons.

Seeing this, Tacheng Kitten was startled.

(Nuo Zhao's)

The only thing related to demons is "exorcism".

Sure enough, no matter which world you are in, the devil is the target of everyone shouting and beating.

Afterwards, the group started a discussion about the world of Machima and Tacheng Kitten.

Bad woman: "If there is a chance, I would also like to meet demons from other worlds. What is it like, can I, Miss Kitten?"

Little White Cat: "If it's convenient, yes."

Although she believed that the chat group was real, she was not very familiar with other people in the group and was wary.

This statement is just polite.

After all, not everyone is as happy as a spider.

Tacheng Kitten should be responsible for herself, but also for Rias and Akeno-senpai.

Compared to the fun in the group, Bai Chen didn't believe Machima's half a sentence at all.

Machima is full of bad water, otherwise how could the chat group call her a "bad woman"?.

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