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2 hundred and 13th chapter dumb hair transformation

Chapter 213

In the face of far worse influence than the previous three times, the Magic Association and the Church of Sanctuary began to argue.

"What a plane! What is the Holy Grail War in the 20th century! Now it's like this, you should be responsible! It's the people of your Eighth Path Secret Society who are in charge of supervising! Now supervise a ghost! Give it to me Be responsible!""

In the face of the Magic Association's blame, the Church of the Holy Church is naturally impossible to follow.

He pointed back at the Magic Association's nose and scolded: "What's wrong with me supervising? But isn't your group of magicians who participated in the Holy Grail War? If it wasn't for you, how many bad things could have happened?"

This is indeed the case.

Except for Kotomine Kirei who was a member of the Church of the Holy Church, everyone else was a famous magician.

Secretly, the Magic Association and the Holy Church are dissatisfied with each other, but even if they have been grumbling for a long time, in the current environment, it is impossible to start a large-scale war.

However, it is necessary to gossip and fight with small-scale secrets.

This time, in the funeral of Fuyuki City, they need to wipe their ass together.

all in all.

The Fourth Holy Grail War is over.

The Holy Grail was exchanged for points by Bai Chen, and the Tosaka family 687, which was originally a pretty good family, also began to decline because of Tosaka Tokiomi's death, Kotomine Kirei was assassinated by Emiya Kiritsugu, the priest of the church church and Tohsaka Tokiomi His body was found together, Emiya Kiritsugu disappeared, and Kenneth and Weber also returned to the Clock Tower one after another.

Finally, in the records of the Church of the Church and the Magic Society.

A demon king invaded this Holy Grail War, and while eliminating all the Servants, he took away the Great Holy Grail.

This record has been sealed and is a top secret record that only a few high-level officials can view.

After returning to the hotel.

Bai Chen threw the unconscious Artoria on the sofa.

"Brother, what's the matter with her now?"

Turning off the group live broadcast, Sakura was a little curious about Saber in front of her, and a little worried.

At the last moment, the crazy Artoria was terrifying, but now Bai Chen has brought her back.

If you wake up, will you go berserk again?

"Blinded by ideals, driving herself crazy, and adding fuel to it, she is who she is now."

Bai Chen stared at Saber's face, unchanged from before.

But he (ahdc) knows it too.

After Blacken, Arturia has not changed in any other respects except that her character has become cold.

"oh oh."

Sakura nodded knowingly.

For the lofty ideals of the King of Knights, she is completely incomprehensible as a girl of just a few years old.

However, children's minds are always delicate.

Although his face looked cold when he fell asleep, he still felt less tense than before.


Between the words, the figure on the sofa babbled.

The comatose Arturia woke up leisurely and opened her orange-yellow pupils.

Before, she was emerald green.

The first thing that happened after waking up was sitting up from the sofa, looking around with vigilant and dangerous eyes, and after scanning Gorgon, it finally landed on Bai Chen.

The eyes of the dragon seed showed a dangerous color.

"You are... the enemy."

The memory before Blacken is still preserved, and the biggest change after Blacken is only character.

The cold eyes like a snake and scorpion will never exist in Artoria, who has strictly adhered to the bottom line.

She struggled to stand up, holding her jacket in her left hand, while her right hand was surrounded by black magic, holding the sword of victory that had been eroded into black and red.

The original holy sword has also become a magic sword.

In theory, Arturia Alter, who is no longer merciful to the enemy, is stronger than before Blacken.

"Do you still want to fight?"

Bai Chen was not surprised by Arturia's move.

However, there was no worry on his face, and he still had a relaxed smile on his face.

"The Holy Grail War is over.


Hearing this, Artoria's eyes narrowed, and the raised blade dropped slightly.

As a Servant who received flesh, she could no longer perceive the aura of the Great Holy Grail.


The Holy Grail War is over.

"Is it still blocked at the last minute? Although I had the intention to stick to the Holy Grail, I still failed because of my obsession.

Mumbling sighs, as if in remembrance, as if criticizing the past self.

"The Holy Grail has been polluted. Even if you get the Holy Grail and make a wish to resurrect Britain, it will not be possible. You know this best."

Bai Chen opened the wine and said.

"Now you should understand the most."

The normal Holy Grail is just an all-purpose wishing machine, and it is impossible to pollute the soul of the Servant.

Arturia was indeed aware of this.

"Do you still want to fight? But say it beforehand, even if Blacken is three times stronger, you won't be able to beat me.


Although her emotions were no longer as easily excited as before, after hearing Bai Chen's words, Arturia still had a tyrannical impulse in her heart.


He was right.

You can't beat the Demon King yourself.

However, her wish can only be fulfilled by the Holy Grail.

To this end, even if it is to die in battle.

And Bai Chen sighed as if feeling helpless when he saw Arturia's rekindled fighting spirit and indomitable spirit.

Even if Arturia had never fallen into the evil way even once in her lifetime, in her heart, confusion and entanglement, dissatisfaction with herself and sighs about the world still exist.

Blacken's posture is due to the erosion of the curse that surfaced these feelings, turning her mind around.

But the purpose, the ideal itself, has not changed.

It's just that the usual Artorias purify themselves for the sake of ideals, while Artorias of Blacken thinks that to achieve ideals, even violence is a feasible means.

In other words, in order to achieve the goal, the Saber after the reversal will do whatever it takes.

If the Holy Grail is gone, create another one.

She will still participate in the Holy Grail War in the future.

Gorgon looked on with a smile.

You see, pick up a big trouble.

She knew that Bai Chen wouldn't do anything to Artoria, otherwise, Saber wouldn't have been polluted with black mud.

However, just when Bai Chen was thinking about how to train Altria Alter.

The girl in front of her, her body suddenly swayed, the magic sword disappeared, and the whole person fell forward in his arms.

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