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Chapter 260 this angel is not serious

Chapter 260

Just looking at the kissing scene in front of them made them blushed.

"This...what the hell is this?

Misaka Mikoto opened her mouth, but even if she had a thousand words, it could only be turned into a question.

"Is he the rescuer you invited?"

Shokuhou Caoqi complained for fear of missing every frame of attention.

At this moment, Index made a sound that was not known whether it was pain or other feelings.

Rao is illiterate like a god split fire, and his face can't help but become strange.

Although there was indeed a record of transmitting magic power or magic through mouth-to-mouth methods in history, and some religious religions regarded this as a teaching, but when she found that Index's face was full of red, I can't help but think that this angel should be doing something wrong in the name of healing?

The idea of ​​"017" was just born, and she was quickly suppressed by her.

Bai Chen is a real sage prophet, a messenger of God, how could he have such a worldly mind?

What's more, Index is still a child.

In terms of figure, she is often called "a saint exposed to the front line of battle" by others.

Just as Kanzaki Kaori was thinking wildly and biting his cherry lips tightly.

Index's body also undergoes an unknown change.

Part of the spiritual power of "Spirit Crystal - Severe" was transferred into her body.

And just as Bai Chen thought, the automatic secretary did not start automatically, countering the "foreign body" that entered Index's body.

There are two reasons for this.

First, the "automatic book" is a rigid program set by humans. It will be automatically activated when Index is attacked, or when the knowledge in the rune or brain is threatened by the outside world.

But Bai Chen's transitional spiritual power didn't hurt her.

Second, "Spirit Crystallization-Severe" is one of the systems of the Kabbalah system. Although the world is different, under the condition that the teachings and belief in gods are all Gods, they can naturally fit perfectly with Index.

After a long time, Bai Chen hugged the silver-haired nun with blurry eyes.

There was no embarrassment on his face.

It's like doing a normal little thing.

On the other hand, Index's footsteps were vain, as if she had run a whole marathon, and she was dripping with sweat.

Just looking at Bai Chen's eyes became more and more respectful.

She clearly felt the warm power inside her body.

This is God-given.

For believers, it is the most precious treasure in the world.

Noticing the twinkling eyes of the little nun, Bai Chen understood why some churches were so easy to attack children.

Just showing a little miracle can make believers worship themselves with all their hearts.

If he releases Ba Hui at this time and lets the will of the God of the Bible flow out, I am afraid that she will be able to do whatever she wants.

If it were replaced by a Lifan male protagonist, I am afraid that the virgins in the church would have been in trouble long ago.

But Bai Chen is naturally not that ghostly.

"Then... can I ask a little about the reason for this? 95

Misaka Mikoto has the feeling of being tauren.

But who the target is, she doesn't quite know.

"The strength just now can resist fatal wounds and heal, so the next thing you need to do is destroy the runes.

Bai Chen smiled.

This is his purpose.

In the battle, the male protagonist Shidou Wuhe was shot in the forehead by a sniper gun and did not die, that is, he was "severely" protected.

Now, it's just destroying a rune, and it can be completely saved.

"So you mean? 35

Misaka Mikoto vaguely guessed the ending.

"The rune is artificially engraved on it, and the strange symbol can be regarded as a ritual to activate magic. As long as it is destroyed from the physical level, it will not take effect.

This is the forbidden setting.

In this world, magic has another name for "superpowers that can be learned even by those without talent".

This also means that no matter who it is, as long as he can correctly set up the ritual array, he can activate the magic.

"Physical destruction?"

Kanzaki Kaori was a little confused.

"Well, just destroy the automatic clerk while it's not paying attention.""

Bai Chen spoke.

Then, he asked Index to take off and move the church.

Although this costume does not cover the whole body, the constructed technique is defenseless.

Bai Chen is confident that he can break it, but in that case, he will also lose the time to destroy the automatic secretary.

After that, Index and Misaka Mikoto walked to the next room and replaced the mobile church.

"Is it really possible?"

Miss Cannon hesitated.

She knew what Bai Chen was going to do, but, in her opinion, it was a great risk.

"I don't do anything I'm not sure about.

After all, the automatic clerk is just a program.

And in the later stage of the magic ban, the cracking of this thing is simpler than it is now.

Just read a magic book that was temporarily written, and the structure of the ceremony was cracked, and the whole process was painless.

"are you ready?"

Bai Chen smiled and looked at the nun who mustered up his courage.

"Get ready, God..."

In the next second, the hand knife that surpassed the speed of sound cut off her throat, and the automatic secretary was killed before he could react.

Index fell to the ground bleeding, but the spiritual power contained in her body quickly applied to her whole body, pulling her back from the gate of hell in the blink of an eye.

Apart from blood on the base of the neck, there were no wounds.


Bai Chen clapped his hands under the astonished gaze of the girls.

After a while, they were still silent.

At that moment just now, Kanzaki Kaori almost wanted to make a move, but he restrained it abruptly.

"You should give some time to prepare.

Misaka Mikoto complained.

"It's too scary."

"Sometimes it's better for men to hurry up."

Bai Chen smiled.


Shokuhou Misaki's face turned slightly red when he understood this sentence.

This Lord Angel, it seems that it is really a bit indecent 3.3.

After speaking, Bai Chen looked at Index again.

Although his speed was very fast, he still felt the omen of the automatic clerk's activation just now.

But as he wishes.

"Take her down and rest, and you'll be fine when you wake up."

Kanzaki Kaori nodded, picked up the nun obediently, and followed Miss Misaka into the bathroom first, preparing to wash off the blood on Index.

After the commission is over, there are still 24 hours of stay time left.

"Mikoto, be my tour guide next.


Although very tired, but finally solved a big trouble.

Otherwise, she might have been beaten by Kanzaki Kaori and lay in the ICU now.

"Lord Angel...please wait a moment."

At this time, Shokuhou, who finally waited until the incident was over, hurriedly stopped Bai Chen.

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