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Chapter 245 spider super evolution

Chapter 245

As time goes by, Bai Chen, who has attracted the attention of the mysterious side of the world, has once again caused an uproar in what he did in the island country this time.

The first is the human country, which has been ruled by the god of disobedience for many years. It can be said that it is a real human rape.

In addition, Bai Chen defeated the two gods successively, and became the fastest achievement in the history of defeating gods.

As soon as this news comes out.

Let all the magic guilds be shaken.

This god-killer who was born not long ago has actually grown to such a terrifying level, it is simply abnormal to the extreme.

Some people believe it, and some people doubt it.

After all, hearing is false, seeing is believing.

The god of disobedience is already an existence that mortals need to look up to in their entire lives.

If not stopped, even just one can turn the earth upside down.

"Nine Eight Three" is more convincing that Bai Chen and Luo Hao teamed up to defeat the two gods of disobedience.

As for the island country, it is still rumored that King Bai Chen's method of killing the God of Disobedience is not a fierce battle, but when it is only a few minutes of crushing, it is even more nonsense and outrageous to the limit.


Only the magicians of the island country know that these outrageous rumors are the truest truth.

In any case, the new king has replaced Susanoo as their new master.

When both true and false rumors were circulating, Bai Chen never paid attention to the rumors from the outside world.

After completing the purpose of this trip, he also decided to rest for a while, combine work and rest, and relax.

Chat group.

Little Spider: "Ola Ora Ora Ora! Three times the speed of Ora! 35

As soon as Bai Chen entered the group, he saw that the live broadcast room was opening.

The initiator is the spider.

With curiosity, Bai Chen opened the live broadcast room.

The picture in front of him flashed, and the picture that appeared in the live broadcast room was no longer dark and dark, but red, like a scene of magma everywhere after a volcanic eruption.

In the picture, while shouting his own lines, the spider exudes full of fighting spirit, fighting with several monsters that can survive in the magma.

The monster is shaped like a long snake, and it looks like a dragon with degenerated limbs, and its body is covered with hard scales.

The spider spit out a few venoms, but even the scales are difficult to corrode.

But the magma spewed from the mouth of the beast can burn the spider to the brim, and it is possible to die in a sea of ​​fire if it is not careful.

In addition, there are three monsters cross-attacking, if not the spider's agility is even better, I am afraid that it has become a roasted spider.

Luo Abao: "@Little Spider, Spider Zi, hurry up, cut it down three ways!"

Little Spider: "Hey, what a bad idea elsewhere! How can this group of monsters have the next three ways to cut it for my mother? 35

She was able to dodge the pillar of fire that fell on her head, and ran around while clutching her red buttocks, looking very embarrassed.

And the reason why she fought so hard was because she was about to level up.

Bai Chen's battle infected the spider, making her hope that one day she can become stronger, get rid of this hard life, and become a master like a boss.

The road to upgrade is far away.

I wanted to drag and fight the spiders one by one, but I didn't expect the failure to attract the monsters, and all of a sudden it attracted the whole family.

Butterfly Ninja: "No matter what time it is, Miss Spider child is still so small compared to the enemy. 35

Little white cat: "In nature, body size is one of the important indicators to determine strength.

Little Spider: "Please stop talking nonsense, please give some useful advice! 35

The Spirit of Time: "Water?"

Little Spider: "No way! I didn't learn this skill when I leveled up!"

Before, in order to stand out from the crowd, the spiders always used strange-sounding skills when leveling up.

Now, she suddenly regretted that she didn't choose some skills that seemed to be very useful.

Bai Chen: "Are you going to upgrade?"

Little Spider: "The big guy has appeared! Jianghu emergency, give me some advice!"

Bai Chen: "Look at their blue bars with your appraisal skills, wait until the blue bars are empty and you'll be able to use them."

And this kind of operation?

Spider Zi quickly used the identification skills on the family of three, and sure enough, there was a very inconspicuous blue bar under the blood bar.

But it's not full, about a third of it is left.

Bai Chen: "They should also have a recovery skill, so pay attention to making up the knife and don't be overshadowed. 35

as predicted.

After the spiders used up their mana, these monsters sprang out of the magma.

They are not the opponents of the spiders on land, so they were quickly defeated by the transformed spiders. Because she listened to Bai Chen's warning, she did not forget to make up for 0......

After killing the last low-ranking fire dragon, the upgrade prompt came as promised.

Little Spider: "Okay! Boss, it's the upgrade of Death Scythe, right?"

Bai Chen: "Yes, don't choose the wrong one, or you won't be able to return to human form in the future."

Little Spider: "Received! 99

Little Spider: "Big brother loves you, so I went to find a place to upgrade. 39

Speaking of which, Spider Zi couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

Every time it evolves, it will definitely fall into a deep sleep, and I don't know which setting will cause such trouble.

In this way, there is no temporary evolution at all, and then the plot of the Jedi counter-killing!

Spiderzi, who has the memory of a house girl, quite likes this kind of royal plot.

Later, Spider Zi routinely found a safe place to upgrade, and the live broadcast was still open, which could also prevent accidents.

Moreover, there might be another rich woman who took a fancy to him and rewarded him with three or five thousand points.


After the noisy live broadcast, the group members were still chatting about spiders.

Everyone is a group member who helps each other and loves each other, so I am looking forward to the day when the spider will evolve into a human form.

The queen who wants to be in love: "@Bai Chen, are things over there?

Bai Chen: "Almost, my subordinates are very capable, and I was the boss of the whole process.

Butterfly Ninja: "I'm envious. 99

The Spirit of Time: "According to the usual practice, Lord Bai Chen has also taken the entire island country into his pocket this time, which is another great harvest.

3.2 Little White Cat: "A whole country! 39

The big bones boiled into soup: "By the way, is that also an island country?"

Butterfly Ninja: "There is always a very subtle feeling that I have become Mr. Bai Chen's courtier."

The Spirit of Time: "Ah, since that's the case, does Mr. Bai Chen want to take a concubine next?"

The Spirit of Time: "I'm joking~~~"

Brunette Loli: "I'm going to be the big brother's first concubine!"

Butterfly Ninja: "Sakura, children can't say such things. 35

The Spirit of Time: "Speaking of which, why haven't you seen Misaka-san these days?

Little White Cat: "Busy with your studies?

Brunette Loli: "Can't afford family expenses, can only go out to work and earn money to support the family?"

The Spirit of Time: "@Railgun, Misaka-san, take a bubble?

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