Chapter 247

Originally, she was a firm materialist, just like Shokuhou Misaki.

It is natural to develop superpowers by instilling drugs, electric shocks, or listening to a certain frequency with headphones.

If you think about it the other way around, magic is also genuine and natural.

After hearing her theory, Shokuhou Misaki opened his eyes wide.

She never expected that the third person in the dignified Academy City would actually say such a thing.

"What a good man you are, and willing to believe what I say! 35

Index was quite happy.

Originally, it was like a cat that was in a down mood and shrugged its tail, but now it's almost waving its tail.

"And you are willing to give me food! You must be the savior sent by God!


Misaka Mikoto was a little ashamed of being praised.

She scratched her cheek, not knowing how to respond.

"I'm still more inclined to my ideas."

Shokuhou Misaki, who failed to join the chat group to shatter the worldview, strengthens himself.

"I'm more inclined that this girl is either lying, or is stimulated by something, has a cognitive error, or is just a middle schooler. Isn't cosplay very popular recently? 35

Seeing Shokuhou Caoqi's suspicious expression, Index put down the tableware and drumsticks, as if to show her identity, and made a confident declaration.

"Humph! They are not only magicians, but also a library of 13,000 magic books that have taboos! I also have another nickname, the "Forbidden Art Catalog"! Isn't it amazing!

Index raised her chest confidently, her face full of pride.

"One hundred and three thousand volumes?"

"Magic book?"

The two women looked at each other.

Misaka Mikoto asked subconsciously, "Where is your magic book? You have the key to the library on you?"

Thirteen thousand copies is definitely a huge number.

No one can move around with a library-sized collection.


Index shook her head.

"All the magic books are sealed in my body々". "

Every word of the nun made people feel incomprehensible, and it felt like she was deliberately playing with her.

Misaka Mikoto looked around, there was no ghost guide book.

Index has been living in her house for the past two days, and Miss Misaka will report anything unusual to her as soon as possible.

Before she could ask, a sigh came from the side.


Shokuhou, who had endured so far, finally lost his patience.

There is no magic in this world at all.

The magic name is just a gibberish code name.

Index may also be a pseudonym.

Even this kind of thing falling from the sky is just a coincidence.

After all, coincidences occur in this world every day, no matter how small the probability is, as long as it is not zero, it will definitely happen.

"I think it's better to send her to the hospital first.

"Isn't it weird to believe in superpowers and not in magic?

Index spoke in dissatisfaction.

"And is super power so amazing? Even if you have a little power that is different from ordinary people, you can't look down on others because of it! 99

"I don't look down on anyone.

Shokuhou Misaki's face turned serious.

Since Dolly died, she will never despise anyone again.

"Since you said that you are a magician, let's unleash magic and see?"5


Hearing the words, the expression on Index's face suddenly froze.

"You said there are 103,000 magic books, and you claim to be a magician, so any fireball technique is easy, right?

Practice the truth.

Shokuhou Misaki stared at Index.

"As long as you can prove it, I am willing to believe you.


Index was silent for half a second, then shook her head.

"No, I don't have magic power, so I can't use magic?"

"A person who claims to be a magician, but has no magic power? Is the current magic side all such casual people?

Misaka Mikoto just thought it was outrageous, she opened the door outrageously, and it was outrageous to come home.

This is as funny as someone who says he is a superpower, but can't use superpowers.

She swears, the last time she was so speechless was the last time.

"It really is a fake magical girl.

Shokuhou Misaki rolled his eyes.


Misaka Mikoto was also in trouble.

If she can't prove it, she is also a little suspicious.

"I...I'm not a fake magical girl! Magic does exist!

Index angrily defended.

"Since you want people to believe it, then prove it to others. If it is super power, do you think you can disguise it in front of the two V5s of Academy City?"

Shokuhou Caoqi hugged his arms and didn't know how to back down.

She prayed to the gods, but no miracle happened.

"I have no magic power!""

"Then you will prove it! 35

The restaurant is caught in a cycle of quarrels between the two.

The last work on the side opened his eyes wide, seeing such a thing for the first time.

Misaka Mikoto is also one of the first two, and I don't know how to end it.

At this moment, she found that there was someone in the chat group at Aite herself.


Go and ask "`"Artifact Bai Chen" isn't it good?

The Spirit of Time: "Misaka-san, are you taking a bubble?"

Looking up the chat log, I found that Bai Chen was indeed there, and immediately sent a message.

Super Electromagnetic Cannon: "Big Brother, Jianghu emergency!"

Bai Chen: "Accelerator has been discharged from the hospital? Or was he removed from the computer accessories by the perverted Heizi?"

If it is the latter, he is quite willing to wait first.

Railgun: "What the hell? Accelerator is still in a sanatorium, what is a sunspot? 35

Bai Chen: "Oh, the elementary school girl who will go to the same school as you in the future, she admires you very much, be careful."

Railgun: "What do you need to be careful about? Forget it, let's leave it alone! Two nights ago, I followed your suggestion and went around the seminary area. I couldn't get the magic item, but I picked it up. A strange nun has arrived!"

Afterwards, Misaka Mikoto secretly used the chat group to take a picture and uploaded it to the group.

Railgun: "Picture.jpg.

Railgun: "Boss, do you think she looks like a magician? Why do I feel like a liar?"

Bai Chen: "You don't even want to call "you".35

The Spirit of Time: "Wait a second, are all those plates eaten by this nun?""

Butterfly forbearance: "It's so delicious, I, my sister and Chanel, I can't eat that much.

Little White Cat: "I envy the physique that won't get fat."

Brunette Loli: "Is this feeding... cute, chubby and hairless fox?""

Railgun: "Just say pigs, because I think so too.

Chatting in the group.

Having said that, the real Bai Chen smiled.

As he had anticipated, the future had changed.

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