Chapter 211

"Oh, is this Blacken?"

The madness on Artoria's face was so obvious that even Sakura could recognize the King of Knights at this moment, completely different from before.

"Brother, what happened to the King of Knights?"

Obviously not polluted by black mud, why does it still become so crazy?

"Probably on the verge of losing his mind.

Bai Chen said.

When Artorias ascended the throne, there was suffering.

No matter how hard she tried, it was difficult to stop the decline of Britain.

The hopes of the country and the people are all pinned on her, but the result is betrayal.

The battle of Kamran Hill became a pain point in her life.

And she failed to protect the country during her lifetime, and she still failed to fulfill her wish after she died as a heroic spirit.

The blow of reality made her begin to deny herself.


"This kind of crawling on the brink of depravity is more exciting than usual."

Bai Chen's brown eyes stared at the girl who was shouting at him, and the corners of his mouth outlined a happy smile.

Spirit of Time: "Mr. Bai Chen's thoughts are very dangerous! 35

Little White Cat: "There is a little problem."

Railgun: "It's not a problem, it's a problem! He's exactly the kind of person who bases his pleasure on the pain of others!"

Halfway through speaking, he only appeared when he was about to be beaten to death by Accelerator and doubted his life.

Although Misaka Mikoto didn't notice that it was her own problem at that time, but... it's right to throw the blame!

Little Spider: "Huh? Does the boss have the taste of Evil Fall and Blacken again!!!"

Little Spider: "If that's the case, how about adding a Furui control?"

Little Spider: "Even if it's a spider, it's fine!"

The big bones boiled into soup: "The topic is getting more and more crooked! Isn't it the Holy Grail War now?

Luo Abao: "You have to get used to it, but I also think Bai Chen is very problematic. 99

Bai Chen: "I saw it.""

Bai Chen: "I also recorded all the people who said bad things about me in a small notebook.

back to reality.

Bai Chen looked at Sakura suspiciously.

"Do I really have a problem?


Sakura shook her head.

"That's good.

Becoming a Demon Lord is not what he wants, but a loving Demon Lord is his bottom line.

Looking at the young man's profile, Sakura only thought to herself, "Even if there is a problem with my brother, I will always be with you"


And Artoria below, also noticed Bai Chen's overlooking eyes.

The look as if she was browsing the merchandise made her even more angry.

Thinking of Irisviel's "death" again, Saber's thoughts boiled with uncontrollable anger.

Rather than being tortured and killed in humiliation, it is better to fight back against the enemy with one's life.

Feel the magic in your body silently.

If he can concentrate all the remaining power in his body, he might be able to squeeze out the magic power to activate the last Noble Phantasm.

But if an attack is launched at this moment, the Holy Grail is bound to be ruined.

What's more, just like this, he may not be able to defeat the Demon King.

After all, there was a fact of blocking the Noble Phantasm.

"What should I do!

Artoria was caught in a dilemma.

But at this moment, she received an order from Emiya Kiritsugu with a Command Spell.

The deep words shook Artoria's body from the soul.

The huge magic power was completely stimulated.

Because it's a Command Spell.

She makes a decision.

As long as the Demon King can be defeated, no matter what means, even if the body dies.

"Destroy the Holy Grail and kill the Servant who fused with the black mud.


Arturia, who understood the meaning of this sentence, suddenly went blank.

However, before she could think about it, her body moved on her own.

A golden glow rolled up in the area against the firelight.

The holy sword in the lake bestowed by the elf woven a dazzling beam of light, completely ignoring the consciousness of the sword bearer, and posing for the release of the Noble Phantasm.

His hands crossed the top of his head, the magic power in his body was squeezed frantically, and he spared no effort to instill it into the holy sword, making it more dazzling than before.

"What...what's the matter! What are you trying to do!?"

Artoria asked in a panic.

But no response at all.

Sensing the rising magic power of the holy sword, Artoria tried her best to stop it.

As Saber, she has the highest magic resistance.

But even so, the binding force of the Command Spell is still too huge to support.

The slender body seemed to be able to exercise at any time, and this unimaginable pain burned her nerves, reminding her of the scene during the Battle of Kamran.

She raised her head and faced the direction where Emiya Kiritsugu was.

"Why! It's you!"

As his Servant, Artoria knew that Emiya Kiritsugu longed for the Holy Grail.

But now, why?!

"Come on, stop me! Are you going to take my Holy Grail?!!!

The girl let out a roar with all her strength.

However, there were two more Command Spells waiting for her.

The three Command Spells are fully functional, and any Servant is absolutely unable to resist.

"stop it!!!"

The forcibly controlled body swung down uncontrollably.

The torrent from the holy sword lit up the field of vision like a shooting star.

Pride and hope vanished in an instant, and Artoria screamed with tears in her eyes.

The light roared 500 and rushed towards the Holy Grail and the Servant who had never appeared.

But Artoria closed her eyes and did not dare to face this scene.

The Holy Grail is destroyed, and her battle is over.

If that's the case, why do you still have to witness the tragic scene with your own hands?

Lonely figures gradually turned into particles.

She will disappear from this world like the other Servants who leave the stage.

But at this time.

Artoria heard a voice from far and near, and a sound like a conversation with someone.

"Gorgon, pour black mud on her, yes, pour it hard, but don't let her go back to the Throne of Heroes. 35

The speaker was naturally Bai Chen.

Emiya Kiritsugu's idea of ​​ordering Arturia to destroy the Holy Grail had long been expected.

Therefore, after Saber made his move, he immediately blocked in front of the torrent of stars, and used the Holy Spear of Twilight to deflect the flight path of the beam of light, causing her to be deflected into the air.

At the same time, when he saw Artoria disappear, he also asked Gorgon, who was devouring magic power, to give Saber a little black mud and give her flesh, so that even if she lost her magic power, she could still stay in the real world.

next second.

Artoria only felt a burning pain from her body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw only the smiling Demon King.

Then, consciousness completely fell into darkness.

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